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Star Trek

1.20 Court Martial


  • TV (Syndicated Version)
  • Original Version
Release: Jul 15, 2021 - Author: Peda - Translator: Mike Lowrey - external link: IMDB - more from this series

The Starship Enterprise - everyone knows it. Affectionately referred to as the "classic series" these days, the old Star Trek series from 1966 is the cornerstone of something a lot of fans would call the greatest space saga ever, which would go on to be followed by several more TV series and feature films. This success could not have been imagined when the series was first broadcast. Produced under the tightest budgets and schedules, the ratings always left room for improvement. Only the massive commitment of the fan base, which was already loyal at the time, made it possible for the series to make it to 3 seasons. Then NBC pulled the plug and Star Trek seemed dead.

In the early 1970's, the series was sold to so-called "syndicated" stations, smaller, local stations that broadcast Star Trek on the best slots and sparked an enthusiasm for the series that would later lead to the production of the feature films. And yet another station bought into the series - ZDF. A bold move for a public broadcaster of the time, but not too bold either: German viewers got to see only 26 selected episodes, and in 1973 another 13 of the total 79 episodes. Unfortunately, ZDF did not acquire the original NBC versions, but the syndicated versions, in which numerous episodes had been cut in favor of commercial time. Therefore, we're discussing those in our archive.

"Court Martial" suffers from a somewhat tedious plot, and the fact that Captain Kirk, as the main character of the series, is difficult to place under suspicion of criminal activity. And this is exactly what the episode fails to do. At least, the many short cuts of the syndicated version don't carry much weight plot-wise.

There are 7 cuts missing about 1 minute and 21 seconds.

As always, right after the opening credits, the insert about the English title of the episode is missing.
9 sec

Part of Cogley's appeal to the court to look more closely at long-established legal principles was cut in the TV version.
Cogley: "The Bible, the Code of Hammurabi, and of Justinian, the Magna Charta, the Constitution of the United States, Fundamental Declarations of the martian colonies, the statutes of Alpha 3. Gentlemen, these documents all speak of rights. Rights of the accused to a trial by his peers, to be represented by counsel, the rights of cross-examination..."
23 sec

Finney holds the phaser to Kirk's back, and proceeds to reproach him.
Finney: "They told you to do it to me. You all conspired against me, you ruined me!"
6 sec

Finney rams his phaser into Kirk's back.
1 sec

Another sentence from Finney was cut.
Finney: "Officers and gentlemen, captains all! Except for Finney and his one mistake."
9 sec

Finney cries around some more, with the bridge crew first shown listening over the intercom. Kirk tries to attack him, but Finney immediately raises his phaser.
Finney: "But they are to blame! All of'em! I was a good officer. I really was. I loved the service more than any man ever dared!"
13 sec

At the end of the episode, the trio is shown for a bit longer, as well as several exterior shots of the Enterprise. Various credits are faded in as this happens.
20 sec