Comparison between the uncut R-Rated Version by Virgin Vision and the uncut and not rated DVD by e-m-s (Unrated).
There are a total of 7 differences adding up to 7 seconds.: 3 cuts = 6 seconds. 1 alternative scene = 1 second. 3 alternative scenes without running time difference 31 min
The second shot of Sally cutting her own belly open is a bit different in the two versions. No difference in running time
31 min The Unrated shows two shots of Sally's intestines hanging out of her belly with a cut to George in between. The R-Rated shows a shot of Sally's pain-distorted face. No difference in running time
50 min The two versions show marginal differences when Johnny is being sawed apart in the pig body. No difference in running time
90 min Joe cuts his hand off with the blow torch in an additional shot. 1 sec
90 min After a cut to George Joe can be seen severing his hand completely. 2 sec
90 min The bloody arm stub and the severed and still spasming hand can be seen, the R-Rated only shows the hand. R-Rated: +1 sec Unrated: 2 sec
92 min The last shot of Joe's head being squashed by the forklift was removed in the R-Rated version. 3 sec