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Masters of Horror - Dreams in the Witch-House


  • UK Version / US Version
  • German Version
Release: Mar 07, 2018 - Author: Tony Montana - Translator: Tony Montana - external link: IMDB
Compared are the UK Version / US Version (UK DVD by Anchor Bay / US Blu-ray by Anchor Bay) and the longer German Version (Limited Mediabook Edition by Nameless Media).

- 17 differences, including
- 7 additional scenes
- 4 extended scenes
- 5 extended scenes in the UK Version / US Version
- Length difference: 139.9 sec resp. 2 min 19.9 sec

Masters of Horror

Masters of Horror (2005) consists of 2 seasons with 13 episodes each, it premiered on Showtime on 10/28/2005. Each episode is directed by another famous director of the horror genre which also explains the diversity of the episodes. But it is also no surprise at all that, in a rather unusual project like this, some episodes are superior to others. All in all, both seasons are pretty decent.

After the show got cancelled, Mick Garris signed a contract with NBC for 13 episodes - not for a third season of Masters of Horror though but for a new, similar show called Fear Itsself. In summer 2008, the show premiered on NBC but it got cancelled after one season only.

The Comparison

The following comparison was made with both the UK DVD by Anchor Bay and the US Blu-ray by Anchor Bay & the Limited Mediabook Edition by Nameless Media with the longer German Versions.

Except for an additional logo at the very beginning of the UK-DVD, both the UK and US Versions are identically equal. The German Versions on the other hand are longer and they always have been. This begs the question: What is different?

Episode 1x02: Dreams in the Witch-House

The here compared episode contains numerous, rather superfluous little alterations - in both versions. First, there is a slightly longer shot in the UK Version / US Version, then a shot begins insignificantly earlier in the German Version... The term that pretty much nails it would be "irrelevant".

But besides from all that, the German Version once again contains a few additional scenes. But contrary to the previous episode, none of those here are actually worth pointing out - except for two small scenes perhaps: The first additional scene is when Walter realizes the woman he is having sex with is not Francis. In the German Version, he screams. The witch seems to really enjoy it and screams back at him, just for fun. The UK Version / US Version only contains the following shot of Walter screaming one more time for a brief moment. Far from being magnificent but at least it is entertaining. The second scene is some additional footage at the end of the episode when Walter dies. While the rat is making its way through his body, Walter spits some blood in the German Version.

All in all, the UK / US Version are just fine - no doubt about that. Especially since the additional scenes do not exactly increase the quality of the episode - not really. One either likes the episode or not. The additional scenes are "nice to have" though which is probably why the German Version could be considered slightly better.

Time index refers to the German Version.
Alternate logos at the very beginning of the episode (UK Version: IDT Entertainment / German Version: Splendid Film) which explains the additional seconds in the UK Version here (not considered as length difference). In the US Version on the other, there is no logo at all resp. the US Version instantaneously starts with the regular opening credits of the show.

Extended Scene

The shot of Walter getting out of bed starts a little earlier in the German Version.

0.8 sec

Extended Scene

The subsequent shot from Walter's point of view - the camera zooms in on the corner - is also a little different.

0.9 sec

Extended Scene UK Version / US Version

For a change, the subsequent shot of Walter slowly walking into the corner is a little longer in the UK Version / US Version.

UK Version / US Version 2.3 sec longer

Extended Scene UK Version / US Version

Next shot, next alteration: The shot of the camera zooming in on the hole in the wall is briefly longer in the UK Version / US Version.

UK Version / US Version 0.3 sec longer

Additional Scene

After all these basically trivial alterations, the German Version here contains two additional shots: First Walter who is carefully getting closer to the hole in the wall, followed by a further shot from Walter's point of view.

6.3 sec

Extended Scene UK Version / US Version

The following shot of Walter starts slightly earlier in the UK Version / US Version.

UK Version / US Version 0.5 sec longer

Additional Scene

When Francis is gone, the scene with Walter and Baby Danny starts much earlier in the German Version. Because he needs to study, Walter puts Danny in the play yard but he does not like it one bit and starts crying right away. Walter gets him and Danny is quite in a heartbeat.

27.3 sec

Extended Scene UK Version / US Version

The following shot of Walter sitting down with Baby Danny on his arms starts insignificantly earlier in the UK Version / US Version.

UK Version / US Version 0.5 sec longer

Additional Scene

Additional shot of Francis in the German Version. She seems to really enjoy herself.

4.4 sec

Extended Scene

The subsequent shot of Francis taking off Walter's shirt is a little longer in the German Version.

1.5 sec

Extended Scene

Now Francis a bit longer.

1.7 sec

Additional Scene

Additional footage in the German Version when Walter realizes the woman he is having sex with is not Francis: At first, Walter screams. Then an additional shot of the witch.

4.6 sec

Additional Scene

The conversation regarding the witch is longer. In the German Version, the scientific angle is being explained more detailed.

19.7 sec

Additional Scene

Additional shot of Francis, followed by a further one of Walter.

7.3 sec

Extended Scene UK Version / US Version

When the guard tries to calm Walter down, the latter screams a little longer in the UK Version / US Version while the rat is gnawing its way through Walter's body.

UK Version / US Version 0.5 sec longer

Additional Scene

But then again, there are several additional shots in the German Version subsequently afterwards: Only here, Walter spits blood.

4.4 sec


The end credits are different as well: The UK Version / US Version contains white credits, the background is black. The German Version uses footage from the actual episode as background instead. The last few credits of the German Version are white and the background is also black. But: The credits in the UK Version / US Version are rolling while the credits pop up and disappear in the German Version. Contentwise, there are minor alterations as well resp. the German Version lacks the names of a few supporting actors.
The logos subsequent to the last credits are identically equal - this also goes for the "Masters of Horror" URL which pops up last.

Screenshots of the UK Version / US Version are from the US Blu-ray.

65.2 sec resp. 1 min 5.2 sec
UK Version / US VersionGerman Version