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Furious 7

original title: Fast & Furious 7


  • Theatrical Version
  • Extended Cut
Release: Aug 13, 2015 - Author: Mike Lowrey - Translator: Mike Lowrey - external link: IMDB
The Fast & Furious franchise has always been a vehicle for macho behavior and muscle flexing. Thinking comes later, braking is for losers. Even for the makers it must have been surprising that since the 5th film, the franchise took off into successful spheres beyond all expectations. For that, almost all grounding in reality and laws of physics have been thrown overboard and this recipe has peaked in the overkill that is Furious 7. It doesn't make much sense anymore but the fun is there because everyone involved is aware of that fact. Therefore, it's no surprise that the 2-hour event movie rests lazily on the character development that was established in the previous films and just lets its gigantic action sequences do the talking, leaving the audience with a dumb smile and stressed out ears. Paul Walkers untimely demise in real life adds a good portion of emotionality to the picture that a story element couldn't have created. $1.5 billion (!) is the worldwide box office outcome for the loud hullabaloo. Part 8 is already in the works.

Just as the previous two films, Furious 7 does also come with an Extended Cut on Blu-ray. After part 5 had the previous PG-13 censorship reversed in the most visible manner, the 6th film had less of that. The 7th entry repeats that. The biggest change was the pacing of the prologue. Apart from that, the fight between Letty and Kara as well as the shootout in the warehouse had some additional violence but still there's blood nowhere to be found. Still, most of the fights border on the edge of the PG-13 rating in the theatrical version nonetheless. With action actors such as The Rock, Vin Diesel, Tony Jaa and Jason Statham there would surely be more room to exploit but perhaps not in combination with a mass-appealing rating.

Comparison between the Theatrical Version (PG-13) and the Extended Cut (Unrated) (both included on the US Blu-ray by Universal Pictures).

22 differences, consisting of
21 extended scenes
4 scenes with alternate material

The Extended Cut runs 149.88 sec. or approx. 2 minutes 30 seconds longer than the Theatrical Version.
Extended Scene
0:00:00: Right in the beginning, the most notable difference happens. When Deckard talks to his comatose brother Owen, he is more elaborate regarding their shared past as kids. Deckard says that he was the one who got punished by their father’s belt when Owen stole something. He hoped that being a gangster made Owen harder, smarter and better. Deep down he always knew that Owen would end up like this despite everything he taught him. But he’s still his flesh and blood and thus a cross to bear. He then grabs Owen’s hand while still holding Dom’s cross and lays a machine gun on his brother’s chest before he leaves the hospital room just like he does in the theatrical version.

When Deckard goes through the heavily destroyed hospital, we can see that the theatrical version is fast-forwarding his way through the building. Did they want to save runtime? The EX seems to have more patience as it follows Deckard in real time. It certainly seems a bit more impressive that way.
The EX runs 88.96 sec. longer

Alternate Material
0:13:53: Here, a little logical mistake in the theatrical version has been corrected. Deckard did not explain to Hobbs why he’s in his office but his line implies that he did at some point. His reply in the EX makes thus more sense.

Theatrical: "Like I said. I'm here for the team that crippled my brother."
Extended: "I don't care for your computer. I'm here for the team that crippled my brother."
The EX runs 0.12 sec. longer

Extended Scene
0:28:57: During the chase scene between Deckard and Dom, there are 4 short extensions like an interior shot of Dom’s car and longer shots of how the cars drive. Nothing here has narrative substance but might also be a case of time saving in the theatrical version.
Overall +17.4 sec.

Alternate Material
0:31:48: As Deckard and Dom talk, other takes were used but there’s no difference contentwise.
The EX runs 0.6 sec. longer

Extended Scene
1:16:58: Letty punches Kara once more.
0.92 sec.

Extended Scene
1:17:21: Letty smashes Kara’s head against the wall once more. Subtle wounds can be seen on Kara’s face afterwards.
0.64 sec.

Extended Scene
1:17:26: Kara hits Letty with her fist twice. Letty can be seen during the second punch. Certainly looks painful.
1.16 sec.

Extended Scene
1:17:31: And Letty hits Kara two more times, as well.
1.4 sec.

Extended Scene
1:17:34: Kara strangles Letty for a few more frames.
0.32 sec.

Extended Scene
1:17:35: Kara aims her elbow at Letty’s head for a second time.
0.32 sec.

Extended Scene
1:17:48: A hit against her head is countered by Letty with a full body attack.
2.92 sec.

Alternate Material
1:28:30: Spectacular. The EX has a shot of the exploding door, the theatrical cut has two. Shortly thereafter, there’s another small difference in the same way accompanied by another shot of Dom with the rifle.
The EX runs 2.36 sec. longer

Extended Scene
1:28:37: A soldier is shot. (The theatrical version has a shot of Jakande that comes later in the EX).
0.68 sec.

Extended Scene
1:28:39: The flow of the shootout is different and extended. We see Dom and Bryan with more weapon usage and Jakande’s troops swarming out more. No MPAA censorship apparent here.
15.04 sec.

Extended Scene
1:29:23: Mr. Nobody shoots a third mercenary.
0.92 sec.

Extended Scene
1:29:26: Another merc gets killed.
0.68 sec.

Extended Scene
1:29:28: And another one.
0.68 sec.

Extended Scene
1:29:35: Mr. Nobody juggles with his pistols. Kiet lets a soldier fall down.
2.64 sec.

Alternate Material
1:29:52: As Mr. Nobody blinks with his eye, the theatrical version shows how Kiet shoots at him from above. In contrast, the EX continues the shot of Mr. Nobody before he gets hit. As Dom and Bryan then open fire on Kiet, the EX has another shot of Bryan and Kiet. Trivial, really.
The EX runs 1.2 sec. longer

Extended Scene
1:30:10: Bryan gets back up in the theatrical version while the EX shows him engaging in another firefight with the mercenaries.
6.92 sec.

Extended Scene
1:30:20: Bryan continues shooting at the mercs.
1.96 sec.

Extended Scene
1:30:27: Bryan shoots at them while fleeing. Redundant.
2.04 sec.