Release: Apr 20, 2011 - Author: Muck47 - Translator: Tony Montana
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Compared are the TV Version and the extended DVD Version (both available on the DVD Box "Volume 7").
9 new / extended scenes, three of them with alternate footage + 1 audio modification Difference: 12.6 sec Family Guy is a huge success on FOX. But some modifications need to be made to get permission to air it on FOX because some gags are too rude for TV. Other gags have only been removed to reach the appropiate length for an episode on TV, which means not all the differences were made due to censorship. Nevertheless there are still enough hilarious, outrages gags in it so that fans are gonna have lots of fun with watching the TV Version on FOX. (I'm speaking from experience.) BTW It airs every sunday evening on FOX. That's really nice because you can also watch the new American Dad episode and new episode of The Cleveland Show. So you've got a terrific triple feature. And when you're watching FOX anyway, you can also watch the latest Simpsons episode. I can really imagine worse evening than watching the latest episodes of the series by Seth MacFarlane plus some new adventures of Homer & Co. The US Box-Set "Volume 7" includes all shortened TV versions as bonus material on the DVDs. Unfortunately they took small pains with the box packaging. Whereas all the discs of the previous seasons were stored in several slim cases packed in a stable case, the "Volume 7" discs come up in a single Amaray Case. The listing of the episodes without the summaries can be found on the back of the cover. The ensemble is encased by an O-Ring. Though it's a minor matter, it's a bummer. Apart from that the release is again equipped with lots of bonus features and contains audio commentaries for all episodes. In comparison to the TV Version of that release, the DVD Version of episode 7x07 "Ocean's Three And A Half" doesn't contain many differences. A short scene at the beginning and two audio modifications. BUT as you might have recognized while reading the words before: another TV Version also exists. The TV Version of the box set isn't equal to the premiere of the episode on FOX. The version on FOX is destinctly different as the TV or DVD Version released on Vol. 7. The FOX premiere contains way more minor cuts, some of them made for censorship. But what makes the premiere version really interesting for fans is another scene which is also missing in the DVD Version. The quite long outburst from Christian Bale on the set of Terminator: Salvation (the audio recording popped up on the internet just before the episode aired on FOX) including the reactions of the audience have been removed from the episode. Unfortunately Seth MacFarlane wasn't involved in the audio commentary to that particular episode and none of the other crew members mentions anything about the differences. Anyway, the scene was in the premiere on 02.15.2009 on FOX. As you can also read here, the scene was missing when the rerun was broadcasted in May 2009. According to this source, the scene didn't go on air on BBC in May 2009 either. Due to a lack of an official statement, one can only assume why the scene is missing in the DVD Version. It is suspected that a lawsuit was filed and the scene was removed because of that. Whatever, here the premier of the US TV Version on FOX is being compared. The few differences mentioned above go hand in hand with the removed Bale scene, which runs approx. 2 min. That means the DVD Version lacks more than 2 min to fit with the time schedule. Many cuts were made because of rude gags and it's quite astonishing that all that stuff was in the rerun. Time index refers to the TV Version. Compared are the TV Version and the extended DVD Version (both available on the DVD Box "Volume 7"). 1 new / extended scene with alternate footage + 2 audio modifications, one of them with alternate footage Difference: 12.6 sec Family Guy is a huge success on FOX. But some modifications need to be made to get permission to air it on FOX because some gags are too rude for TV. Other gags have only been removed to reach the appropiate length for an episode on TV, which means not all the differences were made due to censorship. Nevertheless there are still enough hilarious, outrages gags in it so that fans are gonna have lots of fun with watching the TV Version on FOX. (I'm speaking from experience.) BTW It airs every sunday evening on FOX. That's really nice because you can also watch the new American Dad episode and new episode of The Cleveland Show. So you've got a terrific triple feature. And when you're watching FOX anyway, you can also watch the latest Simpsons episode. I can really imagine worse evening than watching the latest episodes of the series by Seth MacFarlane plus some new adventures of Homer & Co. The US Box-Set "Volume 7" includes all shortened TV versions as bonus material on the DVDs. Unfortunately they took small pains with the box packaging. Whereas all the discs of the previous seasons were stored in several slim cases packed in a stable case, the "Volume 7" discs come up in a single Amaray Case. The listing of the episodes without the summaries can be found on the back of the cover. The ensemble is encased by an O-Ring. Though it's a minor matter, it's a bummer. Apart from that the release is again equipped with lots of bonus features and contains audio commentaries for all episodes. In comparison to the TV Version of that release, the DVD Version of episode 7x07 "Ocean's Three And A Half" doesn't contain many differences. A short scene at the beginning and two audio modifications. BUT as you might have recognized while reading the words before: another TV Version also exists. The TV Version of the box set isn't equal to the premiere of the episode on FOX. The version on FOX is destinctly different as the TV or DVD Version released on Vol. 7. The FOX premiere contains way more minor cuts, some of them made for censorship. But what makes the premiere version really interesting for fans is another scene which is also missing in the DVD Version. The quite long outburst from Christian Bale on the set of Terminator: Salvation (the audio recording popped up on the internet just before the episode aired on FOX) including the reactions of the audience have been removed from the episode. Unfortunately Seth MacFarlane wasn't involved in the audio commentary to that particular episode and none of the other crew members mentions anything about the differences. Anyway, the scene was in the premiere on 02.15.2009 on FOX. As you can also read here, the scene was missing when the rerun was broadcasted in May 2009. According to this source, the scene didn't go on air on BBC in May 2009 either. Due to a lack of an official statement, one can only assume why the scene is missing in the DVD Version. It is suspected that a lawsuit was filed and the scene was removed because of that. Whatever, here the TV Version from the box release is being compared. This version is equal to the reruns on TV. The premiere on FOX is being compared in a seperate comparison. Time index refers to the TV Version. Oh, big surprise. The actual scene can be watched on youtube and Bale's swearing is even uncensored. Klick Alternate footage
00:33-00:37 Right the first of the boys at the car is different. The shot is closer to them in the DVD Version, Cleveland's comment remains unchanged.
In the DVD Version, Peter has to say sth. more, followed by a cutaway gag. When the camera tracks backwards and Joe comes closer, the version are in synch again. Peter: "I tell you, I know something about paint. I once met Jackson Pollock." Then the cutaway gag. Peter watches Pollock at work and asks: "How do you know when you're done with the painting?" Pollock: "How do you know when you're done making love?" Peter: "Oh, when you wash your penis in the sink and go to bed."
DVD Version 12.8 sec longer 00:51 Extended shot of Quagmire laughing about his statement about condoms before he lifts up his arm. 1.6 sec
02:09 In the TV premiere, Joe came out of the house immediately after the distance shot of the boys. The version lacks the shot of Peter & Co. intending to change to plan B (getting loaded at the bar). A short argue with Mort as replacement for Joe follows. Peter: "All right, that didn't work, so it's time for plan B. Guys, let's go down to The Clam and drink beer and watch sports." Quagmire: "Definitely." Cleveland: "All right." Peter: "You in, Joe?" The camera tracks back to Mort in a wheelchair: "Yes, awesome! That would be splendid." Peter replies disappointedly: "Yeah, this isn't working out. All right, sorry. We'll pay you for the whole day but you can go home." Mort gets up and leaves pretty angrily: "Damn right, you're paying for the full day!" 17.3 sec
03:27 While only the critical sentence was modified in the rerun, the premiere lacked the entire scene. There's an additional conversation between Meg and Peter after Stewie arrives. Meg: "Aw, Susie's so cute! I can't wait to have a baby someday." Peter: "Oh, Meg, we've talked about this! In order to make a baby, a man has to be aroused enough to ejaculate." Meg: "Sorry, Dad, I forgot." Peter: "That's all right, sweetie. Now you run along and play in the mud." Meg leaves. 17.6 sec
Alternate footage 04:49 The scene at the bar starts earlier. The boys are watching a show on TV. Sprecher: "We now return to Are You Smarter Than A Hispanic Maid?." A quiz show, the host addresses one of the candidates and reads out loud what is on his card: "Okay, Larry, now, how does a Hispanic maid adress her employer if his name is John Sullivan? Is it A, John? Or B, Mr Sullivan?" Larry: "Uh, I'm gonna go with Mr. Sullivan." Sound of a buzzer, the host says: "Oh, that was a trick question. Consuela, what would you say?" She responds with her accent well-known from other episodes: "Ah, Mr. John." Host: "That's correct. Now, bonus question. Is Mr. John home?" Housewife: "Eh, no, Mr. John no home."
The following animation is 3 sec longer on TV.
DVD Version 28.4 sec longer Audio modification 06:47-06:49 Stewie insults Brian without beep: "Go fuck yourself!" no difference screen for orientation
Alternate footage 11:27-13:29 Now the scene with ther before-mentioned outburst of Bale. All swear words were beeped in the TV Version on FOX of course. In relation to Carter Pewterschmidt, Peter adds in the premiere version: "I tell you, he's treated me worse than that jerk Cristian Bale did." Then the usual cutaway gag. Shot of tape recorder playing the tape for alomost 2 min. The cursively written comments are Peter's reactions, which were added to the infamous audio recording. (Christian Bale:) "I want you off the fucking set, you prick!" (Peter:) "Sorry." "No, don't just be sorry! Think for one fucking second!" "I dropped a peanut M&M and it rolled over here." "Am I going to walk around and rip your fucking lights down, in the middle of a scene?" "Those are the Christmas lights, I put them up to make everyone happy." "Then why the fuck are you walking right through? Ah, ta-da-ta-da, like this in the background. What the fuck is it with you?" "Well, you are gonna owe a fortune for the swear jar..." "You got any fucking idea about, hey, it's fucking distracting having somebody walking up behind Bryce in the middle of the fucking scene? Give me your fucking answer!" "I don't get it." "What don't you get about it?" "I don't get why we need another 'Terminator'. I just... I don't get it. Oh, and by the way, sorry, I ate that last piece of pie that you were saving for yourself." "Oooohh! Good for you! And how was it?" "It was good." "I hope it was fucking good because it's useless now, isn't it?" "Well, it's nourishing me, so it's useful." "Fuck-sake man, you're amateur." "I don't know that word." "Stay off the fucking set, man. Right, let's go again." "Can we just take a minute?" "Let's not take a fucking minute, let's go again!" "I gotta go pee and I wanna walk around some more but I wanna do it while the scene is going." "You're unbelieveable, man." "I just don't understand..." "Ehhh... You don't fucking understand what it's like working with actors. That's what that is." "I... I don't think that's what that..." "That's what that is, man, I'm telling you." "Hey, my family is coming to town, do you mind pretending that I'm the director?" "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS IF YOU DON'T SHUT FOR A SECOND! ALRIGHT?" "Please don't hurt me, Mr. Bale..." "I'm going to go…Do you want me to fucking go trash your lights? DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING TRASH YOUR...?" Peter wimmert. "You do it one more fucking time and I ain't walking on this set if you're still hired." "Sorry, it's my first day..." "I'm fucking serious. You're a nice guy. You're a nice guy..." "I don't feel like a nice guy..." "...but that don't fucking cut it when you're bullshitting and fucking around like this on set." "Geez, you punch your mother with that mouth?" "Seriously man, you and me, we're fucking done professionally." "Just professionally? Are you asking me out on a date?" "Fucking ass!"
The DVD Version contains an alternate scene with Quagmire at the basement, followed by another cutaway gag. Quagmire: "$40 million? That's $10 million each! I could afford to produce a movie with B+ stars in a not so expensive location." Shot of the mentioned movie with Jeff Bridges and Laura Linney. Jeff says: "We've got 24 hours before those terrorists set off that new type of bomb that makes an invincible explosion." Laura: "What are we gonna do?" Jeff: "Let's get back to headquarters!" Laura: "Should we take the helicopter?" Jeff stutters: "No, let's... Let's walk, it's a nice day."
TV Version 97.6 sec longer 17:08 Brian comments Stewie's music video, followed by a cutaway gag. Brian: "Stewie, that is the worst thing I have ever seen, ever. And I've seen Peter when he's frozen in sex-face." Then a shot of Peter making a face at the diner table. Lois: "Peter, would you like more potatoes?" Peter can't say a single word, he just makes an uncredibly weird noise. 12.7 sec
18:44 Before Lois arrives, an ad on TV is audible. Narrator: "This programming brought to you in part by Kobe brand condoms. The protection you want for the sex she doesn't." 6 sec
20:10 After Peter's "Look at this place!", he says sth. else: "There's more dough in here than a Swedish bakery." Then a shot of the swedish baker. He notices with his strange accent: "Look at all my dough, I'm covered in dough!" His son arrives and he speaks as odd as his father does: "Father, you're covered in dough." The father: "Aw, you spoiled the surprise. I'm making you a cake out of dough." (Due to that odd accent, the word "cake" sounds like "cock".) 13.8 sec
The final credits pop up during the kitchen talk (Stewie admits his love to Brian Adams and Lois talks about a divorce lawyer). In the DVD Version, the final credits pop up on the usual black background after the scene in the kitchen, which explains the remaining difference in running time. |