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Mad Max 2

original title: Mad Max II


  • Lost 1984 TV version
  • Unrated
Release: Jun 25, 2010 - Author: Jason - Translator: Matar - external link: IMDB
Runtime of the 1984 TV version: 1:35:41 min (1:33:15 w/o credits)
Runtime of the unrated version: 1:31:07 min (1:28:47 min w/o credits)

46 cut scenes = 2 minutes and 8,5 seconds
2 alternative takes = no time differences.
4 sound censorships

Comparison between the American TV version from 1984 and the unrated version, which can be found on the British tape

In the middle of the 80s Mad Max 2 got edited in a special version for the TV. The first channel which aired this version was NBC, later the Australian Network 10 as well. This version is censored in nearly every scene containing violence but offers different camera angles and complete alternative scenes which are unique in this way. These scenes were re-inserted to the movie to enlarge him to its original runtime – whereas some of these scenes would have been good for the original version as well.

This way of censoring was not unusual for the American TV and it generally shows a good solution for TV channels. Instead of simply cutting anything alternative material was used so that the version was pretty viewable. Definately this version is pretty good and beside the cut scenes there is no sound cut. Because of the alternative scenes this version becomes very interessting.
The DVD is basically not officially licsensed (a bootleg) which is only offered on ebay from time to time or can be found at various privat mailorders across the world wide web.

This cut report will only deal with material which can be found (or heard) in any other version. This means:
a) Any considerable cut scenes or alternate pictures are shown .
b) Overall all alternative takes which use Material known from the unrated version.
c) Sound censorships are also mentioned

The runtime is based on the TV version. The rest of the runtime differences result from different run speed PAL-NTSC, the missing logo of the TV version and the rounding up and down of some cut scenes.

The Warner logo is missing in the TV version
13 Sec.

The TV version is called „The Road Warrior“, the unrated has the original title Mad Max 2.
No time difference

Chase/Examination of the truck:

Cut scene
Wez is hit by an arrow in a close-up.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
Wez pulls out the arrow, interrupted by two cuts on Max. After having pulled out the projectile Wez puts back the arrow in his pocket.
26 Sec.

Cut scene
The dead man can be seen while dropping of the truck.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
Again the dead man how he drops on the street.
0,5 Sec.

Max meets the pilot:

Sound censoring
Max comment ‚Crap!’ has been deleted.
No time difference

Assault on the people from the refinery/Max frees the survivors:

Cut scene
Nathan gets hit by Wez’s arrow.
1 Sec.

Cut scene
The Marauders rip of the girl’s clothes includeing cuts to the pilot.
9,5 Sec.

Alternative take / Cut scenes (4)
Von hier laufen die jeweiligen Fassungen grundsätzlich unterschiedlich ab.
TV: Max observes the area with a binocular after Wez got down from his bike. He gives the binocular to the pilot, runs back to his car and uncovers it.
The pilot looks through the binocular and sees, alternatively to the rape, Wez disappear.
Max drives off; the pilot sees, alternatively to the murder of the girl, how Wez and the others move on in another take.
Unrated: Here, Max sees Wez disappearing after he got on his bike. Both takes of Max are missing in the TV version.

The takes of the disappearing Wez were used alternatively. Afterwards Max looks over the gate to the refinery and offers the pilot the binoculars, runs to his car and uncovers it. Now the pilot sees the original take which is missing in the TV version.
Original take: rape of the girl and take of Nathan.

Max drives off, the pilot sees the second original take which is missing in the TV version: the murder of the girl.

The astonished face of the pilot is used alternatively in the TV version, it is still missing how the pilot turns away his head in anger.

All in all the TV version lacks
24,5 Sec.

Cut scene
Max hits the Goon with the bolt clipper, the Goon grimaces.
0,5 Sec.

Alternative take
TV:After Max has swung the bolt clipper the scarred face of the pilot can be seen, he takes down the binocular. The unrated shows this take after the Goon has killed the raped girl.

The Marauder is hit by the bolt clipper and is pushed back, remains on the ground. Max looks up and moves on.

No time difference

Cut scene
Max pulls on Nathan so that the arrows are released from the car. Max cuts of the frontal arrow from the victim’s back with the bolt clipper.
8 Sec.

The mob in front of the refinery’s gates:

Cut scene
The rabbit is hit by Wez.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
Wez’s girlfriend gets hit by the boomerang and drops to the ground.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
The Marauder looses his finger because of the boomerang.
0,5 Sec.

Max’s return/Battle at the refinery:

Cut scene
The Marauder who was hit by the snake shoots 4 arrow’s in his partner’s back.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
The astonished face of the driver is missing.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
Warrior Woman cuts the Goon’s throat.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
The Marader who was hit by the arrows drops down and remains on his belly.
1 Sec.

Cut scene
Wez gives the guy a headbutt.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
Papagallo drops to the ground, the arrow in his leg can be seen.
1 Sec.

Cut scene
One of the Goons runs around while he is burning and continues screaming.
1 Sec.

Assault on Max:

Cut scene
Max’s car goes head over heels.
3 Sec.

Cut scene
Max crouches out of the car, one can also see the dog.
3 Sec.

Cut scene
Max continues crouching, the dog jumps out of the car.
4,5 Sec.

Sound censoring
The yelping of the dog after being hit by the arrow has been deleted.
No time difference

Cut scene
The camera moves closer to Max after he dropped his gun.
1 Sec.

Cut scene
The guy who lost his fingers raises his arms before he explodes.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
The Goon with the bow flies around.
0,5 Sec.


Sound censoring
The „Shit!“ by the pilot has been deleted.
No time difference

Cut scene
The car is burning and still drives around.
2 Sec.

Cut scene
The leg of Papagallo’s speaker is tucked under the pedestal with a hook.
2 Sec.

Cut scene
The Goon is hit by Warrior Woman’s arrow.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
The camera moves to Warrior Woman, one can see the arrows in her chest.
1 Sec.

Cut scene
One can see Warrior Woman in the barbwire of the tank. The mechanic takes a bag filled with water and slices it to extinguish his hands. Warrior Woman can be seen again, she opens her eyes and blood drips out of her mouth.
9 Sec.

Cut scene
The Goon takes off Warrior Woman from the tank, she gets between the last car and the car of the Marauder.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
The mechanic is also taken off the tank and drops under the wheels, the Goon seems to be happy.
1 Sec.

Cut scene
The driver of the car gets hit in the head, the boy is happy.
1 Sec.

Cut scene
One of the biking Goons rams the car and flies through the air. Another is hit by the bike and drops on the street.
8 Sec.

Cut scene
The remaining Goon tries to get back controll of his car.
1,5 Sec.

Cut scene
Short take of the boy after Max got hit by an arrow.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
Wez hits twice into the car with the morning star.
3 Sec.

Cut scene
Humungus’ car rams the tank, the two human shields get beheaded. Take of Max with the claw cloves in his shoulder.
3 Sec.

Sound censoring
Papagallos remark „…for christs’ sake!“ has been deleted.
No time difference

Cut scene
The boy gets hurled around in the car.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
A take of the screaming Wez is missing.
0,5 Sec.

Cut scene
Takes of the screaming boy and Wez are missing.
3 Sec.

Cut scene
The take of Wez is shortened.
1 Sec.

Cut scene
The last close-up of Wez’s face is missing.
0,5 Sec.