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Wolverine, The


  • Theatrical Version
  • Extended Cut
Release: Dec 06, 2013 - Author: Blade41 - Translator: Mr Miau - external link: IMDB
Even before The Wolverine went into production, there were thoughts about making two versions of the movie: As a PG-13 version and a harder R-Rated version. It was clear, however, that only the PG-13 version would be screened in cinemas because every studio, in this case 20th Century Fox, wants its big budget productions to make a lot of money in return. Luckily, there is still the home cinema market. Director James Mangold announced a harder cut for Blu-ray quite early and actually was able to create an Extended Cut, which will be compared to the Theatrical Version here.

And this longer version really is quite a lot more brutal and bloody than the original one, which already was quite explicit for its PG-13 rating. Digital blood was used quite often to make scenes harder, other scenes feature more action, blood and gore in general. The result should be on pretty much the way the fans want to see Wolverine on the big screen.

The additional action and violence are not the only alteration, of course. Wolverine's vocabulary is more explicit and there are more dialogs and plot scenes as well. In some scenes of the Extended Cut, the music had to be removed due to continuity reasons.

The movie itself can probably be seen as the weakes of the X-Men movies, which is not supposed to say that it is a bad one. The Extended Cut certainly does its part to improve it by a bit as well. The additions make the movie seem more even, but unfortunately the sometimes unnecessary humor (for example in the bar or the hotel) was not removed. Of course, it is also a pity that no cool new mutants were introduced, but we can all look forward to X-Men: Days of Future Past for that.

This is a comparison between the Theatrical Version and the Extended Cut, both by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.

There are 65 alterations:
* 27 additional scenes/shots in the Extended Version
* 9 additional scenes/shots in the Theatrical Version
* 10 scenes with alternative footage
* 3 scenes showing different image sections/ featuring a zoom effect
* 12 scenes with added digital blood
* 3 scenes with altered/removed score/dialog
* 1 digital alteration

The Extended Cut runs 721,889 seconds (=12:02 minutes) longer than the Theatrical Version.

Note: all underlined time designations refer to the Theatrical Version.

Thanks go to TCFHE for supplying us with the two versions
Different Image Section
3:12 minutes
When the Japanese soldier kills himself with the sword, the Extended Cut shows more at the bottom of the image so the sword can be seen entering the body.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Alternative Footage
5:58 minutes
There is a lot more blood on the sheet. The Extended Cut runs a few frames longer.
1,251 sec. / 1,127 sec.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Alternative Footage
6:00 minutes
Wolverine tries to stops Jean's bleeding. Again, more blood can be seen.
1,251 sec. / 1,209 sec.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional Scene/Shot in the Theatrical Version
10:04 minutes
The scene with Wolverine and the bear starts earlier.
0,125 sec.

Alternative Footage
10:05 minutes / 10:05 minutes
When Wolverine relieves the Grizzly of its suffering, the Extended Cut is a bit more explicit.
0,417 sec. / 1,377 sec.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional Scene/Shot in the Theatrical Version
10:08 minutes
Wolverine earlier in the Theatrical Version.
0,139 sec.

Alternative Footage
12:15 minutes / 12:17 minutes
The hand with the arrow can be seen, then the pain-distorted face of the hunter. The Theatrical Version shows more harmless material.
No difference in running time.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
17:20 minutes
Wolverine can be seen longer.
1,585 sec.

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
17:22 minutes
While Yukio sleeps, Wolverine remembers getting to know Yashida in Japan in the bunker.
Yashida: "Kuzuri. Kuzuri. Kuzuri."
Wolverine: "Kuzuri. What does that mean?"
Yashida: "Monster. No pain? You have no..."
Wolverine: "Oh, yeah. Pain. Plenty of pain."
Yashida: "How old are you?"
Wolverine: "It's been a long time. Many wars. Understand? Too many fuckin' wars."
57,307 sec.

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
19:29 minutes / 18:32 minutes
Yukio: "Don't let the lights fool you. These are dark days in Japan. Some believe when Master Yashida got sick a shadow fell upon us."
Wolverine: "Do you think he is God?"
Yukio: "No. A man. But a great one. After the war, he helped rebuild the nation..."
Yukio: "... and the family business became Japan's largest."
Wolverine: "Wow. Did they give you a little card to memorize?"
Yukio: "I owe Master Yashida my life. Don't be a dick."
33,199 sec. / 10,593 Sek

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
20:36 minutes
When Wolverine sits on the bank, one of the servants comes and takes his old shoes. Wolverine says that the other shoes are too small.
13,555 sec.

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
24:52 minutes
Yukio wants to give Wolverine a surgical mask.
Yashida: "Forget the etiquette. I'm past such precautions."
He raises himself up a little.
Yashida: "For many years I have wanted to thank you for saving my life."
Wolverine: "Yeah, well. You were kind to me. And you were kind to many people. I saw that even from that well."
29,238 sec.

Alternative Footage
25:21 minutes / 23:19 minutes
In the Extended Cut, Wolverine can be seen.
No difference in running time.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
28:35 minutes
Yashida can be seen a little longer.
0,250 minutes

Additional Scene/Shot in the Theatrical Version
26:34 minutes
Wolverine goes towards the door, Yukio follows him.
4,755 sec.

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
28:36 minutes
Shingen gets ready and takes a glass of alcohol.
Servant: "Lord Shingen, your father is asking for you."
Shingen: "It is time."
He takes a sip and puts the glass on a drawer. The servant helps Shingen to put on his jacket. Mariko enters: "I need to speak with my father before he speaks to Grandfather."
A servant blocks her way and says: "He'll talk to you later, Mariko."
Mariko: "Father! I need to see you now!"
Shingen: "Not now, Mariko!"
37,370 sec.

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
31:28 minutes
Wolverine looks around. Then a cut to Shingen. Viper opens the door to Yashida's room and lets Shingen enter.
Yashida: "Don't look so sad, Shingen. I'm still dying."
Viper: "I'll be in my office if you need me."
She leaves and Shingen sits down next to the sickbed.
Yashida: "There is no easy way to say this. But then, it's never been easy for us, has it?"
Shingen: "I have tried, father."
Yashida: "You've done the best you can."
One of the men in the background puts a recording device on the table.
Yashida: "You have always been my assumed successor. So the past few years, as a test, I allowed you more control."
Shingen: "It has been a honor."
Yashida: "And I now realize that was a mistake. You have brought this company close to ruin."
Shingen says something in Japanese.
Yashida: "When I die, someone else will take my place as chairman."
Shingen: "Father, I'm sorry if I have disappointed you..."
Yashida: "Let's not insult one another. You are not the man to lead, Yashida."
Shingen: "You cannot bring in someone from the outside."
Yashida: "In that, you are correct."
Shingen laughs incredulously: "That will never happen."
138,054 sec.

33:46 minutes
When Wolverine lies in bed, the background score was changed due to continuity reasons.
No difference in running time

(Picture for orientation purposes)

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
40:21 minutes
The Japanese deflects Wolverine's punch.
0,417 sec.

Alternative Footage
40:21 minutes / 35:28 minutes
In the Extended Cut, Wolverine rams his claws through the attackers chest while the Theatrical shows more harmless material.

0,834 sec. / 1,377 sec.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Alternative Footage
41:03 minutes / 36:10 minutes
Wolverine's claws penetrate the guy's leg. At least in the Extended Cut.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Digital Blood
41:04 minutes / 36:11 minutes
The long shot is a bit bloodier as well.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Different Image Section
41:06 minutes / 36:14 minutes
When the attackers flee into the house with Mariko, the Theatrical Version shows a zoomed-in picture, which hides a headshot that can now only be seen in the Extended.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
41:24 minutes
A man shoots his gun.
0,584 sec.

Digital Blood
41:24 minutes / 36:31 minutes
When the man gets hit, the Extened Cut shows a little blood.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional Scene/Shot in the Theatrical Version
36:33 minutes
Mariko and her kidnappers are walking down the hall longer.
0,542 sec.

Digital Blood
41:41 minutes / 36:48 minutes
Wolverine takes care of two of the kidnappers. The Extended Cut shows blood here.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Digital Blood
42:24 minutes / 37:31 minutes
Again blood in the Extended when Wolverine gets hit in the shoulder.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Digital Blood
42:24 minutes / 37:31 minutes
The same goes for the hit in the arm.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Digital Blood
42:26 minutes / 37:33 minutes
Of course, Wolverine does not just let this go and kills the shooter. Again, a little blood was added.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Digital Blood
42:26 minutes / 37:33 minutes
And once more more blood.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Digital Blood
42:32 minutes / 37:40 minutes
The shot of Wolverine's claws getting rammed into the man's wrist was also decorated with more blood.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Digital Blood
42:34 minutes / 37:41 minutes
And again more digital blood when Wolverine pulls his claws out of the guy's chest.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
42:43 minutes
More bashing for our hero.
2,002 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Theatrical Version
37:56 minutes
A close-up of Wolverine can be seen insignificantly longer in the Theatrical Version.
0,125 sec.

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
42:50 minutes
Wolverine can be seen again.
1,543 sec.

Alternative Footage
42:52 minutes / 37:56 minutes
In the Extended Cut, the guy is hit in the head (including blood) and not in the chest as in the Theatrical Version.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Digital Blood
42:53 minutes / 37:57 minutes
After the cut, the guy can be seen with the arrow in his head. When he falls over, a lot of blood is splattering around.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional scene/shot in the Extended Cut
44:17 minutes
The pursuit was prolonged. Harada shoots one of the pursuers with an arrow.
16,058 sec.

Alternative Footage
44:48 minutes / 39:37 minutes
In the Theatrical, the arrow hits the guy in the back. In the Unrated, it goes through his torso and a blood splatters.
No difference in running time

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Digital Blood
45:16 Minutes / 40:04 Minutes
More blood on the door.
No difference in time.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Digital Blood
45:19 Minutes / 40:07 Minutes
Again, there's more blood.
No difference in time.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
50:19 Minutes
Wolverine stabs the guy in the chest with his claws.
0.126 sec.

Alternate Footage
50:19 Minutes / 45:07 Minutes
The Unrated Version shows more explicitly how the claws are sticking inside the guy's body. The subsequent fight with the other attacker is a little different, too.
4.964 sec. / 5.130 sec.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
50:32 Minutes
Wolverine gets stabbed in the shoulder with a knife.
1.751 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
50:33 Minutes
The guy lunges out again.
1.752 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
54:46 Minutes
Wolverine watches two guys on the street from a balcony.
9.968 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Theatrical Version
49:44 Minutes
In the Theatrical Version, Wolverine looks down.
0.793 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
55:39 Minutes / 50:13 Minutes
In the Theatrical Version, Wolverine falls down and Mariko wakes up.

The Extended Cut instead shows an additional action sequence:
Wolverine walks past Jean to the other side of the balcony. Mariko watches him do that. When he arrives, he sees the two guys walking beneath them. Then he sees Jean before the assassin fires a shot at him. Wolverine wants to get him but instead gets pushed off the balcony. He lands hard on the ground where the two men position themselves next to him. One of them fires a taser at Wolverine. The other guy shoots a bullet in the hero's arm. Wolverine has some hallucinations (Silver Samurai, Viper). The two guys continue to have “fun“ with Wolverine.
The assassin on the balcony shouts: "Kill him already"
One of the guys points his gun at Wolverines face: "Wanna say something before you die, gaijin?"
Suddenly, the man from the balcony smashes on the roof of a car and lies dead on the ground with a knife sticking in his back. Mariko throws a knife at the taser-guy who falls to the ground. Wolverine sees the taser, grabs it and uses it against the other bad guy. Subsequently we see Mariko standing on the balcony.

94.969 sec. / 6.340 sec.

Alternate Image Section
57:14 Minutes / 50:20 Minutes
When Wolverine lies on the ground, the Theatrical Version presents a slightly zoomed shot.
No difference in time.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional Scene/Shot in the Theatrical Version
1:06:30 Minutes
In the Theatrical Verison, Wolverine is standing at the door slightly longer.
0.959 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
1:13:23 Minutes
Mariko puts her wet jacket off in the hallway. Wolverine follows her. Inside the itchen she gives him clothes to change and then goes to her bedroom.
22.148 sec.

Alternate Footage
1:25:03 Minutes / 1:17:48 Minutes
Wolverine drops the F-Bomb.
Theatrical Version: "... by the Yakuza. And if I don't like what you say, you are going through that window."
Unrated: "... by the Yakuza. And if I don't like what you say, you are going through that fucking window."
5.589 sec. / 4.171 sec.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
1:30:06 Minutes
Wolverine and Yukio walk through the building and spot three corpses.
24.315 sec.

1:30:30 Minutes
When Wolverine and Yukio walk along the hallway you don't hear Wolverine shouting for Shingen.
No difference in time.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
1:35:03 Minutes
The sword fight between Yukio and Shingen is longer.
5.422 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
1:36:37 Minutes
Shingen hits Wolverine's neck with his sowrd.
1.335 sec.

Digital Alteration
1:37:33 Minutes / 1:29:46 Minutes
The claws which stick out of Shingen's neck are a little longer.
No difference in time.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Alternate Footage
1:38:02 Minutes / 1:30:15 Minutes
In the Theatrical Version Wolverine simply rips the article off the wall. In the Extended Cut some cigarrettes lie around and Wolverine grabs one.
7.841 sec. / 4.337 sec.

Extended CutTheatrical Version

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
1:39:38 Minutes
Viper puts some powder on her fingernail and puts it in a test tube.
Harada: "Listen to me, mutant. She will not be harmed."
Viper: "She will be fine. So long you do your job. Logan will be here soon, you should prepare. It was easy to lure him here. It's another thing to capture him."
Harada: "We're ready. He's never faced the Black Clan."
Viper: "Yes, well..."
Dabei gibt sie ihm ein Glas mit Gift für seine Pfeile.
Viper: Dip your arrows in this. It won't kill him, but it will slow him down."
Harada: "Keep your potions. He's no challenge for us now. He's weak."
Viper: Okay. But when you fail..."
She puts the test tube in Harada's pocket.
52.511 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
1:43:25 Minutes
Several ninjas (some of them on motorcycles) attack. Wolverine is not amused and fights them. Yukio also arrives at the scene while Wolverine is caught in a net and pulled through the village by the ninjas. Yukio gets a snow blower to help her friend who by now was able to free himself from the net. Meanwhile, one of the ninjas gets chopped by the snow blower, resulting in a bloody mess. Then follow some more fights and more ninjas are being killed by the snow blower. Then we see Hrada who sticks his arrows in poison. Later, Yukio crashes the snow blower. Wolverine tells her to run away before the machine blows up. Then he runs towarts the tower.
186.728 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Theatrical Version
1:34:56 Minutes
In the Theatrical Version we now see Hranda dipping his arrows in poison.
10.385 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
1:48:07 Minutes
After the explosion, Yukio regains consciousness and goes to the tower.
25.692 sec.

1:48:33 Minutes
At this point when Wolverine slowly wakes up, the score is missing due to reasons of transition.
No difference in time.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Theatrical Version
1:37:47 Minutes
After the tracking shot of the tower, Yukio arrives at the scene with her motorcycle. She gets off and stops in front of the fence.
9.009 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
1:55:38 Minutes
Yukio enters the room behind Viper.
3.336 sec.

Additional Scene/Shot in the Extended Cut
1:55:47 Minutes
The silver samurai puts his adamantium sword up.
0.751 sec.