Comparison between the censored R-Rated version and the uncensored Unrated version (both distributed by Anchor Bay).
Dead & Breakfast is a funny and gory horror comedy from 2004. ORiginally rated NC-17, a few cuts were made to receive the lucrative R-Rating for the theatrical run and later DVD release. However, an unrated version was also released at a later point which had the censorship cuts made undone. In the UK the BBFC gave the movie an 18 rating. R-Rated version = 87:35 Min. Unrated version = 87:52 Min. Cut duration = 12,3 Sek. 59:33 As the zombie's head is blown off (at least half of it) the R-Rated misses the end of the shot as well as the beginning of the next one.
0,8 Sek.
59:33 The following shot in which we see the damaged head (a part of hit dangles around at the back) is missing in the R-Rated. 0,7 Sek.
59:39 The end of a shot where the camera pans over the headless zombie is missing in the R-Rated. 1,6 Sek.
70:51 The shot from above in which we see the chainsaw sticking in David's neck is longer in the Unrated. 2,7 Sek.
70:57 A few shots of David getting up, twitching, are missing. The chainsaw still stucks in his neck, rattling. 6,5 Sek.
71:04 Ditto. He tries to pull the saw out. 5 Sek.