Release: Dec 11, 2017 - Author: Tony Montana - Translator: Tony Montana
- external link: IMDB - more from this series
Compared are the TV Version and the Extended Version.
10 differences, among them - 5 additional scenes - 1 extended scene - 1 scene with alternate and additional footage - 1 extended scene in the TV Version - Length difference: 107.9 sec resp. 1 min 47.9 sec (plus recap & end credits) After the History Channel stopped producing real history documentaries and started focussing on pseudo-scientific studies (UFOs and such) as well as pseudo documentaries (Pawn Stars) which they are very successful with by the way, they also tried out actual TV shows. The drama series Vikings is one of them. In March 2016, season 5 was green-lit. With season, the number of each has risen. While previous seasons had 10 episodes resp. season 1 had only 9 episodes, season 4 consists of 20 episodes. But the season had been split up: The episodes 1-10 aired from Febraury 2016 till April 2016 and the final 10 episodes aired from November 2016 till Febraury 2017. Similar to the previous seasons, season 4 was censored in the US. Time index refers to the Extended Version 00:00
Recap only in the TV Version. The Extended Version only contains a small black screen. TV Version 44 sec longer Additional Scene 02:37 Harald and Halfdan in action. 6.8 sec
Additional Scene 12:24 Lagertha, Astid, Torvi and Margrethe are talking about Ragnar, the gods and how their sons fit in. 67.3 sec resp. 1 min 7.3 sec
Additional Scene 16:55 Two additional shots in the Extended Version. 8.5 sec
Alternate Footage / Additional Scene 17:03 The following shots slightly differ. Furthermore, the Extended Version contains an additional shot in the middle. But then again, there is a brief moment in the TV Version that does not exist in the Extended Version. 4.2 sec
Extended Scene TV Version 21:00 Floki and Helga slightly longer in the TV Version. TV Version 1.1 sec longer Additional Scene 21:14 sec As compensation, the Extended Version contains shots of Floki and Helga. The latter says she was happy now. 9.7 sec
Additional Scene 34:14 Additional shots of Bjorn and Ecbert. Only in the Extended Version, Ecbert checks the blades before he picks one. 10.7 sec
Extended Scene 34:25 When Ecbert checks the blades, Bjorn looks down. For that reason, the subsequent shot starts a little earlier in the Extended Version: Bjorn looks back up. In the TV Version, he already looks at Ecbert at the beginning of the shot. 1.8 sec
45:02 End credits only in the Extended Version. 60 sec resp. 1 min |