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The Unrated Director's Cut on!

John Wick: Chapter 4



The People Under the Stairs

National Lampoon's Vacation

The Last of Us

Mr. & Mrs. Smith


  • Theatrical Version
  • Director´s Cut
Release: Feb 06, 2009 - Author: Doc Idaho - Translator: Victor - external link: IMDB
Among all the Extended and Unrated editions of the past few years, „Mr. & Mrs. Smith“ is one of the most remarkable. On the one hand, it is a real Director’s Cut, that took back the allowances made for the summer audience. On the other hand it was not possible to show previews of the film, so the effect of various scenes could not be tested and fine tuning was not possible.

Most of the differences between the Theatrical Version and the Director’s Cut are due to the unusual ideas of the former independent director, which were not yet developed in the Theatrical Version, but nevertheless recognized and criticized by some critics. Especially Liman's focusing on Jane and John Smith, of which at least one is present in each scene in the DC, irritated many viewers and critics. Scenes with the heads behind the conspiracy were shot, but it had been decided not to use them. Just like a frame story in which Benjamin tells the whole story to a woman in an bar (Estella Warren).

The reduction to a single plot level is something that can go wrong easily, but works quite good thanks to the harmonic acting of Pitt and Jolie.
With this the movie distances itself from „True Lies“, which has a whole truckload of subplots to gain a maximum of likability.

The Director's Cut may be a bit harder to "understand" for the casual audience but with the excellent commentary and the other bonus features of the Unrated DVD it definitely is the more interesting version.

The comparison contains 60 differences, with an additional running time of about 6 minutes in the Director's Cut.
Additional scene
When asked how often they have sex, both are beating about the bush for longer.
30,5 sec

Additional scene
After the Weed Logo they can be seen once more.
1 sec

In the Director's Cut the dancing scene is the first scene of the cutter, that has been trimmed down in the Theatrical Version.

4 additional scenes
1 sec
2,5 sec
14 sec
4 sec

Alternative scene

Theatrical Version 3 sec
Director's Cut 13,5 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

Additional scene
Both leave the house in the morning. Although being clumsy and in each others way, they do show similar behavior.
15,5 sec

Removes scene
The beginning of the following shot is shorter in the Director's Cut.
-1 sec

Removed scene
Mr. Smiths car drives across the street shorter.
-0,5 sec

Removed scene
Benjamin picking up his mission, walking through the headquarter of the agency.
-55 sec

Additional scene
A camera movement through the Smiths kitchen, showing the change from morning to evening by dimming the light.
10,5 sec

Additional scene
Through the window we see John maneuvering his car around in the driveway.
6,5 sec

Removed scene
Longer shot of Jane noticing her husbands arrival.
-1 sec

Additional scene
John still hasn't finished parking.
6 sec

Additional scene
She continues to cook, while he stills tries to find his way into the garage.
6 sec

Removed scene
Due to the next scene, the shot of him walking past her after the short kiss is missing.
- 2 sec

Additional scene
She notices that the butter he brought with him is salted. He has no idea what that means and doesn't really care anyway. Slightly irritated, she promises to try and make the best of it.
31 sec

Removed scene
In exchange to the last scene, numerous shots have been removed; John mixing himself a Martini for example.
- 12 sec

Additional scene
John has a longer look on the new curtains.
2,5 sec

Additional scene
After Jane says that he'll get used to the curtains, she goes on to say: "I like em!"
4 sec

Additional scene
John gets up and grabs the salt in the middle of th table. Then he goes on to salt his meal very generously, while Jane grabs a book without saying a word.
43 sec

Additional scene
John pre-washes the plates and puts them into the dish-washer. Jane takes a plate out of the machine and pre-washes it again before putting it back. John remains calm, drinks some wine and smashes a plate on purpose, but acts like it was an accident. Jane too acts calm all the while.
37 sec

Removed scene
After John observes himself a bit longer in the mirror, a scene of him watching her drive away and getting dressed has been removed.

Director's Cut 0,5 sec
Theatrical Version 8 sec

Alternative scene
Two different shots of John waving with his cash in front of his poker buddies.
The Director's Cut is shorter - 1 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

Removed scene
Jane changes after her assignment and is caught by John.
- 32,5 sec

Additional scene
In exchange, the DC contains a scene of both walking across the street towards their neighbors house. She recognizes that he has been drinking and gives him an angry look.

Director's Cut 13, 5 sec
Theatrical Version 0,5 sec

Additional scene
Both are lying in bed and are on the phone at the same time. She pretends to be talking with her father, while he pretends to be talking with his office in Atlanta. He proposes that she could visit her father while he has to go to Atlanta for a couple of days.
67 sec

Removed scene
Longer shot of John standing in front of his office at the harbor.
- 2,5 sec

Removed scene
John talks with an office employee.
- 8 sec

Alternative scene
In the Theatrical Version Benjamin says "Oh, more desert.". In the Directors Cut, nobody says a word.

Director's Cut 7 sec
Theatrical Version 3 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

Removed scene
John and Eddie are sitting in the Diner a bit longer.
- 2,5 sec

Removed scene
A close up of John, before his wife runs him over.
- 0,5 sec

Additional scene
Eddie enlightens John about thirteen year old girls, the mortal enemy of men. The rest about Jane and her fictitious assignments by the french Riviera, on a yacht or witz an Iranian sheik, are shown in different shots due to contonuity.
18,5 sec

Alternative shot in the Director's Cut

Additional scene
Eddie talks a lot longer about women in general, Jane and the possibility that Jane has planted bugs in his mothers house. He whispers at first but then screams at her to show her that he'S not afraid - just in case there really are bugs.
48 sec

Alternative scene
John knocks on his neighbors door. The Director's Cut shows him bringing a pumpkin with him. The pumpkin should have been in the Theatrical Version as well. But thanks to a little editing mistake it is not.

Director's Cut 10 sec
Theatrical Version 7 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

Alternative order
The setup for the escape from Janes office bas been recut. Due to some additional shots it seems a bit more logical in th DC, which is longer here. 7 sec

Alternative shot
After the escape they are both screaming at each other from one rooftop to the other. In the Theartical Version, we see them both. In the Directors Cut, we only hear Jane and see Johns reaction.
The Theatrical Version is longer. - 1,5 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

Additional scene
In the restaurant, after Johns fake death, he says that he likes her black dress. When she answers that she is in mourning, he smiles and sates that she should wear it more often.
8 sec

Alternative scene
During the fight he attempts to strangle her in the DC. The Theatrical Version only shows normal fighting.

Director's Cut 9 sec
Theatrical Version 1,5 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

Alternative scene
The Directors Cut shows a closeup just before they jump at each others pants. In exchange, the Theatrical Version shows a longer version of the shot the follows immediately after the closeup in the DC.

Director's Cut 0,5 sec
Theatrical Version 1 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

The following three scenes are the only one that would have had to be cut for the PG-13 rating. People already knew that before shooting and the MPAA never saw these scenes. But Liman liked especially the last one so much that it had to be added in the DC.

Additional scene
She lies on the table.
6 sec

Additional scene
He presses her onto a table of sharp objects while standing behind her before they change the position. Nothing explicit is presented to us but that kind of thing is unthinkable if one wants a PG-13 rating.
24 sec

Additional scene
Now for the spooning.
25,5 sec

Removed scene
Eddie lies in bed, learning about a $400.000 bounty on Jane Smith' head. He won't get up for a measly $400.000. When he gets the message of an additional $400.000 for Johns head, he smiles.
-32,5 sec

Additional scene
The killers shoot the windows and jump into the living room.
2,5 sec

Alternative shot
The Director's Cut shows them from behind while they stand in front of their destroyed house. The Theatrical Version shows a much longer front view.

Director's Cut 4 sec
Theatrical Version 9 sec

Additional scene
Both head to the garage, guns blazing.
5 sec

Additional scene
After Jane mentions her 312 killings, John asks if that number does include innocent bystanders.
17,5 sec

Alternative scene
In the Theatrical Version, John has no problems putting the bait into the car. In the Directors Cut he asks Jane to open the door. She ignores him at first but then helps him with an annoyed look on her face. Then he fumbles around while cramming the floundering bait into the car. On top of that he also has serious problems closing the door again.

Director's Cut 47,5 sec
Theatrical Version 12,5 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

Removed scene
A shot of the motel.
- 3 sec

Removed scene
A chopper flies over the area while John and Jane are sneaking towards the furniture store.
- 23,5 sec

Removed scene
The killers are sneaking around at the entrance of the store.
- 6,5 sec

Removed scene
Jane loads her gun while the killers find the broken lock on the front door.
- 21,5 sec

Additional scene
John shoots two men that are loading stuff onto a Quad.
6,5 sec

Alternative scene
The Theatrical Version shows John shooting two people, the Directors Cut shows Jane doing so.

Director's Cut 0,5 sec
Theatrical Version 1 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

Alternative scene
The Theatrical Version shows John shooting someone before he comes to Jane. In the Directors Cut, he jumps onto the Quad, crashes through a wall and shoots several enemies before joining Jane. The Theatrical Version uses a shot that is zoomed in so that the Quad is not visible.

Director's Cut 9,5 sec
Theatrical Version 3 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

Additional scene
Both get onto the Quad. Jane grabs the Gatling Gun and blasts away several people. One of the killers fires at the Quad with a bazooka, misses, and throws the thing away, leading the Quad to crash through another wall.
Just like in the last cut, we are presented to a zoomed in shot of the shooting Smiths in the Theatrical Version. We also see an additional shot of Jane beside the Quad and some of the killers.

Director's Cut 42 sec
Theatrical Version 4 sec

Additional scene
Killers shooting and forcing John to retreat into the small hut.
1 sec

Removed scene
The Theatrical Version shows the killers closing in on the hut.
- 10,5 sec

Removed scene
Janes remark that she wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here with John has been removed.
- 9,5 sec

Die sicherlich gewöhnungsbedürftigste Änderung von Liman dürfte im Finale sein. Liman verstand den Ausbruch der beiden Smiths aus der Hütte und das Erschießen der Gegner um sie herum schon immer als "Tanz" und glaubte nicht, dass dafür eine musikalische Untermaltung nötig sei. Für die Kinofassung entschied man sich aber , aus oben genannten Gründen, dafür die südländisch angehauchte Melodie auch früher schon zu hören war zu nehmen um wieder das Risiko zu vermeiden beim Publikum auf Missmut zu stossen. Liman hatte damit kein Problem, da auch ihm bewußt ist, dass man während der Blockbuster Saison nicht zu künstlerisch und extravaganz agieren darf, wenn man an den Kinokassen erfolg haben will.
Für seinen Director's Cut hat Liman die Musik wieder entfernt und man hört nur die tatsächlichen Geräusche, die während des Gefechts auftreten.
Vor allem wen man sich an die Musik der Kinofassung erinnert, etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig.
Weiterhin konzentriert sich Liman im Finale auch wieder mehr auf die Smiths und entfernte so Szenen, die getroffene Gegner zeigen.

Removed scene
The Theatrical Version shows the couple spinning in circles and shooting a lot more people.
- 7 sec

Alternative scene
She continues to shoot in the Theatrical Version. In the Directors Cut she takes a hit, ducks and shoots the last enemy.

Director's Cut 8,5 sec
Theatrical Version 4 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version

Alternative scene
In the end, as everyone else are dead, they ready themselves in anticipation of more enemies to kill.

Director's Cut 6,5 sec
Theatrical Version 3,5 sec
Director's Cut

Theatrical Version