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V/H/S 2


  • R-Rated
  • Unrated
Release: Oct 18, 2013 - Author: Mike Lowrey - Translator: Mike Lowrey - external link: IMDB
Anthology films surely aren't an innovation in the cinematic world and are especially liked in the horror genre. Countless feature films have the problem that their central premise just hasn't enough substance to carry the movie for 90 minutes. The shorter format offers a way out of this dilemma but still doesn't guarantee that the quality is always high. A good example of that was the horror anthology V/H/S from 2011, which was an interesting but not entirely satisfying endeavor since not all episodes could win over the viewers. That left room for improvement and V/H/S 2 makes really good use of that. Even though the frame story is not that relevant, the 4 core episodes are easily better than most of the things the predecessor brought to the table. Especially the zombie POV episode A Ride in the Park by Eduardo Sánchez (Blair Witch Project) and the very twisted demon cult episode Safe Haven by directing duo Gareth Edwards (The Raid: Redemption) and Timo Tjahjanto (Macabre, L is for Libido) have to be mentioned here because they stand out and should ensure that the anthology gets a good word-of-mouth attention.

Safe Haven is also the episode with the most violence and the reason why there are two versions of V/H/S 2 in the United States. The DVD and Blu-ray contain both the unrated and uncensored theatrical cut (from when the film hat a limited release in cinemas) and an MPAA-approved R-rated version (for graphic and bloody violence, grisly images, sexual material, nudity and language). The latter one doesn't show any cuts but used the technical nature of the film in order to apply rather subtle censorship measures. Some of the goriest moments were blurred by using digital effects that suggest that the recording camera was just having technical problems right at that moment.

Comparison between the R-Rated and the Unrated Version (both included on the US Blu-ray by Magnolia Home Entertainment).

4 scenes with alternate material = no time difference
Alternate material
0:59:29: Clever and rather subtle. When the cult leader cuts the camera man's throat, the camera has an image error and doesn't show the bloody details.
No time difference


Alternate material
1:01:42: When the mass suicide happens, the picture is distorted again in the R-Rated. The bloody headshots are disguised by this effect.
No time difference


Alternate material
1:02:05: The enormously graphic headshot with the shotgun that causes the cult member to lose half of his head was made more harmless in the same manner.
No time difference


Alternate material
1:27:43: When the missing student shoots himself in the head with the revolver, the R-Rated is more harmless.
No time difference
