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John Wick: Chapter 4

Evil Dead Rise

So I Married An Axe Murderer



The Burning

Secret of the Sword, The


  • UK Theatrical Version
  • She-Ra Version
Release: Feb 14, 2016 - Author: Tony Montana - Translator: Tony Montana - external link: IMDB
Removed Scene
28:41 / 11:58

Adora intends to figure out whether or not He-Man told the truth. She watches Hordak's men and how they treat the villagers from the distance.
Boy: "No, please don't take him."
Horde Trooper: "Shut up, boy."
He then complains to the resisting horse: "Come on, you miserable mag."
Boy: "Father, do something. Don't let 'em take Whity away."
Father: "There's nothing we can do, son."
But the son refuses to put up with it so he jumps one of Hordak's men.
His dad attemps to stop him: "Jason! Come back! Don't!"
But the son is so upset, he just does not give a damn. He pummels the Horde Trooper and yells: "Stop it! Stop it! That's my horse."
The Horde Trooper pushes him away: "Little fool."
A shot of Adora follows and she is anything but thrilled with what she just witnessed.
Then Bow and the others on Beast Island. They are under fire.
Bow: "They've got us pinned down."
Glimmer: "Madame, can you help us with a spell?"
Madame Razz: "Oh, I got just the right one."
Madame Razz uses one of her spells and turns the Horde Troopers into sheep.
Madame Razz: "Oh, deary my. I meant for them to fall asleep not become sheep."
Broom: "I think it worked out fine."
Glimmer: "Let's get out of here before reinforcements arrive."
Then the versions are back in sync.

57.16 sec

Removed Scene
32:38 / 16:51

The shot of Hordak and Shadow Weaver begins 10 frames earlier.

0.4 sec

Removed Scene
35:40 / 19:55

As before, the last shot before the end credits is longer & there are no end credits in the UK Theatrical Version - for obvious reasons. (no screenshots)

33.72 sec

Removed Scene
35:40 / 00:00

Also as before, the UK Theatrical Version lacks the opening of the third She-Ra episode and the title of the episode. (no screenshots)

78.92 sec resp. 1 min and 18.92 sec