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Uncut Blu-Ray Box including part I + II


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The Last Starfighter


National Lampoon's Vacation

Nymphomaniac: Volume I


  • Theatrical Version
  • Director's Cut
Release: Nov 23, 2014 - Author: Bob - Translator: DaxRider123 - external link: IMDB


Even though Lars von Trier loves to polarize, rather seems to make enemies than friends, often gives the impression to be an oddball, and many movie fans and critics are unable to get into many of his movies, he is still a unique director who makes movies that others would not even think about or dare to make. Again and again he is able to reel in a great cast. All of these qualities make him an important addition for the movie business.

Nymph()maniac is probably his most ambitious project to date. Over the course of two movies and with a runtime of 5.5 hours Joe (played by Charlotte Gainsbourg) tells a man who is tied to a bed (Stellan Skarsgård) of her destructive life as a nymphomaniac.

Long before the movie was released it was already creating quite a few controversies, especially since Lars von Trier announced that he would create real sex scenes and even thought about releasing a Hardcore and a Softcore Version of the movie (News). Using several digital tricks, the stars would - at least partially - be replaced by body doubles. The Softcore Version eventually never saw the light of day, even though the Theatrical Version is more harmless than the Director's Cut. In return, there were news of serious cuts in order to reduce the runtime of 5.5 hours to a more bearable length for movie audiences. This was an additional decision to the choice to split the movie up into Nymph()maniac I and Nymph()maniac II which were released successively. Temporarily it was unclear whether or not the studios would even release the Director's Cut. However, all went well in the end - at least for home theatres. Both versions were released on Blu-Ray and DVD much quicker than expected.

The shorter versions were not cut by Lars von Trier but instead by one of the producers. Von Trier put up with it and accepted the fact that his version was simply too much for the mass audiences. This is especially the case for part two which has a runtime of roughly three hours. Accepting the studios choices additionally secured that he would have future financers for his visions. Nymph()maniac allegeldy cost 11 million euros!

As usual for such complex movies it is not easy to create reports about the cuts. Since there are more than 100 differences for part 1 (including alternative scenes and partially different dialogs), we figured that the most sensible way to tackle this project would be to split the movie up into chapters and then take a look at different aspects without splitting the report up into too many singular sequences even though cuts actually belong together. In order to ensure the best possible readability, each chapter will have a short introduction that tells you what it will take a look at. These introductions can be found in the gray boxes below. It also includes the entire difference in time for this chapter. The movie itself is also subdvided into 5 chapters.

The first movie's Director's Cut is 29 minutes longer than the Theatrical Version.

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0:00 - Prologue
Seligman finds the injured Joe in an alley and decides to take her home with him. She starts telling him her story.
Overall, the Director's Cut is 104s longer

There are some more sequences inside the alley. The scene emphasizes the surrounding sounds, for example drips of water.

After Seligman picked Joe up from the alley and took her home so that she could drink a cup of tea, we can see him handing her a pyjama. Additionally, he prepares a bed for her so she can have some rest. He offers her to wash her dirty jacket, however, she refuses this offer. Then he hands her the cupt of tea.

There is an additional shot of the fly fishing. Seligman philosophizes about the connection between fishing and picking up men a little longer.

9:42 - I. The Compleat Angler
Joe tells Seligman about her beginnings as a nymphomaniac. Allegedly she started realizing her penchants when she was two years old. We can see Joe as a young girl with her father (played by Christian Slater) who tells her about nature and trees.
Overall, the Director's Cut is 182s longer

Seligman is especially bothered about Joe using a naughty word for vagina when she speaks of herself as a child. Joe suggests using "Pandora's Box" instead, however, Seligman finds that even worse. Then he has some problems with accepting that anyone would find out to be a nymphomaniac at the age of two. He says that children are still innocent and not sinners, as Joe assumes. Seligman says that even a fetus touches its genitalia from time to time, however, this – in his opinion – has nothing to do with sinning. He knows of no religion that assumes this to be a sin.

Joe says it might be a sin that no religion had found out about, yet, or for a God that had not yet revealed himself to the people.

Young Joe reads in one of her father's books about female genitalia.

Her father – who had previously proudly watched her – suddendly closes the book when she leaves the room.

During one of her many excursions through the woods he tells Joe more about the nice and steady ash and also tells her about Odin who was hanging from an ash for nine days in order to get some insights.

Then they put some leaves in a book so that they will dry. Additionally he tells her a few more child stories about trees and animals in the woods.

Then follows a leap in time to her teenage years when she runs into Jerôme.

Inside Jerômes room, Joe turns a calender that shows the image of a naked woman around before he is supposed to deflorate her.

21:23 – Inside the Train / Religion
Joe and her friend B. Take the train and make a bet who will have the most sex partners.
Overall, the Director's Cut is 328s longer

Joe asks B. which way in her opinion would be the best to contact men so that they would have sex with her.

While Joe has not even picked up her first man, B. already approaches her second one.

Joe is shown longer having sex with her first man on the train.

Seligman philosophizes about the similarities between having sex on a train and flying fishing.

By now, B. is with her (at least) sixth man and now starts crying in order to get more men interested in her through pity. Joe sits opposite to her and when the man actually responds to the crying, she smiles, leaves the compartment and goes to the next one.

Joe's attempt to hit on a man by telling a sad story about her hamster is met with resistance.

The sex with one of the men is shown longer. We can see Joe's bored face.

During the ticket inspection Joe searches for her ticket a little longer, even though she knows that she does not have one.

Subsequently, Joe sits down in S.'s compartment. S. had previously already helped her out with tickets. While she tells this story, we can hear Seligman from off-screen making some comparisons to fishing again.

Young Joe adds that the man had a present with him and the old Joe continues to philosophize how she might talk him into having sex with her. The young Joe talks to him a little longer and asks him if he has childen. Once she gets to know that he and his wife try to have kids, she conjectures that the man was probably saving his sperm for weeks so that his wife might finally become pregnant.

The fellatio scene is a little more explicit in the Director's Cut and we can see sperm coming out of her mouth a little more visibly.

Once the scene is over, Seligman talks about the taste of sperm and how taste can bring back memories.

Joe realizes how bad she has been and that she never really cared for other people. Seligmand does not agree. She was still very young and since she had to smile every now and again while talking about the past events she obviously does not solely remember everything as something purely evil or bad. Joe says that she had already been like that. For example, back when she as a child and for example had a fever, she enjoyed the first symptoms like chills, even though she knew that the subsequent sickness will be unpleasant. This is shown within a flashback where her father takes care of her.

When looking for examples that would show that Joe's behavior is quite normal, he also talks about helicopters which actually tilt downwards when going up. Then he talks a little more about thermal. Planes want to fly. Joe is what she is and holding it back would be wrong.

When they talk about his Jewish name, he says that he is not religious (anymore). She asks him, why the people let religion's sentimentality live through the religion itself.

Before Joe starts talking about Jerôme, she says that the following events will not be full of self-reproaches. However, in the Director's Cut she tells Seligman that something good always happens before something really terrible follows.
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