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Born for Hell

original title: Naked Massacre


  • US Version (Naked Massacre)
  • Original Version
Release: May 07, 2022 - Author: brainbug1602 - Translator: Mike Lowrey - external link: IMDB

A Naked Massacre Born for Hell

Vietnam veteran Cain Adamson is stranded in Belfast after deserting during the Northern Ireland conflict. While waiting for his onward journey to the US, he finds a shattered country where fear of terrorist attacks is omnipresent. He wanders the streets aimlessly until he eventually ends up in a bar. Across the street is the dormitory of nursing students who are preparing for their graduation. When they celebrate a birthday one night, Cain sneaks into the house. He ties up the women and starts killing them one by one.
Born for Hell is based on the exploits of serial killer Richard Speck, who killed eight student nurses in Chicago in 1966. Director Denis Héroux and screenwriter/producer Géza von Radványi move the action to Belfast. Unlike the lurid US title Naked Massacre or the even more lurid design of the German video release by Screen Time, the film is not exploitative but rather portrays the gruesome deeds of Cain, grippingly played by Mathieu Carrière, in an unsettling way. An occasionally disturbingly depressing film. Superbly directed and therefore definitely recommended.

Two versions of Born for Hell on US Blu-ray by Severin

The US version, titled Naked Massacre as mentioned above, has been tightened up by a few plot scenes, especially in the first third of the film. The cuts are well placed and hardly noticeable. They probably wanted to speed up the film a bit. More noticeable is background music, which was added for the US version. In its original version, the film has no soundtrack, which makes the acts seem even more harrowing. The Naked Massacre version attempts to underscore what is shown in a suitably gripping manner. On the US Blu-ray by Severin are both versions of the film. A 35mm theatrical print presumably served as the master, as smudges and short image jumps can be seen especially at the reel changes. Naked Massacre was also reconstructed using this 35mm print. As a result, both versions have identical image quality.
Naked Massacre version: 85:43 min.
Original version: 91:37 min.
Comparison between the US version and the original version.

The original version begins with a historical image of Belfast harbor. A text is inserted that tells of a bloody religious war. This is followed by a note that the following film is based on factual events.

The camera pan over the harbor starts earlier.

OV: 59 sec.


Cain walks longer across the harbor area. The next shot starts earlier.

OV: 15 sec


As Cain is being controlled, there is a cut on two of the soldiers. After that, Cain walks through the streets.

OV: 13 sec


Cain is seen longer standing by the young man's body as he tries to light a cigarette while the movie title fades in. After that, a bus can be seen.

OV: 25 sec


The Naked Massacre version fades in the movie title as Cain walks down the street.

No time difference.


The children can be seen earlier.

OV: 0.5 sec


Cain is seen earlier watching the children playing.

OV: 3 sec


Cain walks down the street longer before the vending machine can be seen.

OV: 9 sec


The waitress brings two guests their ordered beer.

OV: 7 sec


Henry gives the woman her drink while there is a report of an attack on the radio. The woman says she doesn't even remember if her parents were Catholics or Protestants.

OV: 10 sec


The woman comes into the room with the vacuum cleaner.

OV: 3 sec


The television report is going longer. Afterwards, one of the women is on the phone to her father in London, who is worried about her safety in Belfast. She has to reassure him as there are no sirens in the background, only the vacuum cleaner.

OV: 33 sec


The officer calls the next man over. Cain leaves. The woman is seen earlier in the shower.

OV: 8 sec


Cain walks through the dormitory earlier.

OV: 1 sec


Cain gets into bed earlier.

OV: 5 sec


One of the women comes into the room and turns off the radio. She complains that her brother hasn't written to her yet. Another woman turns the radio back on and says that men often don't write back.

OV: 16 sec


The women talk longer over breakfast about what field they want to work in as nurses. In the next shot, Cain is seen earlier.

OV: 11 sec


Cain can be seen watching the women get into the police vehicle. One of the women went to get an extra bottle of milk from the milkman, as they are expecting guests tonight.

OV: 12 sec


In a new scene, Cain walks into the bar. The Vietnamese man is playing the pinball machine and offers Cain a free game. The other patrons are talking about the student nurses getting police escorts. The Vietnamese man asks if Cain goes to prostitutes and says that all the women are prostitutes. The more innocent they look, the more it costs. He offers himself to Cain and says that he is very cheap. Cain leaves without saying a word.

OV: 55 sec


The doctor can be seen with the baby for a longer time.

OV: 1 sec


Cain is seen longer after the Vietnamese man tells him he is afraid of women.

Afterwards, Miss O'Shaughnessy comes to Amy to give her advice that men with their own ideas don't make good husbands.

OV: 31 sec


The prostitute begins to undress while Cain looks around her apartment. She tells him to make himself comfortable. Cain sits down on a chair.

OV: 25 sec


During the shooting, the camera pans from the people to Debbie. After that, one of the shooters can be seen.

OV: 6 sec


The television can be seen for a longer time. After that, the two women are seen earlier. One asks the other what she thinks of the ballet.

OV: 7 sec


Cain closes the door longer. After that, the women are seen earlier.

OV: 3 sec


There is a short cut to the knife on the couch before the woman reaches for it.

OV: 1 sec


Cain can be seen on the park bench for longer.

OV: 1 sec


The Naked Massacre version shows a longer black screen at the end while the music continues. In the original version, there is no music at the end.

NM: 6 sec