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Spartacus: Blood and Sand

1.02 Sacramentum Gladiatorum


  • TV Version
  • Extended Blu-Ray
Release: Feb 11, 2011 - Author: Bob - Translator: DaxRider123 - external link: IMDB - more from this series
Spartacus: Blood and Sand is a successful series produced by the American Pay-TV channel Starz, which only since recently tries to get in competition with the channels HBO and Showtime by airing in-house productions. As usual for Pay-TV channels, Spartacus has no restricions concerning violence, sex or swear words - and the series really takes advantage of this freedom. No TV series have ever been bloodier or more bruta. Naked skin is another standard for Spartacus and often there are naked women standing around in a living room (talking about household improvements...). But there's also something for the ladies - not uncommonly do the gladiators show what they have to offer in the sauna.

While sex and violence were definitively a "bait" for the audience, the series (after initial problems during the first few episodes) really evolved in terms of a dramatic plot. This is especially because of the gread characters as well as actors and of course the literally diabolic intrigues.

Exclusively on Blu-ray 4 episodes of the first season were extended - some of the scenes still seemed to be too hot for TV. The changes for the second episode seem to be a little random, after all there are already a lot of penises shown in the TV Version. Especially in this sequence you see some at another point during the scene.

The second episode of Spartacus offers one alternative scene resulting in 6 additional seconds and one new scene that lasts for another 6 seconds.
The TV Version offers a short flashback

6:26 / 5:51
In the Extended Version they used alternative footage during the scene of the body care so that Cirxus' penis can be seen better.
TV: 11s | Extended: 17s

TV VersionExtended Version

6:41 / 6:13
And another one.