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Scream 6

The Burning

The Covenant




  • BBFC 15 / UK Theatrical Version
  • R-Rated
Release: Mar 21, 2012 - Author: Mike Lowrey - Translator: Mike Lowrey - external link: IMDB
Talks about a possible sequel for 300 stalled for a couple of years and just recently became more concrete when it was officially announced. In the meantime, fans had some possibilities to pass the waiting time, one of them being Immortals, which has the same producers and similar visual style. Furthermore, it brings you a green screen orgy inlcuding numerous sword fights, CGI-blood and fantasy creatures. It only took the USA market to earn the film's budget back, while the worldwide cinematic sale gained satisfying 227 million Dollars.

While it was rated R (for sequences of strong bloody violence, and a scene of sexuality) in the States, the UK make an exception when it comes to censorship. Although a BBFC 18 was available for the uncut version, distributor Universal UK decided that this wouldn't be profitable enough for the British market. Therefore, they decided to cut the film down to a BBFC 15 rating. Unfortunately (and a not so rare occasion by the way), the DVD and Blu-ray contain this censored cut, as well.

Different methods were used to tone down the violence. Along with normal cuts, there is one scene where the volume of a gory effect has been reduced and numerous alterations of the blood's colour (black instead of red). It's notable that this mostly affects scenes with fantasy creatures and not humans. That'll protect the youth...

Comparison between the BBFC 15-DVD (identical to the British theatrical version) (by Univeral) and the uncut R-rated version (by Universal).

16 differences, consisting of
11 scenes with changed colour
4 cuts
1 scene with reduced volume

The R-rated version runs 9.48 seconds longer than the BBFC 15-DVD.
0:25:52: A few frames are missing when Hyperion cuts the throat of Theseus' mother. He slightly pulls her head back and blood can be seen exiting the wound.
0.88 sec.

0:25:55: The mother is seen again in a more distant shot. Her wound is bleeding and she's dying. Theseus is shocked while watching.
2.88 sec.

1:01:47: The oracle's "boiled" companions are seen once more.
4.36 sec.

Changed colour
1:02:35: When Hyperion's fighters get their heads smashed by the God, it's all very bloody and shown in slow motion. Instead of cutting, the distributor chose to change the blood's colour. It is now black instead of red. Even the blood spatters on the wall are blackened. This is also the only scene where this alteration affects human victims.
No time difference

BBFC 15R-Rated

Reduced volume
1:07:21: When Hyperion pushes his thumbs in Dareios' eyes, the sound of them bursting is toned down.
No time difference

1:23:37: The negotiator suffers a bloody beheading. The UK version cuts right before the sword can do any damage.
1.36 sec.

Changed colour
1:27:29: When one of the titans is hit by the arrow, his blood is black instead of red.
No time difference

BBFC 15R-Rated

Changed colour
1:28:35: The Gods start slaying the titans and again, the United Kingdom witnesses black blood.
No time difference

BBFC 15R-Rated

Changed colour
1:29:39: A head is cut off and then kicked in the next titan's crotch. He is then torn apart, as well.
No time difference

BBFC 15R-Rated

Changed colour
1:30:26: The splatter continues and so does the alteration of the blood's colour. [FYI: the bloody scene where the God's throat is slit wide open wasn't touched]
No time difference

BBFC 15R-Rated

Changed colour
1:30:58: With each scene, the level of violence increases. Although it's mostly fantasy creatures being ripped apart, the BBFC's rating for the uncut version is quite understandable.
No time difference

BBFC 15R-Rated

Changed colour
1:31:19: Slashing with expertise, part 128431.
Kein Zeitunterschied

BBFC 15R-Rated

Changed colour
1:31:46: The God stabs a titan with his trident and throws the body against two approaching enemies. He then beheads them with the trident's rod.
No time difference

BBFC 15R-Rated

Changed colour
1:32:05: Hefty punches seem to do the job, as well. At least when you're a mighty God.
No time difference

BBFC 15R-Rated

Changed colour
1:32:44: The monster's blood is changed but when the God is stabbed through the neck, it's all there in its red-blooded glory. Raise your hand if you understand this.
No time difference

BBFC 15R-Rated

Changed colour
1:41:35: The battle in heaven features the last blood alterations.
No time difference

BBFC 15R-Rated