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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III


Release: Nov 02, 2009 - Author: magiccop - Translator: Gladion - external link: IMDB
Comparison between the German VHS (=UK VHS, BBFC PG) and the German DVD version by 20th Century Fox (=UK DVD, BBFC PG), both based on the respective British versions.

This time, the brave ninja turtles are brought to 16th century Japan. Not really a worthy ending for the cult phenomenon, you can see the movie was made at the end of the Turtles-boom.

There were different fighting scenes shot for part one at that time, because the presentation of martial arts weapons (especially Mikes Nunchakus) was prohibited in Great Britain. Part two has only been lightly cut, though. But for part three, some scenes in the beginning have been altered again. Now, although, the restrictions for martial arts weapons aren't as tight any more in Britain, and the nowadays available DVD releases contain the uncut versions.
Video version = 91:45 Min.
DVD version = 91:53 Min.
00:00 The DVD starts a little earlier (black screen).
3 Sec.

03:42 As the Turtles demonstrate their skills, the DVD features Mike doing a flick-flack and subsequently whirls his Nunchakus. The VHS version shows alternative shots of Mike and the other Turtles dancing, as well as a shot of Splinter.
No time difference.


04:00 In the DVD version, Mike hits a punching ball with his Nunchakus. In the VHS version, Splinter is shown.
No time difference.


04:08 The same as before. No time difference.


91:45In the DVD version, there is the MPAA logo with the PG-Rating shown after the credits.
5 Sec.