The TV movie of the all over the world popular TV-real time series 24, subtitled Redemption is supposed to fill the gap between the 6. and 7. season and was released on DVD only few days after its TV premiere.
Aside the version shown on TV, the DVD was shipped with a longer version, called Creator's Cut which added almost fifteen minutes of new footage. This is mostly put together from scene extensions and additional scenes, sometimes decorated with alternate footage. The relevance of these scenes varies from insightful to irrelevant. There are also a few small violence-extensions, but calling the Creator's Cut an unrated version that goes beyond of what is possible on TV would be presumptous. To keep this cut report clear, it was intentionally chosen which changes are relevant and/or should be listed because of their length. Differing shots that last only a few frames which don't have any censorship background or are of useful nature have deliberately not been listed. They were considered when calculating the total runtime difference, though. The TV-version has been compared to the Creator's Cut (both on a DVD by 20th Century Fox) 47 changes, containing 13 longer scenes in the creator's cut with alternate footage 31 extended or additional scenes in the creator's cut 3 longer scenes in the TV-version The Creator's cut is 870.04 seconds resp. approx. 14 minutes 30 seconds longer than the TV-version. Alternative footage
TV-version, Creator's Cut: 0:00:55: After Colonel Dubaku tells his soldier he needed soldiers, the latter one assures him in several different views that he would bring more. In the TV-version you see him in a close-up, the Creator's Cut features Col. Dubaku the whole time while you hear his henchman's answer only through the cellphone. no time difference
Enhanced scene in the Creator's Cut with alternative footage Creator's Cut: 0:02:54 TV-version: 0:02:49: The TV-version fades to another boy whereas the camera continues to focus on Col. Dubaku and the boy in the Creator's Cut. Dubaku tells him: "He's only a cockroach." The Creator's Cut is 4.52 sec. longer
Enhanced scene in the Creator's Cut Creator's Cut: 0:03:16 TV-version: 0:03:04: The creator's cut features the child soldiers and their bailiffs with their chants ("Kill the cockroach!"). The Creator's Cut is 7.56 Sec. longer
Enhanced scene in the Creator's Cut with alternative footage Creator's Cut: 0:03:26 TV-version: 0:03:07: Both versions feature different shots of the boy on the stage and the child soldiers and fighters who cheer him. The order of the scenes is different, too. The Creator's Cut is 1.44 Sec. longer
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut Creator's Cut: 0:03:51 TV-version: 0:03:29: The Creator's Cut shows the boy hitting the man once more with the machete (off-screen), whereas the TV-version suddenly fades to black. He roars animally. The Creator's Cut is 1.8 Sec. longer
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut with alternate footage Creator's Cut: 0:04:34 TV-version: 0:04:10: The TV-version shows the Jeep drive through the steppe. The Creator's Cut on the other hand features a longer scene of a herd of cows blocking the car's way and Tramell angrily making his driver understand he should drive around them. The Creator's Cut is 17.56 Sec. longer
Additional scene in the Creator's Cut 0:10:28: Willie asks Jack what the man from the embassy wanted from him. Jack responds he probably only wanted to talk. Willie sticks with his guns and wants to know what he wanted to talk about, which Jack angrily responds to that Willie asked too many questions. Jack quickly notices, though, that he bawled him out too harshly saying that and deliberately knocks over his pushcart. Then he asks Willie for help and they load the cart. Then, Jack says Willie should follow him. 33.4 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:14:08:Chris walks much longer through the hallway. 4.44 Sec.
Extended scene with alternate footage Creator's Cut: 0:14:45 TV-version: 0:13:16: Jack tells Willie that everything was okay and he could leave pacifiedly. 3.12 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:15:40: Jack emphasizes once more to Carl: "What do you want?" 1.24 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:15:51: Carl tells Jack: "Look. I can't remember the many times you saved my life. But I do know that I owe you. You've lost a lot, Jack. I know that. I know that.". The TV-version also offers some alternate footage here. 15.16 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:16:40: The TV-version has got music before this scene, the Creator's Cut on the other hand not. Carl: "You never asked me why I quit." Jack: "Figured you would have told me if you wanted me to know." Then Carl sits down on the chair next to Jack and tells him about the reason why he quit back then. He tortured a prisoner in Beirut to get important information. He finally got it, but the prisoner died. Also, it was the wrong man and Carl lost 14 comerades and 21 civilians that day. Jack replies it was their job, but Carl counters that people like them were not evaluated on how many people they save but how many they lose. 85.12 Sec.
0:18:35: Carl: "We'll fight this thing together.". The subsequent view of Jack is longer in the CC, too, he turns around here and quietly says: "Sorry." 6.16 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:18:56: Jack and Carl shortly talk about Tramell. Then Jack looks around. The TV-version features alternate footage here, again. 10.92 Sec. Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:19:38: Jack adds: "I mean it. Thank you for everything." 3.72 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut with alternate footage TV-version: 0:16:12 Creator's Cut: 0:19:49: The TV-version features a close-up of Carl, slowly turning to a discussion that is being held in the background. In the Creator's Cut, the view on him is from further away. In this scene, Willie enters and asks Carl where Jack went. Carl answers he wasn't sure. Willie then says that he is alive, though, which Carl confirms. Then, they leave, arm in arm. 19,76 Sec.
Extended scene in the TV-version 0:16:24: Willie is shown as you hear the dialogue between the UN-co-worker and Thomas (off-screen). He says: "Juma is killing our children.", whereas the UN-co-worker replies: "The United Nations has no evidence of that." 4.52 Sec. Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:21:27: You see the UN-co-worker longer. Then a shot of Carl opening the car door before the camera sways back to the UN-co-worker again. 8.76 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:21:43: The children play soccer longer. 6.72 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:22:00: Ditto. 7.12 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:22:58: The boys are surrounded longer by the soldiers. 11 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:25:18: After the two boys from the American camp are shown lying on the ground in both versions, the Creator's Cut adds another view which soon fades to a news report. In this, the news reporter talks about the imminent inauguration of the upcoming president. The TV-version on the other hand features now a black frame with a time counter already. This frame is interrupted shortly (obviously for a commercial break) and then shows a timecode again. The president's son's girlfriend is shown in a small image section, whereas you see her in full screen in the CC. This time difference is being subtracted from the CC's new scene's runtime. 7 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut with alternative footage TV-version: 0:21:09 Creator's Cut: 0:25:47: Both versions show alternate shots as the girlfriend says: "Stop looking at me like that.". The creator's cut features the predient's son say that watching her dress was amost as much fun as watching her undress. The Creator's Cut is 2.16 Sec. longer
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:26:01: He continues to kiss her neck and she remarks: "You need to shave. You're gonna be on TV.". Then she kisses him. 5.44 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut with alternative footage TV-version: 0:23:59 Creator's Cut: 0:28:48: A slightly different order in both versions. The CC shows another general say "Mr. President, my country is in crisis and here is the proof.". But there is no additional footage, the sentence was only integrated into the scene. An added close-up of the prime minister, who says this line in the beginning of the scene in the TV-version, is responsible for this scene being longer in the CC. The Creator's Cut is 4.68 Sec. longer
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:30:03: The prime minister thanks ("Thank you, sir."). The TV-version on the other hand features another shot, which is a few frames long. 2 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:33:14: The previous view of Carl with the broken ball is mirror-inverted. Then, there is an extension in the CC, in which Carl looks around and finally asks bypassing, african women in french if they had seen boys play football. But they tell him they hadn't seen anything like that and he thanks. 38,96 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:37:14: Thomas goes to Willie who looks at Jack and says: "It's not fair. How come he has to go and we have to stay?" Thomas: "It's not fair or unfair. It's just the way it is. [Come, help me finish. We're almost done.]". The last two lines in brackets are featured with footage that is also shown in the TV-version. 11.8 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:39:27: Jack goes into one of the houses and puts down his bag. Then he takes the key to Carl's firearm safe, which was hidden on a closet. Then there is a short scene showing Thomas ordering more children into the house with the safe room, before there is another fade to Jack who opens the safe. 14.28 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:40:22: The UN-coworker goes into the safe room to the other children. A view of all the children is featured in the CC. 5.56 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:41:44: Jack shoots one more soldier. 1,2 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:42:31: Only the CC shows Jack putting his knife against the just-downed enemy and cuts his throat (not explicitly detailed). 1,16 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:45:26: The african woman continues to talk to Trammell. She points at another woman and says "What about her? She's not American." Trammell: "She has family in the States." 4.4 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:45:40: Trammell suggests crossing the eastern border to get to the UN-camp, but she replies with the question how she was supposed to do that. She didn't have any methods of transportation, the busses were out of the question and she couldn't walk, either. The TV-version on the other hand shows the line that Juma would kill her child featured during another shot. 8.12 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:47:15: Col. Dubakus brother asks Jack where the children were, but he remains silent. His adversary orders his henchman to hit Jack once more, which he does. The subsequent view on Jack is slightly different in the two versions. In the CC, the master torturer calls his bailiffs, which are then shown. 18,24 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:51:24: Carl tells the boys that they were going to go by bus and he would explain everything happening now there. 12.6 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut with alternative footage TV-version: 0:45:05 Creator's Cut: 0:52:17: Whereas the TV-version shows the black frame with the time code to make room for a commercial break, the CC continues with the view on the truck and the bus, which are leaving the camp. The TV-version then continues at a splitscreen-montage, while the CC continues to feature the full screen. The Creator's Cut is 9.36 Sec. longer
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:54:18: Roger asks Chris about the depositor's name, but Chris only says how crazy this all is and that he actually didn't want to know anything about it. 6.32 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:55:13: Chris ennervedly turns around due to Roger's question, whether he even had any evidence and says: "I mean, I'm working on it." Roger: "What does that mean?" Chris: "What does that mean, it means...uhm..." 8.88 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 0:57:46: Jack stitches up the wound at his eye brow. Willie assists him with a small mirror. A view on observing Thomas and driving Carl takes place before Jack is shown stitching again. Then he is done, thanks Willie and turns to shot Desmond. 32.44 Sec.
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut with alternative footage TV-version: 0:52:05 Creator's Cut: 1:00:16: Again, the TV-version shows a timecode with black screen for commercial breaks. This is being followed by a split screen with different scenes. The CC on the other hand shows the president's husband, standing in the hallway and waiting for her. The assistant of the current president is coming from the briefing room and is being asked by the president's husband what was happening and says his wife would miss her inauguration. The assistant tells him that he could not talk to him about that, but he was clearly allowed to talk to his wife about that soon. The husband is not pleased with this statement, though, and so he tells his adversary that he had only asked a simple question. It'd be acceptable if he couldn't answer the question, but he should not tell him he was allowed to talk to his wife. The assistant shuffles out of this situation by making clear he had to clean his bureau. The Creator's Cut is 26.72 Sec. longer
Extended scene in the TV-version with alternative footage TV-version: 0:56:44 Creator's Cut: 1:05:27: Just the same. A black frame with timecode in the TV-version, followed by split screens. The CC directly shows a split screen. The TV-version is 3.52 Sec. longer
Extended scene in the TV-version 1:01:53: The timecode in front of a black screen, followed by split screen takes. 12,44 Sec. Extended scene in the Creator's Cut with alternative footage TV-version: 1:03:48 Creator's Cut: 1:12:14: Two completely different orders in both versions. While the group flees into the forest and hides in the TV-version and, Col. Dubaku is flying over the forest in the helicopter, prospecting. Finally, he sums up he cannot see them, takes off the ear muffs and the scene is over. But not only the group's hiding is longer in the CC, The helicopter crew also aimlessly shoots into the forest. Jack grabs a rifle and tells Carl to distract the heli. Then, Jack aims several times and shoots at the heli, a.o. he hits the window and the back part, which causes the helicopter to get damaged and smoke to come out. Col. Dubaku might lose control and he has to realize he will not find them in the thick forest. Then, he takes off his ear muffs here, as well, and both versions run synchronous again. The Creator's Cut is 41.64 Sec. longer Creator's Cut:
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut with alternative footage TV-version: 1:10:42 Creator's Cut: 1:19:56: Black screen with time code in the TV-version and then split screen, an entirely new scene in the CC. The camera sways over the soldier's corpses, which lay on the ground due to Carl's self-sacrifice. Then the camera moves to Col. Dubaku and suddenly he opens his eyes. So he has not been killed by the explosion. There is also a scene with Roger and his girlfriend who talk about Chris, which is featured later in the TV-version, though. The Creator's Cut is 5.56 Sec. longer
Extended scene in the Creator's Cut 1:25:12: There is a camera sway over the masses of refugees who beg for entry in front of the US-embassy. Then a new scene, in which the prime minister says that he would have to talk to president Tayler, whereas Trammell tells him he could do that as soon as he landed in Germany, and that it was important for him to leave the country now. The prime minister goes to the helicopter and Trammell stands there another moment by himself. 24.04 Sec.