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Exorcist, The


  • US TV (CBS)
  • Theatrical Version
Release: Aug 23, 2021 - Author: brainbug1602 - Translator: Mike Lowrey - external link: IMDB

The Exorcist

While excavating in Iraq, priest Lankester Merrin finds a demon sculpture that serves as a harbinger of an impending encounter. Meanwhile, in Georgetown, single mom and actress Chris MacNeil lives with her 12-year-old daughter, Regan. Noises in the attic and her daughter talking to an imaginary friend by means of a Ouija unsettle Chris a bit. When Regan eventually has severe seizures, Chris decides to see a doctor, but the therapy has no effect on Regan. She seems to be possessed by a demon, whereupon Chris turns to Karras, a priest who has fallen away from the faith. Together with Merrin, he wants to perform an exorcism on Regan.

In 1973, William Friedkin shocked moviegoers worldwide with The Exorcist and gave the supernatural horror film a new revival. Based on the book of the same name, a demon drives into young Regan, who is then subjected to an exorcism by two priests. Numerous copies and copycats followed over the next few years (e.g. Beyond the Door, The Devil Obsession), but the original was never matched in intensity.

CBS version created by William Friedkin himself

On February 12, 1980, The Exorcist premiered on the US television network CBS. Despite the notice that the film contained extreme depictions not suitable for children, a censored version ran, focusing primarily on removing all swear words and obscene scenes either through cuts or a re-dubbing. Otherwise, the CBS version still contains a surprising amount of material that could unsettle the audience.

What makes the CBS broadcast special is that director William Friedkin created this version. Since he no longer wanted to work with Mercedes McCambridge, who voiced the possessed Regan in the theatrical version, he voiced the alternate sentences himself. Two exclusive alternate scenes are in the CBS version. When the priest discovers the desecrated statue of the Virgin Mary in the church, the CBS version shows an alternate shot in which the statue cries blood. Shortly after Merrin arrives, the CBS version shows a slightly different shot of Regan overlaid with the demon face.

Before and after the commercial breaks, the CBS version fades in The Exorcist.

The US TV version is especially interesting for fans of the film. Two brief shots are exclusive, otherwise the version is toned down in effect due to its censorship measures.


CBS broadcast: 144:35 min (including commercial breaks).
Theatrical version: 121:56 min.

The US TV version (CBS) was compared to the theatrical version.


The CBS version starts with the old Warner logo. The Blu-ray has a new one.

No time difference.


Burke's "Fucking" is missing from the soundtrack in the CBS version.

No time difference.


As Chris speaks through the microphone, she is seen longer. This removed her partial sentence "for God's sakes". Also, in the CBS version, the next sentence was brought forward.

Theatrical Version: 2 secs.


The "for God's sakes" was removed from the soundtrack in the CBS version. Instead, you can hear people cheering earlier.

No time difference.


Because of the commercial break, you see Karras longer in the theatrical version. In the next shot, Chris walks down the steps earlier.

Theatrical Version: 15 secs.


When Chris is on the phone, the CBS version removed her "Jesus Christ."

No time difference.


Two sentences of Chris were changed for the CBS version when she tries to reach her husband by phone.


Chris: "Oh, circuits, baloney! He just doesn't care."

Theatrical Version:

Chris: "Oh, circuits, my ass! He doesn't give a shit."

No time difference.


Shortly thereafter, some of Chris's swear words were again removed from the audio track of the CBS version. During this, Regan can be seen sitting down on her bed.


Chris: "What, do you take an illiteracy test to get that job. Don't tell me to be calm. I've been on this line for 20 minutes!"

Theatrical Version:

Chris: "What, do you take an illiteracy test to get that job, for chrissakes? Don't tell me to be calm, goddamn it! I've been on this fucking line for 20 minutes!"

No time difference.


When Chris is out in the attic and she bumps, her "Goddamn it" has been removed in the CBS version.

No time difference.


Chris is seen in the attic longer as she talks to Karl. It's a jump cut, but it's hardly noticeable. The "Jesus Christ" has been removed and her line "Karl, don't do that." moved to the front.

Theatrical Version: 2 sec.


The CBS version shows an alternate shot of the statue of the Virgin Mary weeping blood. In the theatrical version, she is instead pierced in three places. The priest here also cries "Oh, god."


Theatrical Version:

No time difference (3 secs each).


The theatrical version shows more scenes from the party. In between, a cut to Burke sitting on the sofa telling a man that there is a strange pubic hair in his drink.

Burke: "There seems to be an alien pubic hair in my drink."
Man: "I beg your pardon?"
Burke: "Never seen it before in my life. Have you?"

Theatrical Version: 23 secs.


Burke still calls the waiter a "Nazi bastard" in the theatrical version."

Theatrical Version: 2 secs.


Burke and the waiter are seen for a longer time. In the next shot, Burke is seen earlier. This has removed his insult "Cunting Hun." and brought forward the next phrase "Bloody, damned, butchering Nazi pig."

Theatrical Version: 2 secs.


As Burke leaves, he says "Fuck it." This was cut in the CBS version.

Theatrical Version: 1 sec.


The CBS broadcast is missing the shot of Regan peeing on the carpet.

Theatrical Version: 1 sec.


Karras' "Christ" was removed from the soundtrack in the CBS version.

No time difference


After Regan spits on the doctor, another shot follows in which she shouts, "You fucking bastard!"

Theatrical Version: 1 sec.


Due to the commercial break, the CBS broadcast is missing the end of the service.

Karras: "May the body of Christ bring me to everlasting life."

Afterwards, Chris is seen waiting earlier in the aisle.

Theatrical Version: 11 secs.


The CBS version is missing a cut to Regan yelling at Klein to fuck her. In another shot, she jerks her hips.

Regan: "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!

Theatrical Version: 5 secs.


In the CBS version, two sentences were altered by Chris.


Chris: "Oh, what are you talking about, for Pete's sake? Did you see her or not?! She's acting like she's freaking out of her mind!"

Theatrical Version:

Chris: "Oh, what are you talking about, for chrissakes? Did you see her or not?! She's acting like she's fucking out of her mind!"

No time difference.


As Taney suggests another treatment for Regan, Chris continues to turn to the side. "Christ!" she calls out.

Theatrical Version: 1 sec.


In the CBS version, the "Christian" is missing from the soundtrack when Chris says she doesn't even smoke weed.

No time difference.


While the theatrical version continues to show a black screen after Chris learns of Burke's death, the CBS version follows with the commercial break. After the commercial, "The Exorcist" fades in while the psychiatrist's dialogue can already be heard.

No time difference.


After Karras runs to the door, some more dialogue follows.

Kinderman: "I lied. You look like Sal Mineo."

Karras grins.

Theatrical Version: 7 secs.


As Chris talks to the doctors two sentences of hers were changed.


Chris: "You're sorry? Judas Priest. Eighty-eight doctors, and all you can tell me with all of your bonqad (?)"

Theatrical Version:

Chris: "You're sorry? Jesus Christ! Eighty-eight doctors, and all you can tell me with all of your bullshit is..."

No time difference.


Chris is seen longer as she asks about the alternative treatment method.

Chris: "For godsakes? What is it?"

Theatrical Version: 2 secs.


Because of the commercial break, the CBS version has a missing scene. Chris asks which man wants to see it, then a cut to Kinderman. The teacup can be seen earlier.

Chris: "What man?"

Theatrical Version: 6 secs.


As Chris runs upstairs, the "bitch" has been removed from the audio track in the CBS version.

No time difference.


Missing from the CBS version is how Regan rams the cross between her legs. The last sentence when Chris is seen was removed from the audio track.

Regan: "Let Jesus fuck you! Let Jesus fuck you! Let him fuck you!"

Theatrical Version: 3 secs.


In the theatrical version, Regan pushes Chris' head between her legs and tells her to lick her.

Regan: "Lick me! Lick me!

Theatrical Version: 7 sec.


Regan is seen with her head twisted for longer in the theatrical version.

Regan: "...your cunting daughter?"

Theatrical Version: 2 secs.


A sentence of Chris when she talks to Karras was changed.


Chris: "She's seen every bloody psychiatrist in the world, and they sent me to you."

Theatrical Version:

Chris: "She's seen every fucking psychiatrist in the world, and they sent me to you."

No time difference.


Again, a sentence was altered as Chris talks to Karras.


Chris: "Judas Priest, won't somebody help me?"

Theatrical Version:

Chris: "Jesus Christ, won't somebody help me?"

No time difference.


After the arrival of Merrin, a slightly different shot was used in which Regan's face connects with the demon. In the CBS version, the demon is much more visible.

No time difference.


As Merrin begins the blessing, he is berated by Regan in the theatrical version.

Regan: "Stick your cock up her ass you motherfucking worthless cocksucker."
Merrin: "Be silent!"

Theatrical Version: 4 secs.


During the exorcism, a sentence was changed by Regan.


Regan: "Your mother still rots in hell, Karras."

Theatrical Version:

Regan: "Your mother sucks cocks in hell, Karras, you faithless slime."

No time difference.


In the theatrical version, Merrin is seen for a longer time. She refers to Merrin as a bastard.

Merrin: "...pardon for all my sins..."
Regan: "Bastard!"

Theatrical Version: 2 secs.


An insult by Regan was toned down for the CBS version.


Regan: "Shut your face, you faggot."

Theatrical Version:

Regan: "Shove it up your ass, you faggot!"

No time difference.


In the theatrical version, Merrin is berated by Regan during the exorcism.

Regan: "Fuck him!"
Merrin: "Be gone..."
Regan: "Fuck him, Karras! Fuck him."
Merrin: "... From this creature of God."

Theatrical Version: 5 secs.


After Regan said that Karras' mother will never forgive him, the dialogue continues even further.

Karras: "Shut up!"
Regan: "Bastard."

Theatrical Version: 1 sec.


Due to the commercial break, the CBS version is missing how the camera continues towards Karras before he sits on the stairs with Merrin.

Theatrical Version: 6 secs.


When Karras lunges at Regan, his "You son of a bitch!" has been removed from the audio track of the CBS version.

No time difference.


When Regan is pushed to the ground by Karras, his exclamation of "Goddamn you" was removed in the CBS broadcast.

No time difference.


The second part of the credits was sped up in the CBS version.

CBS: 1:43 min.
Theatrical Version: 2:30 min.