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The Godfather - Part II


  • 4K-remastered / Blu-ray 2022
  • Blu-ray (Coppola Restoration)
Release: Mar 25, 2022 - Author: Muck47 - Translator: Muck47 - external link: IMDB
Comparison between the 4K-Blu-ray (identical to the 2022 Blu-ray reissue) and the Blu-ray first edition (Coppola restoration) (probably identical to previous releases on VHS/DVD)

- One cut
- Duration: 3.1 sec

There's not much left to say about The Godfather - Part 2: An absolute classic in film history and a prime example of how sequels can sometimes be even better than the opening film. On 22nd March 2022 the worldwide UHD premiere was released. In several reviews or image comparisons you can get an idea that the 4K upgrade here is well worth it. Some color grading decisions have been critically discussed, but overall the films have really never looked better.

Well-known film restorer Robert Harris published an article on in which he shared some insights into the work on these new restorations. He and his team were also responsible for the version that was released on Blu-ray back in 2008. It was interesting that he also explained in detail why the film negatives were partially damaged over the years. For the first Blu-ray release, various crossfades had to be reconstructed. One section in particular caught our eye, in which he highlighted differences in the new restoration in 2022:

And yet, with all our searching, certain shots eluded us, and we were forced to scan dupes, masters or CRIs (color reversal negatives) toward our goal.

So where does the 2022 restoration fit in, and why was it necessary?

If you guessed that during the two-year period over which the work was done, that a further search would be performed seeking out more missing material, you’d be correct, and this, to me, is the most important benefit of the new work.

We had worked extensively trying to find missing negative of the restaurant assassination sequence and came away almost complete. In that sequence, the latest work adds more shots of Sterling Hayden.

In others, a missing shot of Abe Vigoda, which was part of a dupe optical unit was found, and seamlessly added back, along with stock footage used in the Nevada sequence, some from a VistaVision Martin and Lewis film.

So, for the first time, are these new restorations even longer film versions? No, that is not the case. For the three scenes described, Harris simply referred to the source material used. What was previously available in somewhat poorer quality thanks to "dupes, masters or CRIs" is now available from new scans in better quality. At least on our small screenshot format, however, this can't be represented particularly well at all, so we won't go into this again in the following report.

We have compared parts 1 and 2 completely: In any case, you won't find any longer moments here, unfortunately, even if it sounded that way in the proud description with words like "adds" or "missing". Part 1 is even exactly identical without a single frame difference - apart from the fact that the Paramount logo at the beginning and the 1.5-minute restoration credits are missing in UHD.

But there's one issue: In fact, there is one shot in Part 2 that is a bit shorter in the new 4K master. This is obviously related to a reel change which was cut a bit more than usual now (+ Statement by Robert Harris):

Official answer: Intentional, because there was an over allowance for the reel change. Since the films won't be seen on 35mm reels, FFC felt the frames should be excised.


I checked our internal inspection reports, and found a hand-written note from my assistant referencing a possible re-cut and re-conform at that shot from an earlier version.

For the record, presumably based on numerous re-cuts, there are two sets of masters on the film.

If one takes a careful look at the shot in question, a slight bump is evident going back to all earlier versions. Although not overly evident, it can be seen in the 2007 Blu-ray.

Conjecture on my part.

The shot in question was not originally a reel end. When changes were made, and it became such, an additional three seconds were re-cut to the negative from the trim.

When a further change was made, and the shot was no longer the final in the reel, the 72 frames were inadvertently left in place during the heat of post-production.

A bit more complex than might be expected, but you asked for my thoughts.

After the fight between Michael and Kay (and thus before the flashback with Vito), we see the dejected Kay a bit longer. The image remains rigid here, it seems almost frozen. When watching normally, however, slight movements of Kay can be seen. The additional audio bit on the old Blu-ray is also noticeable, as described in more detail in the report itself. Even if Coppola intended it to be like this in 2022: Strictly speaking, the new version can thus be classified as a cut release, especially as no other of the many reel changes has any missing frames.

So should fans insist on a 100% uncut version and ignore the UHD premiere? Absolutely not! Many movie fans might know the classic inside out, but it is doubtful whether they will notice this small mistake - and whether it will really bother them in the end. Besides that you get a nicely wrapped package, also including all three different versions of The Godfather - Part 3. The only thing still missing is a physical release of The Godfather: A Novel for Television.

Runtimes are arranged according to the pattern
2022 4K-Blu-ray / 2007 Blu-ray
Additional logo at the beginning of the Blu-ray. Not included in cut duration/quantity.

21.8 sec

The first credit for Paramount differs.

4K Blu-ray / 2022 Blu-ray2008 Blu-ray (Coppola Restoration)

Other texts across the film were digitally recreated. The font and e.g. shading therefore differ marginally. This would be absolutely unnoticeable with our small screenshot size, only with direct overlay you can see the differences. Our user TheHutt has uploaded a few comparison images in Full HD.

126:14 / 126:36-126:37

The Intermission note starts insignificantly earlier.

0.6 sec

126:29 / 126:51

In return, the black screen can be seen for a correspondingly longer time.

+ 0.6 sec

163:43 / 164:05-164:08

After Michael has moved away to the right side, we see Kay, who remains intimidated, for a little longer. The cut begins shortly before Michael is completely out of the picture: In the first 0.3 sec (screenshot #1) you can still see his arm.

On the German Blu-ray first edition, there is a choice of English original audio and French in addition to the German dub. English is available twice in 5.1 (once TrueHD 5.1, once Dolby Digital 5.1). The German and French are both available as a 5.1 mix and in the original mono track.
Interestingly, both German audio tracks still feature a whimper from Kay in those last 3 seconds of the shot. In the English audio and also in both French tracks, you can hear more footsteps of Michael off-screen instead.

The German 4K Blu-ray and also the German 2022 Blu-ray reissue from the same master contain Italian, Spanish and Russian audio in addition to German and English. Interestingly, the original English mono track is now also included. While it should not really be noticeable in English and the other languages that the further steps of Michael off-screen are now missing, Kay's whimpering is slightly heard in both German audio tracks and then breaks off relatively abruptly.

3.1 sec

200:14 / 200:39-201:56

After identical credits, the old Blu-ray still had various restoration notes.

77 sec (= 1:17 min)

As at the beginning: The final Paramount logo differs. The 4K variant has the older version here, while the old Blu-ray showed a more modern variant.

4K Blu-ray / 2022 Blu-ray2008 Blu-ray (Coppola Restoration)