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Dragon's Fury

original title: Devil Crash: Naxat Pinball


Censored Mega Drive Version
Region: Worldwide

Uncensored Mega Drive Version
Region: Japan

Release: Sep 27, 2011 - Author: LordAnubis - Translator: Roughale
Compared were the uncensored Japanese Sega Mega Drive Version and the censored USA Sega Mega Drive Version (= international Version)

The international Sega Mega Drive version is slightly more censored than the already censored international PC Engine Version. All Japanese versions are uncensored, no matter what plattform.
Censored & modified title screen

The symbol on the title screen has been changed in the international version.
Additionally, the title of the game has been changed to Dragon's Fury.

Uncensored Japanese version:Censored international version:

Censored pentagrams within the game

Middle of the game field

The small red stars in the middle of the game field have been changed in the international version.

Comparison to the international PC-Engine version:
In the PC-Engine version, the middle of the game field has been left unmodified

Uncensored Japanese version:Censored international version:

Upper game field

The symbol in he upper game field has been changed into a star

Comparison to the international PC-Engine version:
The symbol has also been censored in the PC-Engine version, but differently.

Uncensored Japanese version:Censored international version: