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Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain


  • Time Warriors (Export Cut)
  • Original HK Cut
Release: Jul 16, 2020 - Author: Muck47 - Translator: Muck47 - external link: IMDB
Additional Material in the Time Warriors cut
26:09-26:28 / 02:06-02:14

In Time Warriors a few shots of fights with horses from later scenes are recycled. Between that you can see exclusively how a warrior tells Ti Ming, who is spinning on the ground, that he should get going.

In the original version you instead hear someone explaining that the following story is set in the 5th century.

Time Warriors 10.8 sec longer

26:31 / 02:17-02:21

The riders longer and another shot of them.

4 sec

26:33-26:35 / 02:23

In the US, the end of the shot that has just been removed is now inserted again. In the original version, the follow-up shot starts a little earlier.

Time Warriors 1.6 sec longer

26:37 / 02:26-02:31

The general says something, a bow is fired. Ti Ming catches it before he swings back on the horse.

5.2 sec

26:39 / 02:33-02:34

Also the end of the shot is insignificantly longer.

1.1 sec

26:41 / 02:36-02:38

The same crazy re-cutting pattern: The end of the shot is now inserted again before the somersault. But the previous shot of the original version is actually much longer.

Original version 2,1 sec longer

27:21 / 03:18-03:20

Ti Ming turns to the side and the shot of the general starts a little earlier.

2.6 sec

27:24-27:25 / 03:23-03:27

While the export version here inserts the previously cut shot of Ti Ming (not illustrated), the staring duel between the generals is longer in the original version.

Original version 2,7 sec longer

27:35 / 03:37-03:38

General A screams.

0.9 sec

27:51-27:53 / 03:54

In the US, the screaming general and the bowshot of 26:37 / 02:26-02:31 is now added here again.

+ 2.2 sec

28:17 / 04:17-11:00

Ti Ming runs around a bit and then wants to take a boat. However, the man standing in front of it is already threatened by an unnamed soldier (Sammo Hung in his second role of the movie) behind him. The two briefly discuss who gets the boat, whereupon they suddenly get shot at by some arrows. Inside, they argue about whose reinforcements this is. Both have to admit to themselves that they are surrounded by enemies. So they jump into the water together.

On land, the soldier thinks he's tired from all the fighting and takes off. Ti Ming wants to give him back the water bottle he left behind and while talking to him the two become friends.

Different troops are approaching and soon there is a clash between them. The soldier and Ti Ming quickly take advantage of the turmoil to pretend to be fighting themselves.
They lose each other for a short time while wandering away and the soldier has to turn the yellow and green warriors on each other again.

Since our heroes don't really have any success getting out of the battle yet, they decide to pretend being dead. However, some others do so, too, and after Ti Ming and the soldier finish them off quickly, the yellow ones resume their pursuit. After a few more steps the soldier and Ti Ming stand at a precipice, where Ti Ming falls first. While the soldier is taken prisoner by the pursuers, Ti Ming, who has landed safely, explores a nearby cave.

total 402.7 sec (= 6:43 min)

Additional Material in the Time Warriors cut
28:17-31:21 / 11:00

In the export cut you can see Ti Ming roaming around and meeting an old man. He tells him about "Morning Flower", as Mu Sang is called in this English dub. She would have prayed every day on the mountain for Ti's safe return. Now this had happened and she herself had disappeared. Ti Ming is helpless and hears about the "Blood Monster" as his adversary. Ti Ming should join the group that opposes it.

At night he calls a little for "Morning Flower". Here some shots were recycled, which actually come later in another context.

+ 184,4 sec (= 3:04 min)

32:53 / 12:32-12:34

Ti Ming flips around in two more shots.

1.6 sec

36:21 / 16:02-16:34

Now there are also some shots (as well as several additional ones) of Ti Ming running around outside in the original version. They appeared in the US at the just mentioned timecode 28:17-31:21 / 11:00. Instead of "Morning Flower" in the original version he calls for his master. The last shot is much longer than in the US and Ti Ming sits down to wait.

32,2 sec

36:41 / 16:54-17:06

Ting holds Ti Ming's mouth closed in the first close-up and they greet each other.

11.8 sec

37:08 / 17:33-18:32

The two of them are talking longer. Ti Ming says he wants to be Ting's student. He simply disappears and only returns after Ti Ming has promised not to call him master anymore. Thereupon, the two allies (Siu Yu and Yat Jan) attack for the first time.

59.2 sec

37:17 / 18:41-18:42

Both a little longer.

1.3 sec

37:23 / 18:49-18:50

They swirl through the air in two more shots.

1.7 sec

37:39 / 19:06-19:13

Some first discussion when the two come to Ting and Ti Ming.

7.7 sec

38:37 / 20:12-20:23

After the two have been removed, the camera first moves towards Ting and Ti Ming. Ting comments that this is a particularly stubborn friend. Ti Ming still looks a bit confused.

10.7 sec

38:48 / 20:34-20:59

Before the green thing attacks, everyone jump around wildly. Siu Yu is complaining.

25.6 sec