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Bride of Re-Animator


  • R-Rated
  • Unrated
Release: Nov 14, 2009 - Author: Scat - Translator: Zuernling - external link: IMDB
A comparison between the R-rated and the unrated version. Both are on the US DVD by Pioneer

The sequel of the classic RE-ANIMATOR was also released in an R-rated and an unrated version. In contrast to the first one, this time each different version doesn't contain different scenes. Instead, they used more harmless shots in order to get the R-rating. The runtime is the same.

2 scenes will not be mentioned in this article: First, there is a black screen that lasts longer in one version, then there are a few single frames missing in the unrated version due to a reel change.
The shot of the wounded soldier's chest, whom Herbert and Dan take care of, lasts a little longer at the beginning and end in the unrated version. The R-rated version shows some additional single frames from the shot before and after instead.
no time difference


The leg stumps can be seen more clearly in the unrated version. The R-rated version uses more harmless shots.
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The resuscitated policeman threatens to kill Dan. Herbert chops the policeman's arm off. You can see more explicit details in the unrated version. In the R-rated version, there is, among others, an alternative shot of Herbert, which is longer than the shot of the arm stump in the unrated version. Thus, the following shot of the policeman appears later in the R-rated version, but is shorter at the end, e.g. less explicit, so both versions run synchronous again.
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Herbert opens up the patient's chest. This is shown a little longer in the unrated version. In the R-rated version, the following shot of Dan starts earlier instead.
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Again, the open chest can be seen a while longer, while in the R-rated version the following shot starts earlier.
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The policeman's arm stump can be seen a while longer in the unrated version. The R-rated version again uses alternative, more harmless shots.
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The shot of the bride reaching inside her chest is longer in the unrated version. In the R-rated version, there is a shot of Dan instead and the following shot of Francesca starts earlier.
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When the bride takes out her heart there's a little bit of everything in each version: alternative, shortened and delayed shots.
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Herbert tries to get the undead with the machete, but he stops his attack with his bare hands. The shot of the undead's screaming and his bleeding hands is bloodier in the unrated version. The last shot, in which the undead falls off the table, is shown from different angles in each version. The R-rated version hides the events with a tipped over table.
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Herbert grabbing his bag is shown in different shots in each version. In the R-rated version, there is an additional shot of Herbert, while in the unrated version you can see the decaying bride.
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Cain tearing the bride's ripped off hand off his throat is shown in slightly different shots in each version. The following shot cuts earlier to the still decaying bride in the unrated version and also later to Herbert West.
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Again, the bride is shown for a while longer. And West saying "Tissue-Rejection" is shown in different shots.
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In the unrated version, more details of the decaying bride are shown, while there are more harmless shots in the R-rated version.
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Once again, there are more harmless shots in the R-rated version and also some new cuts.
no time difference
