Release: May 08, 2011 - Author: Jim - Translator: Matar
- external link: IMDB - more from this series
In this episode there is no time difference. The intro as well as the credits are not taken into consideration.
On September 10th in 2005 the smash hit anime "Naruto" started airing in the "Toonami" program of Cartoon Network. However, for a lower rating some edits were necessary. Yet, the level of editing is really moderate (especially compared to the german which contains almost not a single drop of blood and is also otherwise HEAVILY censored). Usually it's just that some blood has been removed or reduced, the fights itself are usually completely intact. Besides that the US version had some scenes redrawn. Usually faces of characters or other minor "mistakes" were corrected, to look more like the manga. Of course the US version had it's own opener and ending, which was resented by many fans because it wasn't really a song, sounding as good as the original songs used for opening and ending credits. Besides that all the original names were kept, but some are spelled or pronounced not correctly. Yet, the US version is very good - for a censored version. For comparisons goes: Left: japanese version Right: US version Concerning this episode: Although this episode has as many edits as the precedent episode, the censoring cuts are less. The main part of the edits are new drawn or adjusted scenes. These changes are marginal. Actually only few people would notifiy Gatou’s jacket flupping in the wind. Again these changes are little and its need is not really useful but they improve the anime’s quality. In this episode the intro as well as the credits have not been taken into consideration, therefore there is no time difference. 0:01:38
Blood has been retouched. No time difference
0:02:25 Naruto has been drawn new. No time difference
0:02:35 The blood on Kakahi’s headband has been reduced. No time difference
0:03:04 After Gatou kicked dead Haku he pushes his waling stick into his face. The US version shows him putting some more pressure into his doings and Hakus face turns aside. No time difference
0:03:13 The background has been edited. At the point where Zabuza’s band hangs around a blood spot was inserted. No time difference
0:3:36 Blood has been retouched. No time difference
0:03:52 Blood has been retouched. No time difference
0:04:20 When Naruto points on Haku his hand has been adjusted. Now it shivers. No time difference
0:04:31 Blood has been retouched. No time difference
0:04:40 Blood has been retouched. No time difference
0:04:56 Blood has been retouched. (Some parts are covered by the Cartoon Network logo) No time difference
0:05:44 The perspective has been edited and blood on Zabuza’s arm was reduced. No time difference
0:06:16 While the Japanese version shows a band hanging down of Zabuza’s throat, the US version shows this band fully drawn around his neck. No time difference
0:06:26 Again. No time difference
0:06:56 Blood has been retouched. No time difference
0:07:35 The animation has been extended. The Japanese version offers a close-up of Kunai before Zabuza swipes the soldier’s blade. The time difference has been therefore adjusted. In a close-up the Kunai’s blood has been retouched. No time difference
0:07:52 When Gatou thinks to have seen a devil, the aura is colored grey in the Japanese version. The US versions shows it red. In general the aura is brighter in the US version. Last but not least Zabuza’s eyes are shown as white dots in the Japanese version and missing in the US version. No time difference
0:08:04 Gatou’s blood has been retouched. No time difference
0:07:18 Gatou cramps in pain while he remains calm in the Japanese version. No time difference
0:08:34 The speed has been reduced when Zabuza gets close to Gatou. No time difference
0:09:03 Blood has been retouched. No time difference
0:09:13 Gatou has been drawn new. No time difference
0:09:42 Kunai’s blood has been deleted. No time difference
0:10:45 The needles, which can be seen from the ego-position, have been deleted. No time difference
0:11:16 The two needles in Sasuke’s bracers have been deleted. No time difference
0:11:29 Sasuke has been drawn new. No time difference
0:11:39 The image has been zoomed. No time difference
0:12:04 Naruto has been adjusted in his position. No time difference
0:12:17 The flashback starts with a closer view on Sasuke’s face and zooms out in the US version. No time difference
0:12:20 Zoom on Tazuna. No time difference
0:14:57 The blood on the weapons has been deleted. When Kakashi carries Zabuza to Haku the US version shows him screaming earlier. No time difference
0:15:22 Naruto has been drawn new. The next scene shows Kakashi’s hair in an adjusted way. No time difference
0:19:18 Naruto has been slightly adjusted. He is shaking in the US version and remains still in the Japanese version. No time difference
0:19:24 Naruto has been slightly edited. He is shaking continuously in the Japanese version. No time difference
0:20:12 The Japanese version shows Tsunami giggling with closed mouth. The US versions shows it moving. No time difference
0:20:15 The background of the bridge has been drawn new. The US versions runs a bit slower and better fits to the walking characters. The close-ups have been edited as well. No time difference
0:21:10 The long shot on the bridge has been drawn new. No time difference