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Iron Angels 2

original title: Tian shi xing dong II zhi huo feng jiao long


  • HK Version
  • International Version
Release: Aug 16, 2013 - Author: Muck47 - Translator: Tony Montana - external link: IMDB
Compared are the HK-VHS by Ocean Shores and the International Version / German DVD by Laser Paradise

HK-VHS: 2 cuts with a total length of 140.6 sec (= 2:21 min)
(+ 4 cuts in the International Version with a total length of 577.8 sec (= 9:38 min), different logos not considered)

As trashy and ridiculous the movies may be - the Iron Angels series is still the creme of the crop for fans of HK-Action from the 80s. While the first one is only available as slightly cut HK-DVD or the Czech DVD, based on the same master and equally cut, and while the availability of the decent release of the third one has improved a few years ago, thanks to the Czech DVD and its German clone released in February 2012, the second one is still the problem child of the series. Although an uncensored hasn't been released yet, one can get pretty close to it with the different international releases. Apart from the releases in Germany and the UK, which are easy to get, the HK-VHS and the Czech DVD offer further characteristics (besides cuts for the particular versions) and that's what the following comparison is all about.

All in all, the following versions excist:

1. German VHS/DVD (International Version):

Length: 82:58 min (PAL)

There are 3 missing plot scenes and a further cut of a relatively harmless action scene. The cuts are acceptable and the quality of the Widescreen DVD is okay as well (given the circumstances). But a difference of more than 10 minutes is still something.


Length: 92:14 min (PAL)

This version is apparently based on the uncut and uncensored original Asian version. But due to BBFC regulations, 4 scenes with a length of 17 seconds needed to be censored (click here to get to the comparison). Even though on paper, this is still the longest version availabe, it's not really recommendable. Cutting action scenes is always the worst thing in the genre.

Please note: There's a second edition available on VHS, released by the same label. The cuts are equal but contrary to the first edition, the tape is based on the shorter International Version which makes it thw worst possible release.

3. Hongkong VHS/LD:

Length: 90:35 min (PAL)

Based on the original Asian version, this release contains two longer cuts. The first one when Marco gets busted (a short fight but nothing worth being censored) and the second one regards the attempted rape of Elaine. This adds up to almost 2.5 minutes. Measured by its number of cuts, this version lacks the least footage which makes it recommendable, it's not actually recommendable of course. Another reason is the aspect ratio: it has been zoomed in to Fullscreen - there is a bit more information here and there but a lot of information gets lost because of that.

4. Czech DVD:

Length: 83:28 min (NTSC) = 80:03 min (PAL)

As already mentioned, the Czech were some kind of pioneers for the first uncut releases of part 1 + 3 worldwide. And thanks to the new Mei Ah masters directly from Hong Kong, the quality is astonishing.
As to part 2, the Czech remain on the top of the food chain (so to speak) but this time with a few cut backs. The aspect ratio of 2.35:1 makes the movie look better than it ever has before. BUT another versions comes into play here. Similar to the International Version, the basic cuts only regard the plot - sometimes the scenes are different though. The scene with Elaine in captivity is missing here as well, just like it does on the HK-VHS/LD. With a total difference of more than 12 minutes, this release contains the shortest version which makes it anything but recommendable - despite its superior quality.

Bottom line: it would possible to edit an uncut version with the German DVD and the UK-VHS/LD. Judging by the quality, the Czech DVD would be the best option for most parts of the movie. On the one hand, the HK-VHS/LD is interesting because of its aspect ratio (open matte but still zoomed in). But then again, despite the fact that there are only two cuts (very long scenes with relevant information though), this version isn't really an option either because of all its mentioned flaws.

Now a few facts about the actual comparison basically about the 2 cuts in the HK Version. Furthermore, there's a 2-second-jump-cut (besides trivial frame differences) and the missing scenes in the International Version (German DVD) are being mentioned as well. The effort to make a detailed description with screenshots hasn't been made though.

Time index refers to
HK-VHS / German DVD (International Version)

Logos / Opening Credits

The HK-VHS has two additional logos at the beginning. The subsequent footage remains unchanged but the HK-VHS contains Asian credits while the credits in the International Version are in English.

HK Version 35.7 sec longer

HK VersionInternational Version

16:42-25:05 / 16:06-16:16

First huge cut in the International Version: dinner at Peter's and then more singing at the bar.
After the first shots of the singer were in, the shot of Peter, Billy and Marco - actually part of the earlier montage - has been re-insert. After that, the versions are back in sync.

+ 493.2 sec

41:54 / 33:05-33:55

In the HK Version, the scene ends after the plane crash. Actually, Marco runs off into the woods. The thugs follow him and it ends with a short fight. Marcu surrenders when many guns are pointed at him.

50.5 sec

42:48-43:27 / 34:50

Cut in the International Version: more entertainment, more dancing, more singing at the table.

+ 38.9 sec

44:27-44:57 / 35:50

Ditto: Marco gets juiced.

+ 30 sec

46:32-46:50 / 37:25

Ditto: Peter watches Hitler on TV.

+ 17.9 sec

48:32 / 39:07-39:09

There has to be at least one of them: longer jump cut in the HK Version. In the International Version, the beach shot is longer at the city shot starts earlier. Nothing essential.

2.1 sec

62:44 / 53:21-54:51

An entire scene with Elaine being hold captive. A General comes in and says with a defiant look her feeling of superiority would be gone pretty soon. He winks at two soldiers which is the order to approach her and tear off her top. Elaine screams. Before it gets worse, Peter shows up from behind. He kills one of the soldiers and lessons the General for his actions. Apparently, he has the authority to do so which is why the General also obeys his order to return to the post. Then, Elaine and Peter are looking at each other.

90.1 sec

Logos / End Credits

Only the HK Version contains credits during the final montage of action scenes. On the other hand, only the International contains an Astro logo when the credits have finished.

International Version 14.4 sec longer

HK VHSInternational Version