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The People Under the Stairs

Needful Things

So I Married An Axe Murderer


The Pope’s Exorcist

John Wick: Chapter 4


2.25 Varsity Drag


  • US Version
  • German Version
Release: Apr 19, 2015 - Author: Eiskaltes Grab - Translator: DaxRider123 - external link: IMDB - more from this series
Compared are the cut episodes on the US DVD by Lions Gate / FOX and the uncut episodes on the German DVD by Warner Home Video.

The differences:

3 cuts = 2 minutes and 33 seconds
1 alternative scene = 9 seconds

One certainly needs to make no words about the hilarious TV show "ALF". Even those who have not seen it have at least heard of it even though it has been quite some time since something new from the ALF universe was released. Anyway, the show consists of 4 seasons and was aired in the late 80s and early 90s. Furthermore, there are two animated series ("ALF: The Animated Series" & ALF Tales) and a motion picture from the mid 90s.

As for the US Versions, a few minutes of each episode were cut for syndication in order to show more commercials. Unfortunately, these syndication versions were also released on DVD. Understandably, the fans were disappointed that the DVDs do not contain the uncut episodes. Whether or not the uncut episodes will be released one day (perhaps on Blu-ray?) is the million dollar question.
1 min
The intro was shortened. We do not see Alf's point of view when opening a door and walking to into the room.
3 sec

2 min
Another minor part from the intro was cut out when Alf wants to get his hands on the cake in the fridge, but Katherine hinders him.
8 sec

3 min
Lynn: To make my own decisions and my own mistakes!
Alf: You could make mistakes here! Take it from one who knows!
Lynn: I get the point! You don't want me to go away to school!
Alf: Well...Yeah, sort of!
Lynn: Oh, Alf, that's so sweet!
Alf: No mush!
Lynn: Sorry! But you know I'm gonna miss you too!
Alf: You will?
Lynn: Yes! I'll write to you every week, and I'll even send you a sweatshirt!
Alf: Just send me a regular shirt! I'll sweat in it myself!
Lynn: Better idea!
50 sec

4 min
After Willie and Katherine entered Lynn's room, a part of the dialog was cut out.
Alf: Just in time! We were discussing sweat! Which side would you like to expound?
Willie: Could we postpone the sweat debate? There's something that Kate and I wanna discuss with Lynn!
Alf: Fine! I'll hie me to yon refrigerator and forage for meat loaf!
Alf walks past Willie and Katherine and walks through the door.
Alf: Later, dude, dudettes!
Lynn: Is something wrong? You guys look upset!
Katherine: I'm afraid we have some bad news, honey!

In the US Version there instead is some alternative footage and a few more pieces of dialog that were cut out beforehand. They are cut back in now, however, in a different order.
Lynn: Is something wrong? You guys look upset!
Willie: Alf...There's something that Kate and I wanna discuss with Lynn!
Alf: Fine! I'll hie me to yon refrigerator and forage for meat loaf!
Alf walks past Willie and Katherine and walks through the door.
Alf: Later, dude, dudettes!
Lynn schaut
Katherine: I'm afraid we have some bad news, honey!
US Version: 24 sec
German Version: 33 sec

US VersionGerman Version

6 min
Only the US Version shows an exterior shot of the Tanners' house.
3.5 sec

12 min
Willie: (Alf, Kate and I have all the careers we can handle at the moment, thank you!)
Alf: All right! How about putting Brian in a cereal commercial? That Mikey kid must be pushing 40 by now!
Willie: Alf, I appreciate what you're trying to do but you've got to leave this to us! We just have to make some sacrifices!
Alf: Sacrifices? You're not gonna throw me in a volcano, are you?
Willie: Oh, no, no, no, of course not!
35 sec

15 min
After Willie took the paper from Alf's hands, parts of the dialog were cut out.
Alf: Well, you two better get dressed!
Willie: Why?
Alf: If these papers aren't delivered 500 people won't get their news their weather, their Doonesbury! Well, nobody ever gets Doonesbury! It's become self-indulgent, don't you think?
Katherine: Willie... Willie, I hate to say it! Willie, we're gonna have to deliver therse papers! Five hundred people want their newspaper!
Alf: And I wanna win a new bicycle!
Willie: All right! All right, help me load them into the car!
Alf: Listen, on your way home, could you pick me up an Egg McMuffin?
Alf wants to go to the other room.
Katherine: Freeze, paperboy!
Alf (freezes): Me?
Willie: You're coming with us!
Alf: What are you crazy? I can't deliver papers, someone might see me!
Willie: That's their tough luck!
68 sec