In the TV the shot of the blinded student continues and the collar explodes while the SE changes to a closer shot after which Nao screams again before the collar explodes. Screams have been edited in for the shot on which the boat explodes.
SE 2 Sec.
35:54 Min.
More digital projectiles fly towards the camera.
No time difference.
36:11 Min. - 36:16 Min.
Shorter shot followed by additional shots of running students in the SE. The shot of Ryo is longer in the TV.
TV 2 Sec.
36:47 Min. - 36:52 Min.
Another shot from the TV has been shortened and accompanied by a close up of Tetsu hearing his fellow student screaming and seeing her trying to push the boat back in the water.
No time difference.
37:03 Min. - 37:12 Min.
The fight between Nao and a girl as well as Tetsu getting up has been recut in the SE. The TV is longer since here the shots are shown in one piece.
TV 6 Sec.
37:42 Min. - 37:51 Min.
The Theatrical Versions shot of the students looking up to the helicopter is missing the radio call about the ammo supply; it is only heard from the off in the SE. After this helicopter shot the SE features a little part of this sequence whereas the TV features another shot.
TV 5 Sec.
37:53 Min.
Someone calls out or Shiori in the SE.
No time difference.
38:03 Min. - 38:06 Min.
Another big part of the TV is missing as the group follows their friends. In exchange, the SE features a shot of the students running through the gunfire.
No time difference.
38:12 Min. - 38:16 Min.
Ryo runs through the gunfire longer in the TV while the SE features a whole new shot again.
SE 2 Sec.
38:21 Min. - 38:26 Min.
Different font for mission 2: Securing of ammo.
No time difference.
39:08 Min.
More CGI debris.
No time difference..
39:30 Min.
The weapon test has been spiced up with CGI.
No time difference.
39:33 Min. - 39:34 Min.
Shot of the guy who has been testing the gun. The shot of him falling to the ground two shots before has been shortened.
No time difference.
39:54 Min. - 40:02 Min.
Longer shot of Shugo, intercut in the TV an in one piece in the SE. The next shot is longer as well.
SE 4 Sec.
40:08 Min.
New CGI gunfire.
No time difference.
40:16 Min.
A shot of Shugo screaming that he has been hit and the others caring for him is missing in the SE.
TV 7 Sec.
40:19 Min. - 40:26 Min.
Shugos upper body is exposed, followed by shots of Shugo and his fellow students. One of them cleans the wound and Shugo screams. The TV only features a shot of someone pressing a cloth onto the wound as well as a slightly longer shot after that.
SE 3 Sec.
40:27 Min.
A small part of a shot of Shugo is missing in the SE.
TV 1 Sec.
40:36 Min. - 40:39 Min.
Additional shot of the student who recognizes Miki to be out of range for her collar. The shot of the students running to the window is an alternative one.
No time difference.
40:48 Min. - 40:49 Min.
Shot of Shugo with his beeping collar. The next shot of Miki in the shed is missing 2 seconds in the SE, followed by the aforementioned shot of Shugo in the TV..
TV 2 Sec.
41:21 Min.
Miki runs towards the group longer.
TV 1 Sec.
41:25 Min.
Miki rruns through the grass.
TV 1 Sec.
41:34 Min. - 41:37 Min.
Mikis bodycount is missing in the TV. (Girl 2 dead, Rest 25).
No time difference.
41:41 Min. - 41:42 Min.
New shot of flying debris.
SE 1 Sec.
41:47 Min. - 41:48 Min.
The groups answer to Shugos order to leave and forget him is presented in different shots and with different music.
SE 1 Sec.
41:55 Min. - 42:42 Min.
Again certain shots have been shortened in the SE. Alternative shot of Shugo, followed by an additional flashback to the Rugby match. After that the SE continues with alternative shots of the radio conversation between Shugo and Taku.
SE 18 Sec.
42:43 Min. - 42:44 Min.
Shot of Taku calling out for Shugo.
SE 1,5 Sec.
42:57 Min.
Bodycount for Miki and Shugo in the TV, in the SE only for Shugo.
No time difference.
43:14 Min. - 43:33 Min.
The camera pans through the room in which Shuya is sitting, followed by an alternative shot of him. The time is presented in front of different backgrounds.
SE 8 Sec.
43:38 Min. - 43:41 Min.
Shot of the military headquarter.
SE 3 Sec.
45:09 Min. - 45:24 Min.
The shot of Taku shuffling his feet continues in the SE while the following dialogues are shown in alternative shots in the TV.
No time difference.
45:40 Min. - 45:46 Min.
Alternative shot of Kuze putting down her gear. In the TV the shot of Taku and Nao continues.
SE 1 Sec.
45:49 Min. - 45:58 Min.
The conversation between Kuze and Taku has been recut and shot in alternative takes. The TV is much longer.
TV 7 Sec.
46:13 Min. - 46:32 Min.
Again Kuzes speech has been recut and shot in alternative takes.
TV 3 Sec.
46:38 Min. - 47:06 Min.
The boy coughs longer because of his cigarette in the TV, followed by Kuzes speech in alternative shots. The SE is longer this time.
SE 9 Sec.
47:34 Min. - 48:18 Min.
The scene with the booby traps as well as the following panicking because of Risas beeping collar has been cut and shortened in the SE.. Basically the positioning of Ryos group has been placed to other positions.
TV 3 Sec.
48:28 Min. - 48:37 Min.
Shiori aims at Ryo longer and continues to speak while in the TV the watching group is shown.
SE 9 Sec.
48:41 Min. - 48:43 Min.
Ryo looks at Shiori surprised, followed by the shot of the group from the TV.
SE 2,5 Sec.
48:49 Min. - 48:54 Min.
A girl with glasses whimpers fearfully.
SE 2,5 Sec.
48:59 Min.
A student with blood on her face is seen longer in the TV.
TV 3 Sec.
49:57 Min. - 51:06 Min.
Shot of Jos group. Suddenly they are receiving a message from Takeuchi via radio. Shot of the dead students and one of the kids losing her lunch. During Takeuchis speech the movie cuts back and forth between the headquarter and Shiori and Ryo. Then mission 3 starts: Assault. In the next shot Ryos group is seeking cover.
Short dialogue between Ryo and Shiori, followed by the group seeking cover and the mission screen
SE 54 Sec.
51:13 Min. - 51:16 Min.
The shot of the mutilated students is longer. At the beginning we see Ryo and Shiori while at the end a small part is missing again.
SE 3 Sec.
51:18 Min.
More gunfire edited in.
No time difference.
51:23 Min. - 51:39 Min.
More CGI gunfire, accompanied by new and recut scenes of students making it acroos the battlefield. Shiori is seen longer and in more shots.
SE 7 Sec.
51:42 Min. - 52:07 Min.
These part of the crossing of the battlefield has been re-edited severely. The TV features an explosion causing a student to drop his weapon and pick it up again. The SE features several explosions and running students in slow motion. Several students are tossed through the air by the explosions. At the end of the sequence Shiori is seen longer again.
SE 16 Sec.
52:13 Min.
More CGI gunfire.
No time difference.
52:22 Min. - 52:24 Min.
The order of the shots of Ryos and Nanomis grenades exploding is reversed. The three shots are one in the TV and the recoil knocks them to the ground whereas in the SE it is another explosion causing them to fall.
No time difference.
52:32 Min. - 52:51 Min.
An explosion knocks over two students.
Molotov-Cocktails are thrown, setting a student on fire.
SE 19 Sec.
53:07 Min. - 53:09 Min.
Sniper-POV of a shooting student.
SE 2 Sec.
53:15 Min. - 53:21 Min.
Shorter shot of Shuya. The SE shows another shot of a girl with binoculars recognizing the collars on the attackers. She runs to Shuya, followed by a shorter shot of Shiori entering the screen from the left.
SE 3 Sec.
53:39 Min. - 54:13 Min.
More shots of students entering the fortress as well as the fortress itself. Different shot of the students sneaking towards the entry.
SE 15 Sec.
55:04 Min. - 55:11 Min.
Alternative shot of the terrorist with bandana and AK-47. The following two are identical, the one after that is alternative.
No time difference.
55:14 Min. - 55:21 Min.
Shorter shot of a kneeling girl in the SE, followed by a shot of another girl putting down her gun. The shot of the group pushed through the entry is different as well.
TV 2 Sec.
55:23 Min. - 55:24 Min.
Alternative shot of the group, camera pan in the TV.
TV 1 Sec.
55:27 Min. - 55:31 Min.
Ryo aims in the TV while the SE shows Maho and a boy grabbing her from behind because he wants to surrender.
No time difference.
55:43 Min. - 55:45 Min.
Shorter close up of Shuya.
TV 1 Sec.
56:18 Min. - 56:19 Min.
A new shot of Ryo.
No time difference.
56:30 Min. - 56:39 Min.
Flashback to the terrorist attack.
SE 9 Sec.
56:47 Min.
Shorter shot of Ryo.
TV 1 Sec.
56:54 Min. - 56:56 Min.
New shot of Ryo.
SE 1 Sec.
56:59 Min. - 57:00 Min.
Slow motion shots of the terrorist getting shot.
No time difference.
57:01 Min. - 57:05 Min.
The shot of the terrorist falling into the water is longer in the SE and accompanied by a close up of Shiori.
SE 4 Sec.
57:08 Min. - 57:10 Min.
The shot of Taku yelling “Stop!” is in slow motion in the SE and also interrupted by a short shot of shooting terrorists. In the TV the terrorist shot comes after the “Stop!”.
No time difference.
57:14 Min. - 57:17 Min.
The students spits blood onto the camera.
No time difference.
57:19 Min. - 57:23 Min.
Close up of Ryo running to his friend and both falling down in slow motion.
SE 2 Sec.
57:28 Min. - 57:31 Min.
Two students are shot in slow motion. The shot of the both lying on the ground is longer in the TV.
TV 1 Sec.
57:36 Min. - 57:48 Min.
A student drops dead in an additional shot in slow motion. We see the other dead students in the room and the bodycount appears over a slow motion shot of Ryo. Bodycount and slow motion are not provided in the TV.
SE 7 Sec.
57:51 Min. - 58:11 Min.
SE: Ryo shoots in slow motion and is gunned down in several shots. A text screen appears.
SE 12 Sec.
58:13 Min.
The SE shows Ryos bodycount over a shot of Shuya while the TV shows the bodycount for all the students over a shot of a dead student.
TV 7 Sec.
59:08 Min. - 59:11 Min.
The SE features an additional shot of Shuya while the TV shows his allies running away a bit longer.
SE 1 Sec.
61:30 Min. - 61:33 Min.
Shot of the girl in the red cape.
SE 3 Sec.
61:46 Min. - 61:49 Min.
The shot continues in the TV; after Shiori the rest of the group turns to Shuya while the SE shows a shot of Shiori.
No time difference.
62:20 Min. - 62:24 Min.
After the terrorist has pulled Nao across the room the shot continues in the TV until he places her on the chair. The SE cuts to another shot of Taku attempting to follow them until the other terrorists aim their guns at him.
SE 1 Sec.
62:27 Min. - 62:28 Min.
Someone takes his cigarette from the ashtray. In the TV the shot is not interrupted and we see Taku turning around.
No time difference.
62:40 Min. - 62:44 Min.
A terrorist sticks out his tongue and presses the safety switch on his AK-47. Another one does the same..
SE 4 Sec.
64:08 Min. - 64:26 Min.
Shots of the Afghanistan footage have been shortened; additional shots in the SE.
No time difference.
64:37 Min. - 64:47 Min.
Same here, with more and longer footage in the SE.
SE 5 Sec.
64:50 Min.
The shot of the children on the tank is longer in the TV.
TV 1 Sec.
64:53 Min. - 64:57 Min.
In the SE more Afghanistan footage with mother and daughter. The shots of the cheering children and the woman with a child on her arm are shorter.
TV 1 Sec.
65:04 Min. - 65:06 Min.
New shot of two children and a cow. The following shot is shorter again.
TV 1 Sec.
65:17 Min. - 65:42 Min.
Another shortened shot of children; in exchange the next one is longer and in slow motion, followed by another shot of Shuya in the SE.
SE 17 Sec.
66:24 Min. - 66:28 Min.
Two shots are without speech in the TV and accompanied with dialogue from Shuya and Taku from the Off in the SE.
No time difference.
67:13 Min. - 67:24 Min.
More shots of approaching soldiers. A part of the shot from the TV is missing in the SE.
SE 5 Sec.
67:39 Min. - 67:42 Min.
Terrorists are running around. A part of Taku being grabbed by a terrorist is missing in the SE.
SE 1 Sec.
67:46 Min. - 67:48 Min.
The woman runs to the window while a terrorist is goofing around. Normal shot of Taku in the TV.
No time difference.
67:51 Min. - 67:54 Min.
The guy from the previous cut leaves the room. The TV has a continuity error since the guy is gone in the very next shot that is longer as well. The woman with bandana leaves now in the SE.
No time difference.
67:55 Min. - 67:58 Min.
Alternative shots of the students leaving the room in the SE.
TV 3 Sec.
67:59 Min. - 68:01 Min.
Alternative shot of Shiori pushing the terrorist away.
No time difference.
68:38 Min.
A student is hit in the TV.
TV 5 Sec.
68:53 Min. - 68:57 Min.
New shot of Shiori.
SE 4 Sec.
69:25 Min. - 69:33 Min.
While the soldiers are entering Shuyas room in the TV the SE several shots of Shiori hiding.
SE 4 Sec.
70:35 Min. - 70:39 Min.
More shots of Taku running away. The shot of the students watching starts earlier.
SE 1 Sec.
71:00 Min. - 71:03 Min.
Taku approaches the camera in an alternative shot in the SE; the TV shows someone that has been hit falling past the screen.
No time difference.
71:08 Min.
CGI gunfire in the SE.
No time difference.
73:14 Min. - 77:57 Min.
Two women are bringing food for the injured Nozomi. The guy with the glasses (not “that” guy :)) wants something too, but a girl hits the tray away. Taku and Nao run out of the room and Taku starts to smash a few things apart. Kuze comes down the stairs and takes some insuline. Four children approach her and give her some chocolate.
A student talks to the woman with the bandana.
Now the TV shows Nozomi dying and Taku and Shuya attacking each other. These two scenes come later in the SE.
No time difference.
79:04 Min. - 79:13 Min.
In the TV the cellphone rings while it only vibrates in the SE. In the SE the door to Shioris room opens in a close up.
SE 1 Sec.
80:56 Min. - 81:40 Min.
Alternative piano playing in the SE; a girl watches Shiori.
SE 28 Sec.
82:50 Min. - 82:54 Min.
The SE features a shot of Takus mother.
SE 4 Sec.
84:01 Min. - 84:17 Min.
The SE shows Shuya as he remembers his friends from the first film.
SE 16 Sec.
84:50 Min. - 84:58 Min.
Flashback to the terrorist attack.
SE 8 Sec.
85:05 Min. - 85:23 Min.
More fighting and dialogue.
SE 18 Sec.
85:52 Min. - 86:50 Min.
Shuya crawls longer after Mimura in the TV; the SE features a little speech from Mimura before he starts running amok.
SE 56 Sec.
86:57 Min. - 87:01 Min.
Shuya screams after Mimura.
SE 4 Sec.
88:01 Min. - 94:05 Min.
Shiori plays the piano again. Flashback to Kitano as she speaks with him on the phone. Kitano takes a gun and we hear a gunshot through the phone. Shiori stops playing. Now the SE shows Nozomi dying as well as a differently edited fight between Taku and Shuya, followed by shots of the fortress.
The shot of the whole island is missing in the SE.
SE 357 Sec.
96:56 Min. - 97:07 Min.
Kuze plays with the children while Taku watches them.
SE 11 Sec.
98:33 Min. - 98:35 Min.
Shot of the island that has already been shown in the TV.
SE 2 Sec.
98:49 Min. - 98:50 Min.
Nozomis students are shaken by the explosion. The shot of Shiori is longer in the TV.
No time difference.
102:23 Min.
The camera pan is longer in the TV.
TV 2 Sec.
102:28 Min. - 102:50 Min.
Nao looks for Taku longer and in alternative shots. She seems much more desperate in the SE since all she finds are corpses. The following scene with Taku and Kuze under the rubble is accompanied by music in the SE.
SE 12 Sec.
104:00 Min. - 105:37 Min.
Kuzes death is much longer and more dramatic in the SE. Taku and Kuze are trying to touch each other but they cannot reach far enough.
SE 74 Sec.
106:11 Min. - 106:20 Min.
Text screen. Flashback of Kuze.
SE 9 Sec.
106:25 Min. - 107:29 Min.
The mirror images of the trees in the water have been removed. Shot of the terrorists and of Shiori. Taku approaches with the dead Kuze in his arms. He asks Shuyas permission to burn her and Shuya nods.
In the TV a long camera movement over the students, followed by a shot of Shiori. Taku and Kuze are missing completely.
SE 18 Sec.
107:51 Min. - 109:00 Min.
The briefing with Shuya and Taku Shuya and Taku offers much more changes of shots in the SE.
TV 2 Sec.
109:10 Min. - 109:16 Min.
New shot of Shiori in the SE, longer shot of Taku in the TV.
SE 4 Sec.
127:34 Min. - 127:39 Min.
Same shot but we hear Taku scream.
No time difference.
127:50 Min. - 127:59 Min.
More dialogue in the SE between Taku and Shuya whereas in the TV they say nothing.
No time difference.
133:06 Min. - 133:15 Min.
Same shot but we hear Shiori scream.
No time difference.
139:14 Min. - 139:24 Min.
A street through a valley in Afghanistan. Then an old city.
SE 10 Sec.
139:33 Min. - 139:45 Min.
Shot of Nao, followed by a text screen. In exchange, a bit of the previous shot is missing.
SE 11 Sec.
140:00 Min. - 140:22 Min.
Shot of the empty street, followed by a text screen and a shot of the waiting group. Then another text screen.
SE 22 Sec.
140:30 Min. - 140:34 Min.
Text screen.
SE 4 Sec.
140:40 Min. - 140:43 Min.
More shots of group members. A shot of Nao is missing.
TV 3 Sec.
140:52 Min. - 141:04 Min.
The shot of Nao in slow motion, followed by a text screen. A part of the following shot is missing in the SE again.
SE 11 Sec.
144:40 Min. - 144:56 Min.
Text over the shot of the car.
No time difference.
145:05 Min. - 151:47 Min.
New ending credits: Different pictures of the actors, then a photo of the class, followed by the animated BR2 logo.
After the regular ending credits follow additional credits accompanied by more shots of the island and Afghanistan as well as an Off commentary by Noriko.
SE 48 Sec.
The Revenge-SE is 19 Min. and 8 Sec longer than the Requiem-Theatrical Version.