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Godfather: A Novel for Television, The (1/4)


original title: Godfather: A Novel for Television, The


  • TV Version
  • Theatrical Version
Release: May 21, 2011 - Author: Karl Gustav - Translator: DaxRider123 - external link: IMDB - more from this series

The shooting of the first Godfather movie were really nerve-stretching for Coppola, thus he originally decided not to direct the sequel. However, after the first movie was a huge box office success and praised by both the audience and the movie critics, Coppola didn't have to fear to be fired by the studio. Therefore, he was also able to set conditions if he was to direct and co-write the second Godfather movie.

One of these conditions said that he would be allowed to take all the scenes from both the first and the second movie to re-arrange them chronologically for a TV mini series. In addition to this structure the TV version also offers a few additional scenes or shows alternative footage (which - of course - also replaced too violent or sexual content).

5 years after the 2nd Godfather movie the TV mini series was aired on an US TV channel. To this day there does not exist a DVD version of this mini series.

The 4 reports will follow the TV version's structure, thus all the cuts will be listed in the correct chronological order. The first part mainly shows scenes from the second movie's theatrical version - only at the end of the first part you will finally see a few scenes from the first Godfather. The time designations will always be listed for both the TV and the theatrical version. The different types of cuts will always be listed as follows:

Exclusive Scenes in the TV Version

Exclusively Shown in the Theatrical Version

Alternative Scenes

The Godfather - A Novel for Television: Part 1

The title sequence is different for both versions. Of course, this doesn't count for the overall difference in time.

TV: 1:36 | G2: 1:08

The TV version starts with a few short sequences that actually follow later in the movie.


TV: 3:33 | G2: 1:08

Vito's father's funeral procession is shown a little earlier in the Theatrical version (which at this point also shows a text).


TV: 5:08 | G2: 3:16

Don Ciccio's men knock at the Andolini's front door and want to take Vito with them since (just as his father) is said to be a troublemaker. His mother holds Vito back and tells them that she will turn him in herself.


TV: 10:27 | G2: 7:55

In the arrivals hall in New York they observe Vito's eyes. He's marked with an X and then sent to a different area to wait for teh results. In this room you see other immigrants who are also waiting.


TV: 11:56 | G2: 10:04

After Vito was brought to his room on the quarantine-station, the TV version fades out when he's standing at the window to look at the Statue of Liberty. In the theatrical version he additionally sits down on the chair and you can hear Vito humming the Godfather-theme with his child-like voice. Then the movie fades to Vito's grandson Anthony who's having his First Communion.


At this point, the Theatrical version jumps to the year 1958 (which will follow later in this 4-part-report).
The part of the movie that takes place in 1917 was re-arranged.

In the TV version you see Vito bringing some groceries to a customer. In the theatrical version, this scene follows much later and is (apart from the transition effects) identical. The theatrical version instead shows Vito getting his son out of bed and holding him in his arms. In the TV version you see that a little later - the scene is slightly different (transition towards the middle) and slightly shorter. Additionally, only the theatrical version shows a text that tells us the year (1917) the scene takes place as well as Vito's name.

TV: 12:34 | G2: 42:17

When Vito enters the theater, the order of the scene was altered and from time to time you also see alternative footage. In the theatrical version you at first see the dancers on stage. Then follows a shot of Vito being welcomed by Genco. After that, the dancers leave the stage. The TV version at first shows Vito and his friend and then the dancers leaving the stage.

TV version: 17s
Theatrical version: 33.5s

(Images originate from the Theatrical version!)

TV: 16:10 | G2: 46:07

Backstage Fanucci is shown a little earlier when he tries to collect protection money from the owner of the theater. Unfortunately, the latter can't pay since he still has to pay his actors and the orchestra. Fanucci tells him that he doesn't care. They're both from Italy, music is supposed to be in their blood. Fanucci shortly sings (pretty bad) and dances around a little. The owner of the theater is intimidated.


TV: 17:11 | G2: 46:38

When Fanucci takes the money out of the coffers, both versions show an alternate take. Additionally, the TV version is slightly longer. In the theatrical version he just gets the money while in the TV version he also lets the daughter go and then moves away. Her father takes his anger out on her by hitting her because she allegedly wanted to creep off to meet up with a man. Vito and Genco not only let Fanucci blackmail them for protection money but also let the theater owner causelessly hit his daughter.

TV version: 18.5s
Theatrical version: 5s

(Images originate from the TV version!)

TV: 18:31 | G2: 47:15

Again, Vito delivers some groceries. Meanwhile, he watches Fanucci being robbed by a few guys... in the end, they slit his throat. Wheezily he passes Vito who doesn't really seem to care. In the end we see Vito back inside the grocery store. Genco tells him that Fenucci was robbed but survived the attack. The guys who robbed Fanucci are no killers, they only wanted to scare him. Vito claims that he doesn't know anything about this incident. However, he says that if one attacks someone with a knife, one could likewise just kill the person. Genco says that the people don't really dare to do such things to Fenucci. We learn that Vito doesn't have any respect for Fanucci and would kill him if he was told to do so.


Subsequently the TV version shows Vito at home giving a pear to his wife. Then they have dinner. In the theatrical version this scene follows a little later. At this point the theatrical version instead shows a different dinner scene (where Vito is told to hide the weapons) which follows later in the TV version. Apart from that, both scenes have an identical runtime.

Subsequent to that the TV version shows Vito's son Fredo who has pneumonia and is treated by a doctor. In the theatrical version this scene follows much later during a flashback. Additionally, both seconds offer 3 resp. 6 seconds of alternative footage. In the theatrical version Vito is shown longer while in the TV version the shot of the baby is longer. Overall, the theatrical version is slightly longer.

TV: 21:48 | G2: 105:59

In the theatrical version the scene of Fredo's treatment is a little longer towards the end.


TV: 24:02 | G2: 51:29

After Vito lost his job and left the grocery store he walks along a road. Suddenly, his former boss runs after him, tells him that he's sorry, and carries a crate of food that he wants to give Vito and his family. Vito declines it with thanks. For both versions they used different takes of this pretty long shot - the content (of course) is identical. The TV version is a little longer since you see Vito walking away a little longer towards the end of the scene.

TV version: 43s
Theatrical version: 30s

TV: 24:44 | G2: 52:31

For reasons of continuity the TV version then shows a shot of Vito's house (or - to be more precise - a shot of the window and the wall), followed by a shot of him and his wife at the dinner table. After a few moments she asks Vito if everything's fine (this also happens in the theatrical version).


TV: 26:18 | G2: 52:52

The theatrical version shows Clemenza and Vito inside a cafe before Clemenza mentions the carpet for Vito's wife. The TV version instead shows a longer pause before Clemenza says that one can also enjoy life sometimes instead of working hard all day (which was Vito's fathers way of life).

TV version: 31s
Theatrical version: 5.5s

(Images originate from the TV version!)

TV: 30:22 | G2: 56:30

Clemenza lays the carpet in Vito's apartment and then holds the baby in her arms.


After Clemenza and Vito got to know each other, the theatrical version jumps back to Michael's regency (which will be mentioned later in this 4 part report).

TV: 30:42 | G2: 106:06

The TV version then shows Clemenza and Vito making common cause with each other. At first they (accompanied by Clemenza's colleague Tessio) visit a former Italian gunsmith who then takes a look at the guns that were already mentioned earlier. Then you see 3 gangsters emptying out a warehouse - they take all the clothes with them. Clemenza walks in several houses of the neighborhood to sell the clothes to the housewives. One of them is interested in 2 pieces of clothing but then says that her husband would kill her if he found out that she was spending some of his money (even if she was only spending 5 dollars). However, Clemenza realizes that the woman would be ready to pay in a different way. He tells her that she could have both of the pieces of clothing but would only have to pay for one of them - she lets him enter. In the following scene, Vito is shown a little longer with the rest of the clothing. He drives to a bulk buyer. Then we see Fanucci following him in order to be able to protect his territory (this scene is also included in the theatrical version).

3:44 min

TV: 36:07 | G2: 107:47

After Fanucci got off the pickup truck, you in the theatrical version see Vito a little longer [1.5s]. In return, the scene itself is longer in the TV version. Fanucci talks to Vito (whom he still treats like a rookie). He tells him to listen to Clemenza because he knows about Fanucci's powers and what he owes him. Vito plays along and submissively apologizes. Fanucci even offers Vito one of his 3 daughters because of Vito's alleged "respect" - he doesn't even notice Vito's ruse. Unfortunately, Vito is already married. Fanucci takes a few more clothes and reminds Vito of Clemenza's, Tessio's, and Vito's debts (200$ each). Then you see the 3 gangsters inside Vito's apartment. Tassio wonders if Fanucci might also be satisfied with 100$. Clemenza rejcets this idea since Fanucci knows how much money they made by selling the clothes to the wholesaler.

TV Version: 85.5s

(Images originate from the TV version!)

TV: 39:22 | G2: 109:38

Vito explains his plan (how to convince Fanucci to accept less money) a little longer. Clemenza and Tessio are supposed to talk to Fanucci tomorrow to promise him to pay the 200$. The next day Vito then will then bargain the pice with Fanucci.


TV: 39:54 | G2: 110:36

The crowd is shown a little longer.


TV: 42:11 | G2: 112:55

Fanucci and Vito are sitting in the café a little longer.


TV: 47:28 | G2: 118:16

After Vito shot him in the chest, Fanucci rips his jacket open a little longer.


TV: 47:29 | G2: 118:19

Then Vito shoots Fanucci in the face. Blood comes out of the wound. After Fanucci went down, you see that Vito's improvised silencer is burning.


TV: 47:36 | G2: 118:36

Vito bends down to Fanucci who still twitches a little. He closes his mouth.


TV: 49:54 | G2: 121:04

Vito and his family are sitting on teh stairs a little longer - he's holding Michael in his arms. The theatrical version at this point fades to the intermission.


At this point you (in the theatrical version) see Michael in the future.

TV: 49:57 | G2: 127:12

Due to the transition (from a future scene of Michael paying his mother a visit back to the past where Vito is standing at the fruit stand) Vito is shown a little longer. In return, the TV version shows the black screen a little longer.

TV Version: 2.5s
Theatrical Version: 4.5s

TV: 50:33 | G2: 127:49

After Vito bought some oranges the street is shown a little longer.


TV: 50:33 | G2: 127:55

When Signora Colombo asks Vito for help (her landlord wants to throw her out) you in the TV version see Vito introducing her to his wife. Whenn Ms. Colombo starts to explain her problems, the TV version at the beginning uses different takes.

TV Version: 35.5s
Theatrical Version: 11.5s

(Images originate from the TV version!)

TV: 53:57 | G2: 130:55

For the TV version they deleted a swear word spoken by the landlord (Roberto) after Vito told him that the dog is allowed to stay.


TV: 54:08 | G2: 131:07



TV: 54:08 | G2: 131:09

Vito talks to Roberto a little longer. He's supposed to think about his decision to throw the old woman out a little longer. With a calm voice he tells the landlord htat he definitively wants to avoid an argument.


TV: 55:23 | G2: 131:36

Inside the store Roberto asks for Vito.


TV: 58:14 | G2: 134:07

Clemenza introduces Vito to a boy who (allegedly) knows a lot about cars and overall just seems to make a good impression. However, his name is for the birds. After a few moments they agree on calling him Hyman Rothstein from now on. He now is an official member of the organization.


The theatrical version now shows Michael when he has to make a statement in front of the committee.

TV: 61:33 | G2: 158:34

Before Vito avenges himself on Don Ciccio in Sicily (who killed his father, brother and mother many years ago) he kills 2 of the Don's henchmen. The first one (who is lying in his bed) gets his throat cut [you get the impression that if they had included this scene in the theatrical version it would probably have been more violent] and the second one (on the sea) gets beat up with a paddle. Subsequently he takes his family to the olives plantation. The theatrical version instead shows an alternative fade to the dinner in the olive-cellar [2s]


2:04 min

TV: 67:11 | G2: 162:10

When Don Ciccio is killed, the theatrical verison is a little more explicit: you see blood running out of his belly wound.

TV Version: 3.5s
Theatrical Version: 5.5s

TV Version

Theatrical Version

TV: 67:38 | G2: 162:39

Later (when Michael flees) you again see the Don's corpse. It is shown from 2 angles and only in the theatrical version you can see his belly wound.

TV Version: 2.5s
Theatrical Version: 2.5s

TV Version

Theatrical Version

After more than 68 minutes, Vito's early years (played by Robert De Niro) are over. The theatrical version now shows the end of the second "Godfather" movie where you see Michael. The TV version instead continues chronologically correct by showing the first "Godfather's" opening sequence where you see the old Vito Corleone welcoming guests on his daughter's wedding.

TV: 74:33 | G1: 6:45

After Bonasera left and Vito shortly talked to Hagen, Sonny is standing in front of the window - he doesn't listen. Therefore, Vito calls for his son and asks him if he got everything.


TV: 84:55 | G1: 16:59

In the garden Johnny Fontane signs autographs a little longer.


TV: 85:15 | G1: 17:27

A shot of Hagen and Vito just before they go to the garden.


TV: 85:30 | G1: 17:46

A short shot of the celebration.


TV: 87:46 | G1: 20:33

Just before the TV version ends you see Michael again.


TV: 87:50 | G1: 20:33

The first part of the TV version ends with a montage of future events (e.g. scenes of the celebration as well as Vito dancing with his daughter Connie).
