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Release: May 03, 2015 - Author: Marsche - Translator: Tony Montana
Compared are the Cut Version and the Uncut Version of this music video. In the Cut Version, any scene related to the woman's suicide has been cut and replaced by alternate footage in order to avoid any length differences. Basically, the Cut Version is the version one gets to see on TV because the subject "suicide" is always tricky for TV broadcasts before 8 a.m. Uncut: 4:07 Min. Cut: 3:51 Min. 00.00
Shot of a woman committing suicide by hanging. 3.23 sec
04.00 Through a peephole, one gets to see David Draiman approaching the door. During, he gets his house key out. 5.15 sec
09.16 DAvid opens the door and enters the apartment. 4.89 sec
14.05 When he is entering the room, he notices the dead woman, gets scared and drops his backpack. 3.06 sec
17.11 David screams "No". 1.89 sec
19.01 In the Uncut Version, the camera circles the dead woman. The Cut Version shows David Draiman instead. CUT
29.19 Shot of the arm of the body in the Uncut Version while the Cut Version shows guitar player Dan Donegan. CUT
30.12 Shot of the woman's face in the Uncut Version, followed by a shot of David approaching the woman. The Cut Version shows bassist John Moyer, then David again. CUT
34.09 The Uncut Version shows David kneeling down in front of the dead woman. In the Cut Version on the other hand, David is singing. Then a shot of drummer Mike Wengren. CUT
42.01 Another shot of David kneeling down in front of the dead woman in grieve. The Cut Version on the other hand contains several short shots of band members. CUT
50.07 Ditto. CUT
55.14 Ditto. CUT
59.20 The Uncut Version shows a picture of David and the woman, followed by a further shot of David grieving. The Cut Version shows drummer Mike and singer David. CUT
1.04.02 And again a picture of David and the woman in the Uncut Version while the Cut Version shows David singing. CUT
1.08.18 There are several shots of David and the woman in the Uncut Version. In the Cut Version, David is singing again. CUT
1.14.18 In the Uncut Version, David is getting down the woman's body. In the Cut Version, the band is playing. CUT
1.25.02 The Uncut Version shows David putting the woman's body on a couch while the Cut Version shows Mike playing the drums and David singing. CUT
1.30.15 In the Uncut Version, David puts a pillow under the woman's head. The Cut Version shows John Moyer playing the bass for an extended period. CUT
From now on, there are short transitions to the dead woman in the Uncut Version every now and then. They are only a few frames long and won't be mentioned in the following. For the record, a few screenshots of the transitions:
In the Cut Version, the footage right before the transition is a few frames longer in order to make up for the time difference. 1.40.00 The Uncut Version first shows the body's face, followed by David kissing the dead woman on the forehead. The Cut Version shows the band playing. CUT
1.53.18 In the Uncut Version, David is sitting next to the woman, falling into despair. The Cut Version shows the band again. CUT
FETT]2.07.15 The Uncut Version shows David carrying the dead woman to the bathroom. He puts her in the bathtub and starts washing the body. In the Cut Version, the band keeps on rocking. CUT
2.37.15 In the Uncut Version, David is looking through a peephole. The Cut Version shows the drummer instead. CUT
3.02.05 The Uncut Version shows David sitting next to the woman on the couch again. He notices the rifle hanging on the wall. He goes to the rifle, takes it off the wall, looks at it, turns it around and puts the barrel in his mouth. The Cut Version shows the band playing again. CUT
3.57.20 The Uncut Version shows David screaming in a rubber room. In the Cut Version, David simply ends his song. CUT