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Order the US Blu-ray with the Unrated Version

Thelma & Louise

The Covenant


The People Under the Stairs

Evil Dead Rise

The War of the Worlds

Lords of Chaos


  • R-Rated
  • Unrated
Release: Jul 09, 2019 - Author: Muck47 - Translator: Mike Lowrey - external link: IMDB
Alternate Material
57:32-57:33 / 58:29-58:32

After you've seen him the knife, the R-Rated changes to a close-up of the victim at he gets stabbed.
The Unrated shows the victim in the same shot and Faust stabs again, whereby you see the victim in an alternate close-up. Another stabbing follows and shortly after this, the R-Rated starts again with the rest of the shot.
Unrated 2,2 sec longer


Alternate Material
57:35-57:41 / 58:34-58:36

The R-Rated shows a longer shot of another stab only with a view of Faust. The following view starts a little bit earlier.
In the Unrated, an alternate, short shot of the stabbing fist as well as two more quick glances at the victim can be seen.
R-Rated 3,8 sec longer


57:43 / 58:38-58:54

Faust wipes the blood off for a first time and then stabs his victim three more times.

15,8 sec

58:04 / 59:15-59:23

Another shot of walking away with the dead body in the foreground.

8,1 sec

Alternate Material
68:00-68:03 / 69:19-69:27

During Euronymus' delusion one sees him in the R-Rated looking a little longer at the corpse.
The Unrated changes to a close-up of the head, it still pours out some brain matter.

Unrated 4,6 sec longer


Alternate Material
101:44 / 103:08

The Unrated offers a stab in close-up, while the R-Rated shows the follow-up shot from behind a bit earlier to make up for the runtime difference.
No time difference


Alternate Material
104:22-104:23 / 105:46-105:49

The R-Rated shows another stab in a shot from above and in the view from below that starts earlier.
In the Unrated, Varg stabs, we see blood spurting in an alternate shot from below and after another step, Varg stabs again in close-up.
Unrated 1,6 sec longer


104:24 / 105:50-105:52

Two more stabs on the stairs, the R-Rated then begins with the rest of the shot...

1,8 sec

Alternate Material
104:25 / 105:52

...and shows these longer for two fabulous frames, in order to conceal the stabs that the Unrated has to offer at the beginning of the following shot.

No time difference


104:34 / 106:01-106:03

The stab at the end of the shot is a little longer and two more follow.

1,8 sec

Alternate Material
106:01-106:02 / 107:30-107:31

In the R-Rated, the two stabs occur in the same shot.
The Unrated changes to a view somewhat from above and the second stab can be seen in the close-up that is starting earlier.

No time difference


106:07 / 107:36-107:46

Varg stabs Euronymous 14 more times in various perspectives.

10,2 sec

Alternate Material
106:09-106:11 / 107:48-107:49

In the R-rated you can see Varg longer.
The Unrated changes to Euronymous earlier and so you can see the stab wound on his head.

R-Rated 0,4 sec longer


106:17 / 107:55-107:56

Typical for the R-Rated version: Here you see the dead Euronymous for several seconds, but at the end the Unrated is a few frames longer (and thus exactly balances out the previous difference).

0,4 sec

106:22 / 108:01-108:08

Another longer view of Euronymous and one of Varg.

7 sec

Alternate Material
106:25-106:27 / 108:11-108:22

In the R-Rated, Varg pulls the knife out in a close shot and some blood splashes up.
In the Unrated he doesn't succeed immediately and has to put his foot on the head in order to pull it out more forcefully. When it's done, a lot of blood is pouring out of Euronymous's head in a close-up.

Unrated 9,4 sec longer
