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John Wick: Chapter 4

New World, The

original title: New World, The - Il nuovo mondo


  • Theatrical Version
  • Extended Cut
Release: Apr 28, 2010 - Author: Muck47 - Translator: Gladion - external link: IMDB
The Theatrical Version (PG-13) (represented by the Italian DVD) has been compared to the Extended Cut (Unrated) (represented by the US-DVD)

Theatrical Cut: 126:36 min w/o credits (129:55 min w/ credits) in PAL
=> equals 132:00 min w/o credits (135:28 min w/ credits) in NTSC

Extended Cut: 168:22 min w/o credits (171:49 min w/ credits) in NTSC

- 85 cuts / extensions, including
* 18x alternative footage
* 9x Theatrical Cut longer
* 7 editings
Changes in the soundtrack have not been counted in

- difference: 36:22 min
(All the cut lengths are in NTSC)

The film

It should take exceptional director Terrence Malik seven years to create another movie in 2005 after his anti-war-film The Thin Red Line. Before that, he had retracted from the movie business for two decades, because his film Days of Heaven had been changed too much back in 1978, with which Malik obviously was not satisfied at all. The editing-process for The Thin Red Line also took several months and quite a few characters were, in the end, reduced to a minimum by Malick – that only as a sidenote, though.

In The New World, he took the myth of Pocahontas and the love story between English settler John Smith and the Chief's daughter (she remains nameless until she is baptized as Rebecca, but is called Pocahontas here, just as in the credits) is more of a minor matter. Mostly, the numerous meditative nature-shots, which Malick had shot on 65mm that are accompanied by Wagner's music, will be remembered. Also, the conflict of the cultures, which is made clear with as little dialogue as possible.
In addition, both Smith and sometimes Pocahontas ponder about love and the social grievances per voice-overs. These appear more or less independently to the respective footage resp. was also (especially in the Extended Cut, which will be discussed in the following) put directly over the dialogues.
Captain Smith is being personated by Colin Farrell, at the time 14-year-old newcomer Q'Orianka Kilcher is seen as Pocahontas and her later lover John Rolfe is being embodied by Christian Bale.

The Versions

As indicated in the beginning, Malick is known for putting a lot of emphasis on his works' final cuts. Therefore it should be surprising that The New World actually has three official versions and, at least internationally, the following have been released on home cinemas:

1. The regular Theatrical Version (130min PAL / 135min NTSC)
=> a.o. Italian DVD
2. The Italy-Cut (144min PAL / 150min NTSC)
=> Italian DVD*
3. The Extended Cut (172min NTSC)
=> US-DVD / British Blu-ray

In Italy, the regular Theatrical Cut was released in a fancy 2-Discs-Digipak-leathercase together with the so called "Italy-Cut", a version about 15 minutes longer. This version is the first final version of the movie, which was also shown for about a week in American theaters in 2005 and actually was only just finished for the Academy Awards ceremony. There are no other releases of this early version known outside of Italy.*
Malick set his hand to the film for the international theatrical release and shortened the movie in some parts, but also added scenes and made other alterations.
More precise information about that in the soon following seperate report.

Below is about the differences between the regular theatrical version and the much later released Extended Cut, though, which was also manufactured under Malick's watch. First available exclusively in America, later also contained on the British Blu-ray disc.

This version is more than 35 minutes longer and not only features the scenes, which were shortened in the Italy-Cut, in their full glory, but also reimplements a lot of additional footage. Casual viewers probably would not realize much of it directly and it is not all that spectacular, but fans would surely argue that each and every second of Malick's shots is precious. The question of pacing is standing against this, of course. Whoever thought the theatrical cut was already too lengthy (the film's unusual narrative continuity won't please at least some of the audiences' frantic viewing habits at all), will most definetly not enjoy the Extended Cut. You couldn't really say the new footage would slow down the movie very much, though. After all, the film draws its effect especially from this calm, voluptuous manner.
Especially during the longer new scenes, the characters and their relations to each other are being deepened pleasantly. The scene in which Smith saves one of the natives child from drowning or a discussion with Captain Newport (Christopher Plummer), whether Smith was actually allowed to be with the natives at all, are to be highlighted. The relationship between Pocahontas and Smith also gets some more time here and there, which was restricted too much to hints for some of the theatrical cut's critics.

The strongly edited voiceovers, which were not counted in the above shown summary (so you could get many more altered parts if you counted differently), add to that. Not only feature the new scenes several more lines here, but they were especially rearranged according to the extensions. That way, of course, a different effect is met here and there and all in all it can be declared that the comments are a little more conventional in the theatrical cut, because most of the time, they fit to the shown images. In the extended version, though, you often see content-wise differently seeming footage and it oftenly occurs that they are spoken over the dialogues. That way, the inner conflicts of the persons are represented much stronger, of course. On a related note, we hint at the edited dialogue between Smith and Argall, which is more emotional in the extended cut due to a seemingly unfitting order.
Also, the comments were edited at very different parts, too from time to time. Both the Theatrical Cut and the Extended Cut have lines removed or reimplemented over the same footage. An explanation by audio commentary might have been helpful, because of the unclear nature of these changes, unfortunately there is no release that features that, yet. Everybody should form their own opinion about the effects of the respective scenes.

The final distinctive change is, of course, the text-overlays. In the extended version, the movie was virtually parted in chapters resp. headlines for the respective act are shown.

*The Italy-Cut was supposedly contained as a digital copy on the US-DVD of the Extended Cut per attached code resp. according to information on the web it was just this alternative version you could download, even though this was not noted anywhere. Due to this offer having been expired in September 2009, this could unfortunately not be checked.

Runtime designations were set in this order:
Theatrical Cut in PAL / Extended Cut in NTSC
00:20-00:21 / 00:21-00:37

The Theatrical Cut (=TC) features the black screen a little longer, the Extended Cut (=EC) shows a quote.

"How much they err,
that think that everyone that has been at Virginia
understands or knows what Virginia is."

- Captain John Smith

EC 13.3 sec longer

03:32 / 03:56-04:16

Additional shots of swimming Pocahontas
Her voiceover: "Dear Mother: You fill the land with your beauty."

20.6 sec

03:36 / 04:20-04:37

More shots and another voiceover: "You reach to the end of the world. How shall I seek you? Show me your face."

17.1 sec

The rest of the voiceover is only featured in the EC, the images are now the same in the two versions:
"You, the great river...that never runs dry."

04:24 / 05:27-05:31

An additional short tracking shot across the ships.

4.2 sec

07:01 / 08:16-08:21

The EC now has a text overlay: "A New Start".

4.6 sec

Only TC longer
07:38-07:44 / 08:59

Here is a black screen only in the TC (est. 2 sec), then the tracking shot across the water starts earlier.

+ 5.8 sec

07:52 / 09:07-09:24

First shots of clumping about Smith as well as new views of the water and his gallows.

16.9 sec

07:58 / 09:31-09:35

Additional shot of Smith in the field.

3.9 sec

10:15 / 11:57-11:59

The shot starts a little earlier, the TC only starts as the native turns around.

1.6 sec

12:22 / 14:12-14:21

Additional shots of Pocahontas and her playfellow.

9.5 sec

12:36 / 14:35-14:45

The shot of Smith is a bit longer, he looks up where you can see a bird flying around.

10 sec

15:19-15:21 / 17:35-18:10

In the TC the shot is close to two seconds longer and Argall durns around.

In the ECWingfield critisizes Newports decision concerning Smith.

Wingfield: "I should very dearly like to know one thing. What is to prevent this friend of the hangman from making league with the naturals and turning upon us? Only under the extremity of torture, I should like to assume. Or indeed instructing them in the conduct of war and English strategies if I may make so bold. His right to the title of captaincy is dubious at best. The lowborn son of a farmer cannot be expected to behave with a gentleman's sense of propriety."
Argall rebukes him; "Perhaps you'd like to go, Wingfield."

EC 33.1 sec longer

15:48 / 18:38-18:43

You see the natives observing the ground longer.
(At first, the same shot is longer, then there is an additional closer view).

4.3 sec

16:16 / 19:12-19:40

Additional nature takes.
To this, Smiths voiceover is heard, which is featured in the TC shortly after, accompanied by different takes; "What voice is this that speaks within me...guides me towards the best?"

27.9 sec

Shortly after, Smith only asks in the EC "Where?" (offscreen).

16:27 / 19:51-20:06

Another shot of the boat, then Smith communicates with a native American by hand gestures.

15.1 sec

16:35 / 20:14-20:21

A first shot at night.
Here and during the earlier shot, which is contained in both versions, there is another voiceover of Smith only in the EC: "Always the star was guiding me. Leading. Drawing me on. To the fabled land."

7.5 sec

Shortly after, Smith only says in the EC "There life shall begin."

16:51 / 20:38-21:46

Another calm camera track across the water, then Tomocomo makes some noises and obviously informs other tribe members through that.
Smith comments at this: "A world equal to our hopes. A land where one might wash one's soul pure."

67.8 sec

Smith's next line is only featured in the EC at the following shot as well: "Rise to one's true stature."

17:10-17:18 / 22:06-22:12

In the TC, they turn to the natives at the shore, the EC only features a distand shot of the boat.

TC 2 sec longer

Theatrical CutExtended Cut

18:01 / 22:57-23:14

Another camera track from the water to Smith, then another one across the water.
To this two more lines of Smith (offscreen): "No man shall stand above any other. We'll all live under the same law."

17.3 sec

18:11 / 23:24-23:41

The shot of the crew on the water is slightly longer, Selway looks around (not picturized).
Then a first shot of Smith, who is walking through the forest.

16.8 sec

19:03 / 24:35-24:42

You see the canoe a little bit closer from behind.

7.7 sec

19:17 / 24:57-25:18

A tracking shot through the swamp water, tw shots of the canoe from behind and Selway looks around again.

20.7 sec

19:57 / 26:00-26:21

After the bird flew past him, you see Smith in further shots walking through the high grass.

21.6 sec

20:08 / 26:32-26:38

The overlay "The Stranger" only appears in the EC, then a first shot of Smith walking through the swamp.

5.8 sec

26:40-26:43 / 33:29-34:53

In the TC you see Smith only in one additional shot from the front.

In the EC he walks around longer and in another shot, then a woman gives him a corncob. Subsequently, Tomocomo teaches him several useful things by hand gestures and looks at his tattoos.

EC 80.2 sec longer

30:33 / 38:53-39:38

More shots of Smith "playing" with the natives.

45.4 sec

33:28 / 42:40-44:57

Before Pocahontas gives Smith a print of her hand onto his chest, there are a few additional scenes.

First, Smith teaches her the word "heat".
Smith comments: "I am not guarded. They trust me as a brother. I, who was a pirate who lived to steal what I could. I am a free man now. All that they have is given me. I don't know."
Then he saves a native child from drowning.
His comment again: "Saved a child from drowning. Never had it struck me so forcefully before that I have the power to grant life and health to others."

136.8 sec

33:42 / 45:13-45:23

Pocahontas paints Smith's body in an additional shot.

10.6 sec

35:03-35:05 / 46:47-47:42

In the TC ist das Schwarzbild etwas longer und man hört hier sowie kurz zuvor schon Smiths Worte
the black screen is a bite longer and you hear now as well as shortly before Smith's words "Love. Shall we deny it when it visits us?" (offscreen).
The following shot of the natives in the water starts a little bit earlier.

The EC on the other hand shows more shots of Pocahontas walking through the grass, then shortly her stroking Smith on the ground.
Then a ceremonial dance of the tribe around a fireplace, Smith is in the middle.

At that another voiceover by Smith, before the part from the TC starts: "Lawless. I was a dead man. Now I live. You, my light. My America."

EC 52.8 sec longer

36:23-36:25 / 49:02-49:03

One line of Pocahontas' voiceover has been removed from the EC: "Show me your face."

37:37-37:42 / 50:21

Here, a short moment of Smith's dance at the fireplace is being reimplemented into the TC, after Pocahontas washed his hair.

+ 4.9 sec

44:33 / 57:29-57:32

Again, a text overlay only in the EC ("The President, Fall 1608"), before Smith enters the little house.
3.4 sec

44:51 / 57:50-58:12

Smith is sitting in the room and observes the Indian feather, then he walks to the side, pondering, looking outside.
His voiceover: "Tell her. Tell her what? 'I love you. But I cannot love you.'?"

21.9 sec

The first words resp. "Tell her. Tell her what?" are put over the following shots in the TC.

45:09 / 58:31-60:37

Smith is standing in the house in an additional shot and his commentary is heard in the EC "It was a dream. Now I am awake.", which was used during the shots before and after this one in the TC..

Then there are several shots of Tomocomo observing the settlers outside resp. Touches them or admires their items.
One of the people at first asks"What should we do with him?" and Smith answers: "Nothing. He's mad. Harmless."

126.5 sec

50:18 / 66:01-66:09

The natives are shown slightly longer from behind, then another frontal shot of Pocahontas.

8.4 sec

53:43 / 69:43-70:25

Before Smith takes off, two people say goodbye to him and he does some more voiceover-commentary.

Voiceover Smith: "She. Brass twitched her hand."
Argall: "Where are you going?"
Smith: "(Crabs in a bucket.) Where you would not dare to follow. (Scuttling over each other.)" (The italic lines are voiceovers, he doesn't say those to Argall)
Argall: "Don't you think you should take more men?"
Smith: "They can come if they choose. I will see if we can trade with another tribe." - Voiceover "Sail. Sail on."
Another man says goodbye and Smith continues philosophizing: "What else is life but living there? Steal her love."

41.2 sec

53:49-53:54 / 70:31-71:20

The TC only features another shot of the boat during the day.

The EC first shows a shot at night, then several nature shots at daylight – the boat is much longer on its way.
At that, again a voiceover by Smith: "She lay in peace...gazed at the sky. Motionless. Afraid of what I most desire. Fool I was. Cannot walk two paths at once. Leave her free. Ride two horses. Can't deceive the good. Cling to the good. As long as you do, you have a claim in life."
Finally the shot of the shore slightly earlier.

EC 44.4 sec longer

Shortly after, another voiceover only in the EC: "She, unbound."

Only TC longer
54:01-54:02 / 71:27

Smith walks towards the camera a little longer in the TC.

+ 1.2 sec

Only TC longer
54:07-54:09 / 71:32

Another shot in the TC slightly longer (and the following also few insignificant frames earlier).

+ 2.4 sec

Only TC longer
54:14-54:20 / 71:37

The native man tells Smith something in the beginning – the EC starts as he is standing sideways handing him the coin.

+ 6 sec

54:30 / 71:47-71:59

Only in the EC Smith comments the coin: "The source of all evil. It excuses vulgarity. Makes wrong right, base noble."

12 sec

Only TC longer
54:36-54:38 / 72:05

Smith slightly longer in the TC.

+ 2.1 sec

Only TC longer / Editing
54:42-54:47 / 72:09

Only the TC features a shot of a native man observing an item and then grabbing the chief's hand.
(Part of that was shown in the EC at 71:47-71:59 already)

+ 5 sec

54:54-55:06 / 72:16-72:28

In the TC you see Smith slightly longer, than a flashback of Pocahontas balancing across a log and Smith walking under it.

The EC shows the native, then Pocahontas in front of the field and finally the following shot of Smith a little earlier.

TC 0.8 sec longer

55:11-55:15 / 72:33-73:04

In the TC Pocahontas looks down here, Smith is lying on the ground in front of her and teasingly grabs for her feet.

The EC first shows Smith insignificantly longer, then a long distant shot of the two coming closer to each other, hugging. Subsequently two close views (at the last one the TC continues as well)

EC 26.8 sec longer

55:32 / 73:23-74:48

First Smith and Pocahontas longer, then you also see the two earlier shots from the TC in the EC – both significantly longer resp. Smith grabs for her many more times and is also shown longer under the log. Also more caressing of the two and the last shot of Pocahontas in the field also starts a little earlier.
Voiceover by Pocahontas: "True. Is this the man I loved? So long. A ghost. Come. Where are you, my love? Free. What do I fear?"

85.1 sec

Shortly after, only "Free." is featured in the TC afterwards – and after the, in both versions identical, line "Can love lie?" she only adds in the TC: "My America. Where are you, my love?"

55:46 / 75:03-76:31

The two continue frolicing and Smith forges out plans: "We can't go into the forest. Could I show you England? Oh, it's too far."
Pocahontas: "If I can be with you that is all."

88.2 sec

56:08 / 76:54-77:03

A nature shot much longer.

8.9 sec

(Smith's in both versions identical voiceover shifts here.)

Alternative / Editing
56:17-56:31 / 77:12-77:16

In the EC the following shot is longer, too.

The TC on the other hand reimplements scenes with Pocahontas and Smith in the field, which were shown earlier in the EC according to the rest of the voiceover.

TC 10.3 sec longer

56:47 / 77:33-78:17

Before you see Pocahontas standing at the water, Smith meets some old comrades.

Smith: "What are you doing here?"
Man: "Beg your pardon, sir. You were gone longer than we expected. Appears I've wandered off myself a bit. Things go badly?"
Smith just passes him and you hear his voiceover again, while he meets the rest of the troop at the beach.; "No ties. Space enough at last. Break free. Can I lead them off some other way?"

43.4 sec

56:54 / 78:24-80:46

Big extension in the EC. In the beginning an additional talk between Smith and his men, which suddenly drifts into surreal memories of Pocahontas, though. There is a voiceover of her and finally another text overlay ("A Secret Crop").

Man: "What about the soil, captain? Is it as good as we thought?"
Smith: "(Like her...) Not really. (Always alone.) In fact, I've rarely seen such a pest hole. Look about you, everything's swamp. Water standing in lakes and pools, so the ground gives way beneath your feet. (Let the dead bury the dead.) I suspect there's more puddles than dry land. Each producing more mosquitoes in their slime than there are beads in a nunnery and each mosquito as hungry as a priest. None but a savage could inhabit the place." (The italic lines are voiceovers resp. he doesn't say them to the men)
The rest of his words are only heard accompanying close-up shots; "Or west of here towards the mountains, or south, now that is something else. We can sail on. Seek a passage to the Indies."
Pocahontas' voiceover is heard during several flashbacks; "Come. My love. It flows. Where? Life. Me, in your soul. Life. Am I a deceiver? My mouth is dry. My body trembles. How false I am. My skin burns. Trust. I have two minds. Wait, should I tell Father? There is nothing but this. What was I? What am I now? Oh, Mother, what have I done? Love is unbound my limbs. This love is like pain. I am... I shall be...yours."

142 sec

57:30 / 81:23-81:39

Before Pocahontas is being chased through the field, she is shown mourning below her clan mantes in the EC.

15.4 sec

60:46 / 85:03-85:04

A short shot of Pocahontas in the grass is only featured in the EC.

0.8 sec

Only TC longer
60:48-60:49 / 85:06

The TC on the other hand shows the following shot respectively longer.

+ 0.8 sec

64:22 / 88:48-88:53

Two additional shots: Smith's men retreat and one of the natives with mask is shown.

5.6 sec

65:24 / 89:59-90:06

The EC features an additional shot of Pocahontas' father from behind. The TC shows the following take of Pocahontas slightly earlier (not picturized).

EC 6.4 sec longer

Alternative / Editing
67:17-67:34 / 92:03-94:32

You see Smith in the EC walking around much longer, there is shooting behind him. After a shot of the thick of the fight discussions with Selway and one of his men take place, to this again and again his critical voiceover.

Man: "The water is poisoned. They put a dead dog in the well. We can't go out to look for fish or game. How long can we last?"
Smith (voiceover), while in the beginning Selway expresses his wariness; "Starvation does fearful things to a man. I hate your hearts. Tired of your contempt. You don't know where you are. Like a wasp in a bottle. Trapped. To give light to them. Deliver us from evil. Not sit in darkness. Deal not with us after our sins. Of all thy people I have become, as it were, a monster unto many. Cast me not away. Make me a clean heart."
In the end there is a take of Pocahontas, then a steaming helmet and finally a flag in the wind.

The TC on the other hand first shows the flag in the wind, then only the final seconds of Smith's shot and in the end the steaming helmet (not picturized again).

EC 131 sec longer

68:26-68:45 / 95:25-95:39

Die Sätze in Klammern sind vor und nach der alternativen Anordnung zu hören.
Here, the discussion between Argall and Smith is edited differently. In the EC, Smith's bad words towards Argall come right in the middle resp. it seems more like a delusion inbetween his "normal" words, because the shots and lines are interrupted here in the middle.


Smith: "(She risked a beating in of her own brains to save mine.) Had she not fed us, you would have starved. She's been the instrument to preserve this colony from disaster."
Man: "Flesh fly!"
Argall: "She and her..."
Smith: "We'll not return her kindness by making her a captive! Come, Argall, threaten me! Then I'd know I was gonna live for 1,000 years."
(Argall: "She and her lot are on the verge of killing us all.")

Smith: "(She risked the beating in of her own brains to save mine.) Come, Argall, threaten me! Had she not fed us, you would have starved. Then I'd know I was gonna live for 1000 years. She's been the instrument to preserve this colony from disaster. We'll not return her kindness by making her a captive."
(Argall: "She and her lot are on the verge of killing us all.")

TC 4.8 sec longer

Theatrical CutExtended Cut

71:03 / 98:04-98:11

You see Pocahontas and another woman from behind.

7.1 sec

Only TC longer
71:12-71:18 / 98:20

There is a shot of a native woman in the TC.

+ 6.5 sec

71:21 / 98:23-99:35

The EC shows more after the shot of Pocahontas in return. She is being abducted and the other natives become a little mutinous. The shot of the woman, which was shown earlier in the TC, is also featured here.
Finally the shot of the ship on the sea slightly sooner.

71.9 sec

Only TC longer
72:39-72:52 / 100:57

Pocahontas is standing much longer aloft, looking ahead.
Then Argall insignificantly earlier.

+ 13.3 sec

74:28 / 102:38-102:40

A view out of Pocahontas' prison.

1.9 sec

74:50-74:52 / 103:03-103:23

The TC shows Pocahontas looking outside a little longer.

The EC shows a short flashback of her outdoors, then she lies down in the jail.
Finally another text-overlay ("Return of the Floating Islands").

EC 18.6 sec longer

Change of soundtrack
75:10-75:14 / 103:42-103:46

The final line of Smith's voiceover was removed from the EC
"The tide now swung to the English side."

Change of soundtrack
80:37-80:54 / 109:13-109:31

Voiceover of Pocahontas, only in the EC, as she, newly dressed, goes outside together with Mary.
"So fast. I want my love. To go to him. The river. Living water. To meet him. Where does it come from? Where is it going?"

80:46 / 109:31-109:46

Pocahontas asks Mary some questions: "Why do they want gold? Can't they make it? Do they eat it?"

14.5 sec

84:01 / 113:10-113:20

Blackscreen and then a night shot, before Pocahontas wakes up.

10.1 sec

87:03 / 116:30-116:51

More shots of mourning and helplessly wandering Pocahontas. To that also her voiceover sooner:
"Unwed. Where is your love now? Where is our child?"

21.6 sec

Change of soundtrack
88:19-89:29 / 118:10-119:23

During several takes, only the EC features some voiceovers by Pocahontas.
"Does the sun see this? On the bed of fate, we lie. We can enter you. Question you. I mourn. I grieve. Take my hand, Father."

89:48 / 119:43-119:47

Next text-overlay; "A Proposal".

3.9 sec

90:16 / 120:17-124:11

Big extension: Before Rolfe meets Pocahontas the first time, she first wanders a little through the outdoors and regenerates. She picks a mushroom, looks from the sea to the heavens and then communicates with Tomocomo by gesturing.
To that, voiceover in the beginning: "Scorned. Cast out, cut off. A dog. Come, death. Take me. Set me free. Let me be what I was."
In the end she is standing allone in the resort, pretty lost.

234.7 sec

93:27 / 127:30-128:06

Further shots of Rolfe and Pocahontas, voiceover to that.
Rolfe: "Many passions have I endured. Daily, hourly. Even in my sleep. Awaking me to astonishment. This love has become such a labyrinth that I no longer know..."
Pocahontas: "Were you sad..."
Rolfe: " to wind myself out from it."
Pocahontas: " lose your wife and daughter?"

35.6 sec

Change of soundtrack
94:04-94:12 / 128:45-128:53

The final line of Rolfe's voiceover was removed from the EC;
"The loss of my wife and daughter has led me to understand her loss as well."

97:46 / 132:36-132:41

The shot starts a little earlier as Pocahontas strokes the cow.

4.9 sec

Change of soundtrack
97:55-97:57 / 132:50-132:52

Additional short voiceover by Rolfe;
"All sings to her."

99:59 / 135:00-136:32

The TC features Pocahontas 0.3 sec longer (not picturized).

The EC first shows a questioning of Rolfe under Newport's watch. Here, an official explanation for the marriage with Pocahontas is being demanded.

Man: "You're not ignorant to the displeasure which God conceived against the sons of Levi and Israel for marrying strange wives."
Rolfe: "No."
Governor: "Would you do anything necessary to bring this about?"
Rolfe: "Yes."
Governor: "Would you write a petition explaining, as the wealthiest planter in Virginia, the benefit..."
Rolfe (voiceover): "The governor requires a letter..."
Governor: "...this would offer the colony?"
Rolfe (voiceover: "...stating acceptable reasons for our union."
Governor: "Could you state your hope that this might be the beginning the great work of converting the naturals? That this idea came to you in no way through any carnal affection but for the good of the plantation. For the honor of your country. And your own soul."
Rolfe (voiceover): "Humiliated."
Governor: "In service of saving the non-believing creature..."
Rolfe (voiceover): "And yet it does not touch me."
Governor: "If this be not your true intent would you do that?"
Rolfe: "Yes."
Newport: "Then surely you do love her, Mr. Rolfe. Write."
Finally, Pocahontas in her dress is shown.

EC 91.2 sec longer

100:21-100:26 / 136:54-137:02

Before you see Pocahontas lying in bed, the TC shows a still view of the house, the EC features a short, calm tracking shot from a slightly different perspective.

EC 2.5 sec longer

Theatrical CutExtended Cut

103:00 / 139:42-139:58

Flashbacks of Pocahontas

15.6 sec

104:49 / 141:52-142:01

The view of the sea is a little longer, then a text-overlay ("Far to the North, Spring 1614") and subsequently a first view of the sea.

8.7 sec

104:57 / 142:09-142:13

Smith a little earlier before he turns and walks away.

4.4 sec

105:11 / 142:28-142:41

Smith walks around longer.

12.8 sec

Alternative / Editing
105:14-105:17 / 142:44-142:49

The TC reimplements a view of the sea here, the one which was shown earlier in the EC, right after the text-overlay (not picturized again).
The EC shows a native woman, on the other hand.

EC 2 sec longer

105:24 / 142:56-143:01

The waves a little longer.

4.6 sec

109:34-109:37 / 147:21-147:28

In the TC a tracking shot over the water, in the EC black screen and another text-overlay ("London, Summer 1616").

EC 4 sec longer

Theatrical CutExtended Cut

110:34 / 148:28-148:41

Pocahontas is passing in the horse-drawn carriage, looking outside.

12.9 sec

110:40 / 148:47-149:01

Pocahontas strokes a horse in an additional shot, Rolfe walks behind her thoughtfully.

13.4 sec

113:12 / 151:39-151:44

The EC features one more tracking shot across the roof.

5.3 sec

114:32-114:33 / 153:07-154:56

In the EC you see Pocahontas' uncle 0.4 sec longer looking around in front of the hedge, he then already leaves the park.

The EC features Pocahontas walking to him and indirectly asking him (after the voiceover "Mother...stay near me."), for forgiveness and that he should tell her father that she was still his daughter. The uncle leaves with a grim face, though.
Then the versions are shortly in sync again at the shot of the uncle going out of the park.

EC 107.8 sec longer

114:39 / 155:02-155:51

In the EC, Rolfe says some words (in the beginning offscreen, then to Newport).
"Sweet wife do you care for me still? I cannot be to you what I am not. She would never have married me had she known that he were alive. She bound herself to me in ignorance, and I will not... I will not let her be encumbered by a tie which she despises and enter to her mischief."

The TC on the other hand only features Pochontas insignificantly earlier (not picturized).

EC 48.6 sec longer

Only in the EC you hear Rolfe's voiceover: "I will do nothing against her will."

114:57 / 156:10-156:13

The final text-overlay in the EC; "And Last".

3.8 sec

Change of soundtrack
115:47-115:52 / 157:06-157:11

A line of Rolfe, only featured in the EC:
"I will not rob you of your self-respect."