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Hunger Games, The


  • BBFC 12
  • German DVD
Release: Sep 11, 2012 - Author: Blade41 - Translator: Mr Miau - external link: IMDB
The novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins was a worldwide success and it seemed only a question of time, whether a Hollywood studio would buy the rights to make a movie out of it. In this case, Lionsgate was the lucky buyer and the movie was then released on March 23rd 2012.

Despite the book being aimed at a rather young audience, it does contain a few scenes of violence, which were worrying the producers even before the filming had started. Keeping the scenes true to the book would have meant receiving the R-Rating, but of course this was supposed to be a movie for the PG-13 viewer. Therefore, the scenes were softened and The Hunger Games was rated PG-13 for intense violent thematic material and disturbing images - all involving teens. The cinema audience thanked the studio by making it a huge hit at the box office: It grossed $685 million worldwide, $400 million alone in the US.

The British branch of Lionsgate had similar problems, they were aiming for the BBFC12A rating. In order to get the rating, it was decided that the movie was to be censored. Accordingly, a rough cut was given to the BBFC so they could say which alterations they wanted made in return for the lower rating. These included cuts and the digital removal of some blood. However, the first cut version that was created to meet these limitations was still rejected and The Hunger Games did not get the BBFC12A rating before a few more cuts were added.

The DVD that was released in September 2012 in the UK was also cut and rated BBFC12, but we cannot be sure at this point whether does are the same cuts. It sometimes happens that the cuts in the cinema and DVD versions are not identical (e.g. the BBFC12 version of Remember Me). The Hunger Games can be bought uncut on the UK Blu-Ray release, which is rated BBFC15.

Comparison between the cut BBFC12 version by Lionsgate and the uncut version taken from the German FSK 12 DVD by Studiocanal.

There is a total of 14 alterations, the running time difference sums up to 3,2 seconds.
Visual Alteration
24:21 min
The blood on the brick was removed.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

Visual Alteration
1:05:55 min
The same goes for the blood on the knife.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

Visual Alteration
1:05:56 min
The knife is again clean in the BBFC12 version.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

Visual Alteration
1:05:58 min
There blood is splattering out of the boy's wound in the uncut version only.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

Visual Alteration
1:05:58 min
And again some removed blood.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

Visual Alteration
1:06:13 min
There is no blood in the cut version when the blonde stabs her victim.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

Visual Alteration
1:06:18 min
The machete hits the boy's leg, either with or without blood splattering.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

Visual Alteration
1:07:02 min
The blood on the wall was removed.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

Visual Alteration
1:07:02 min
The blood on the suitcase was removed, too.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

Visual Alteration
1:07:38 min
The corpse's clothes are free from bloodstains in the BBFC12 version.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

Visual Alteration
1:07:40 min
The shot of the corpse was softened down as well.
No difference in running time

German DVDBBFC 12

1:18:11 min
The more harmless shot of Katniss cleaning her wound with water was lengthened and the less harmless one shortened (a bit more).
German DVD: +0,1 sec.

German DVDBBFC 12

1:18:24 min
Katniss presses her hand on the burn. The British version only shows her arm. (~ 0,5 sec.).
3,5 sec.

German DVDBBFC 12

Alternative Footage
1:51:06 min
The uncut version shows Katniss being threatened with the small knife longer. The censored version shows Clove's face instead.
German DVD: +0,1 sec.

German DVDBBFC 12